Aliens and Life on other planets


Active Member
Nov 28, 2022
Being familiar with general natural science..
I don't see any reason why any of the popular claims by alien enthusiasts could possibly hold true.

#1. Their genetics would not be coded in DNA, assuming of course that these are living beings.

#2. Aliens are not animals.

#3. Their evolution is not driven by the need for the ability to survive on their planet and in their ecosystem and under the conditions that their planet has provided for at least the past 250,000 years.

#4. Animal life on other planets can be sustained by toxins that are unfit for life and have thus not generated life anywhere in the vast expanse of space.

#5. Animal life can be created or be sustained in a singular element world, such as an oceanic planet where there is no land, a gas planet where there is no solid nor liquid environment..

Or a carbon planet where you would find more of things like butane, methane, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, than humans have ever consumed nor could ever in the next million years.

#6. Aliens have unlimited intelligence, are more intelligent than earthling people or even have the intelligence of a rat on earth.

#8. Animal life on other planets can withstand planetary conditions that are anti life and that which would kill...
Which is a very easy thing for space to do to living beings.

#9. Alien animal life is invincible and impervious to attack or to disease
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Being familiar with general natural science..
I don't see any reason why any of the popular claims by alien enthusiasts could possibly hold true.

#1. Their genetics would not be coded in DNA, assuming of course that these are living beings.

#2. Aliens are not animals.

#3. Their evolution is not driven by the need for the ability to survive on their planet and in their ecosystem and under the conditions that their planet has provided for at least the past 250,000 years.

#4. Animal life on other planets can be sustained by toxins that are unfit for life and have thus not generated life anywhere in the vast expanse of space.

#5. Animal life can be created or be sustained in a singular element world, such as an oceanic planet where there is no land, a gas planet where there is no solid nor liquid environment..

Or a carbon planet where you would find more of things like butane, methane, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, than humans have ever consumed nor could ever in the next million years.

#6. Aliens have unlimited intelligence, are more intelligent than earthling people or even have the intelligence of a rat on earth.

#8. Animal life on other planets can withstand planetary conditions that are anti life and that which would kill...
Which is a very easy thing for space to do to living beings.

#9. Alien animal life is invincible and impervious to attack or to disease
Why look for aliens on other planets? We have bus loads of aliens in our America @ current!
Being familiar with general natural science..
I don't see any reason why any of the popular claims by alien enthusiasts could possibly hold true.

What makes you think even for a second that you are familiar with "popular claims by alien enthusiasts " ?

Your OP is tripe and onions -- simply setting up human species considerations that have zero necessity to even impinge on the subject .

A long and rubbishy example of what is known as using Confirmation Bias . And to feed Cognitive Rigidity .
Till we get an example of extra terrestrial life, all is conjecture...
We ?
Do you really imagine you will get personal proof and be allowed to open your "proof box " for the world to see for more than ten minutes. before you are permanently shut up .
Ridiculous .

There is plenty of hard proof , imho , and sensibly you can say that with 95%+ confidence we have been and are currently visited .

It is the most closely guarded secret ever as probably JFK and Nixon , to name but two , found out .

Disclosure will never ever happen until it is decreed that it is finally allowed to happen .
At the most mundane level you need to know that disclosure would not drive 75%, say , of the Sheeple hysterical and mad with violence and civil mayhem resulting in a flash .

As ever , our masters will never disclose until all money making and power possibilities have been decided . And not for the "we" people
We are alone in the universe, clearly.
SETI has spent hundreds of millions of dollars searching for these fantastic intelligent creatures that Isaac Asimov fans and atheists
dream about. Nothing.

Their lame excuse is "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" as if this were clever or convincing. It is neither.
That Lame Line doesn't work with atheism. There is zero evidence of God's absence but that never stops atheists from
making outrageous claims.

Scientifically, Darwinian evolution is a contemptible failure, doomed by the insuperable statistics of naturalistic polypeptide

I came down from bed to look up one Bible verse, I Corinthians 13:18: "Love never fails" and post it somewhere appropriate.
The corollary is : Hatred, anger and bitterness always fail. The hatred, anger, and bitterness of atheists toward
Nature's God have failed throughout history.

"Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." - Proverbs 16:18
Nobody is as prideful as atheists.
We are alone in the universe, clearly.
SETI has spent hundreds of millions of dollars searching for these fantastic intelligent creatures that Isaac Asimov fans and atheists
dream about. Nothing.
A terrible start .
Dogmatic and making no allowance for entities communicating by vibration or being telepaths .

As for SETI . Are you so naive to believe that they would announce finding "them" to the Sheeple ? Utterly absurd .

Many smart people believe that SETI has never been used for its claimed aim . Just another way of keeping the UFO community confused and misdirected .

Back to sqauare one for you
A terrible start .
Dogmatic and making no allowance for entities communicating by vibration or being telepaths .

"Communicating by vibration." - Where is this magic string you will touch to sense the
magic "vibrations"? Tell everyone.

If *they* are *telepaths*, we clearly are not. We cannot possibly communicate with your magic *telepaths*
because you don't speak their *telepathic language.*

Let me give you a simple answer perhaps you can understand.
Humans could not read Egyptian Hieroglyphics until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing the same text in four different languages, including of course Hieroglyphics and Greek. HELLO!
And the language was that of earthlings!

Talk about a "terrible start," you didn't even get to the starting line. But we continue, Luiza.
As for SETI . Are you so naive to believe that they would announce finding "them" to the Sheeple ? Utterly absurd .

Look in the mirror when you speak of "Sheeple." SETI solicits donations to keep their idiotic slush fund going. IF they got anything material, they would scream it to the world to encourage billions of donations.
As it is, they breathlessly announced they detected a very interesting series of radio transmissions some years ago. Turned out to be nothing, but they certainly told you *Sheeple*.

You're stumbling very badly.
Many smart people believe that SETI has never been used for its claimed aim . Just another way of keeping the UFO community confused and misdirected .

Back to sqauare (sic) one for you

You would know *what* about *smart people*? You misspelled "square" and failed to notice it because you were so caught up in assailing me with your petty, smartass nonsense.

What is the smartest post you have made here on the USMB? I have yet to see anything of the sort from you.

Posters like you belong on my Ignore List. I don't like wasting time reading crap.

ciao brutto
It is absurd and naïve as a two year old to hold a belief that there is no life anywhere other than earth. That is crazy naïve.
For one, we found signs of organic matter on Mars, and more importantly, Amino acids in meteorites that came from Mars. And that is our neighbor!
Of course there is life throughout the entirety of space, and quite likely sentient life.
A logical guess tells us there are approximately 22 Sextillion planets in the universe. An impossible to comprehend number that you can't begin to imagine.
It is absurd and naïve as a two year old to hold a belief that there is no life anywhere other than earth. That is crazy naïve.
For one, we found signs of organic matter on Mars, and more importantly, Amino acids in meteorites that came from Mars. And that is our neighbor!
Of course there is life throughout the entirety of space, and quite likely sentient life.
A logical guess tells us there are approximately 22 Sextillion planets in the universe. An impossible to comprehend number that you can't begin to imagine.
I'm not saying that there isn't...
I'm saying that if there is, it must obey basic life natural science, it's not some imaginary cartoon being at the whim of scifi or action movies or video games or novels...
And if they're are life forms out there, they require things that sustain life.

Food, oxygen, water, air..
An ecosystem to sustain their lifestyle, adaptations and their life cycle...
They have body forms which help them live in a world's ecosystem..

They look more like our animals than like cartoon aliens because they would need to.
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I'm not saying that there isn't...
I'm saying that if there is, it must obey basic life natural science, it's not some imaginary cartoon being at the whim of scifi or action movies or video games or novels...
And if they're are life forms out there, they require things that sustain life.

Food, oxygen, water, air..
An ecosystem to sustain their lifestyle, adaptations and their life cycle...
They have body forms which help them live in a world's ecosystem..

They look more like our animals than like cartoon aliens.
Before we knew it was possible, not that long ago every scientist everywhere thought that no life can survive without liquid water. We know it can. We believed no life could live in acid. We now know life can thrive in acid. We found TONS of living organisms in solid ice that is in permafrost. Frozen solid for millennia.
We have no idea what life can look like for certain.
There is also no guarantee that their planet is in the same type of an epoch or era that ours is in...
We're in the Holocene epoch of the quaternary period of the Cenozoic era.

