
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.
And Arabs Pennie and Arabs.......steve

What arabs as they were illiterate wandering caravan thieves. They had no roots
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.

Where do you get your information from
Find out yourself you lazy prick
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.

Where do you get your information from
Find out yourself you lazy prick

Pnoney is the most Ignorant Lazy Prick
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If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.
And Arabs Pennie and Arabs.......steve

What arabs as they were illiterate wandering caravan thieves. They had no roots
You are showing you complete IGNORANCE as usual...........Todays Jews are a bitsas(a bit of this and a bit of that) race,a mongrel the rest of us.......many races make up the Jewish peoples of today.......... are as STUPID AS YOU SEEM.........Arabs you fool originated Universities,the expert use of water,Arithmetic and so on,whilst your ancestors were living