No guarantee that they are...
They might be equivalent to our mesozoic or Paleozoic in the evolution of their planet, plant life and animal life.
There is also no guarantee that their planet is in the same type of an epoch or era that ours is in...
We're in the Holocene epoch of the quaternary period...

No guarantee that they are...
They might be equivalent to our mesozoic or Paleozoic in the evolution of their planet, plant life and animal life.
Again... 22 Sextillion is an incomprehensibly large number impossible to even imagine.
Truth is, odds are there are probably millions of planets in the green zone as ours in all evolutionary periods as Earth. Excellent chance that life developed before Earth, lived evolved and became extinct millennia before Earth even showed up. Our sun is a relatively young star. Billions of other stars were born and died before out star even developed.
Being familiar with general natural science..
I don't see any reason why any of the popular claims by alien enthusiasts could possibly hold true.

#1. Their genetics would not be coded in DNA, assuming of course that these are living beings.

#2. Aliens are not animals.

#3. Their evolution is not driven by the need for the ability to survive on their planet and in their ecosystem and under the conditions that their planet has provided for at least the past 250,000 years.

#4. Animal life on other planets can be sustained by toxins that are unfit for life and have thus not generated life anywhere in the vast expanse of space.

#5. Animal life can be created or be sustained in a singular element world, such as an oceanic planet where there is no land, a gas planet where there is no solid nor liquid environment..

Or a carbon planet where you would find more of things like butane, methane, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, than humans have ever consumed nor could ever in the next million years.

#6. Aliens have unlimited intelligence, are more intelligent than earthling people or even have the intelligence of a rat on earth.

#8. Animal life on other planets can withstand planetary conditions that are anti life and that which would kill...
Which is a very easy thing for space to do to living beings.

#9. Alien animal life is invincible and impervious to attack or to disease
I'm watching a How the Universe Works about this subject. Kepler 452B has twice the gravity and it's atmosphere will be thicker. Could humans get used to that?
It may be more like Venus than earth.

Trappist 1E is another one but not good enough.

Maybe earth 2.0 will be a exo moon?
"Communicating by vibration." - Where is this magic string you will touch to sense the
magic "vibrations"? Tell everyone.

If *they* are *telepaths*, we clearly are not. We cannot possibly communicate with your magic *telepaths*
because you don't speak their *telepathic language.*

Let me give you a simple answer perhaps you can understand.
Humans could not read Egyptian Hieroglyphics until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing the same text in four different languages, including of course Hieroglyphics and Greek. HELLO!
And the language was that of earthlings!

blah blah
Took me two months to return to this thread which hints at how much value I attach to stereotypical , ten a penny , replies like yours .
Your thinking is fixed in Earth based considerations and premisses and is therefore stuck in cognitive rigidity .
Invariably there is a fine line between Gullibility and dynamic Critical Thinking .
Trying to usefully stay on the "right "side of this line should be always a key goal but you must choose whether to continue as a plodder or aim to acquire some of the extra values of a Nicola Tesla , for example .
EMail I sent to SETI in 2017

[email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>

Save the Date: June 10-11, 2017
Galvanize, San Francisco!

Prepare for the colonization of Mars?

Oh please, you people are so full of yourselves.

Sure, fly and drive to San Francisco, burning up tons of those nasty fossil fuels, all for the sake of SETI's decades long fake science project.

Tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars spent so far, and for what? We're alone. But if we are not, the median distance from us to E.T. is a few million light years. But if E.T. exists, which he does not, and is much, much closer than that, say he is only 1,000 light years away. No, make it 200 light years. That means it will take 400 light years to send him a message and get his response, should he be able to read our message.

Now since we could not even read what other humans wrote here on earth until the Rosetta Stone was unearthed, what could possibly lead anyone to believe that we could read anything E.T. could write, or he us? But if we could converse, what leads anyone to think that E.T. knows anything useful to us? But if he does, why would we possibly heed it when we're so stupid that we can't get along with our fellow humans?

You think we're going to colonize Mars! Pretty funny. Millions of tons of materials and oxygen, transported there, to build structures, with bulldozers, fueled by diesel, which consumes lots of oxygen.. Oh brother. What utter nonsense. We couldn't even build a simple self-contained survival house in the Arizona desert, for four people.
Being familiar with general natural science..
I don't see any reason why any of the popular claims by alien enthusiasts could possibly hold true.

#1. Their genetics would not be coded in DNA, assuming of course that these are living beings.

#2. Aliens are not animals.

#3. Their evolution is not driven by the need for the ability to survive on their planet and in their ecosystem and under the conditions that their planet has provided for at least the past 250,000 years.

#4. Animal life on other planets can be sustained by toxins that are unfit for life and have thus not generated life anywhere in the vast expanse of space.

#5. Animal life can be created or be sustained in a singular element world, such as an oceanic planet where there is no land, a gas planet where there is no solid nor liquid environment..

Or a carbon planet where you would find more of things like butane, methane, benzene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, than humans have ever consumed nor could ever in the next million years.

#6. Aliens have unlimited intelligence, are more intelligent than earthling people or even have the intelligence of a rat on earth.

#8. Animal life on other planets can withstand planetary conditions that are anti life and that which would kill...
Which is a very easy thing for space to do to living beings.

#9. Alien animal life is invincible and impervious to attack or to disease

Thats natural science on THIS planet.

How many other planets have you been to and studied under a microscope?

Hmmm, interesting.
EMail I sent to SETI in 2017

[email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>

Save the Date: June 10-11, 2017
Galvanize, San Francisco!

Prepare for the colonization of Mars?

Oh please, you people are so full of yourselves.

Sure, fly and drive to San Francisco, burning up tons of those nasty fossil fuels, all for the sake of SETI's decades long fake science project.

Tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars spent so far, and for what? We're alone. But if we are not, the median distance from us to E.T. is a few million light years. But if E.T. exists, which he does not, and is much, much closer than that, say he is only 1,000 light years away. No, make it 200 light years. That means it will take 400 light years to send him a message and get his response, should he be able to read our message.

Now since we could not even read what other humans wrote here on earth until the Rosetta Stone was unearthed, what could possibly lead anyone to believe that we could read anything E.T. could write, or he us? But if we could converse, what leads anyone to think that E.T. knows anything useful to us? But if he does, why would we possibly heed it when we're so stupid that we can't get along with our fellow humans?

You think we're going to colonize Mars! Pretty funny. Millions of tons of materials and oxygen, transported there, to build structures, with bulldozers, fueled by diesel, which consumes lots of oxygen.. Oh brother. What utter nonsense. We couldn't even build a simple self-contained survival house in the Arizona desert, for four people.

In 1993 you would have said the smart phone was impossible

1994 — First smartphone hits the market

Have you heard of AI? All we have to do is build AI to go to Mars and the meteor belt and do all the work for us. All the materials needed are on Mars and the meteor belt.

Why stay on this rock? It's the best. I love it. But it won't last forever. So why not have man out there in space? I think it's something we should do. Even though I'll be dead and gone. Same reason you want to have kids so they live on after you die. I'm worried about the human race. Staying put here means certain inevitable doom. That's what you want? Certain doom? Fuck that.

I can't wait till we drill in to Europa and send submarines in to find Tardigrades rule Europa.

Also, I bet you are against stem cell research. We need to mix our DNA with the Tardigrades if we are going to send people out into space. They can't be built like you and me. Unacceptable. You are so primitive. Practically a caveman. Just wait and see.

We also need ships in the solar system that can shoot down or divert meteors from hitting earth. That could be our end. Probably will happen. We can stop it. But not with your attitude.

Mars I understand has lower gravity so easier to lift off from mars and also closer to the asteroid belt

Considering we don't have any aliens or life from other galaxies to examine no one can say for sure. It's all just theories is all it is.

All we know about foriegn life is strictly based on what we know about life on earth because that's all we know so our scope of knowledge is very limited.
Scientists checked out the solar system as thoroughly as proctologist on Uranus and there is no intelligent life. Some would include Earth on that list.

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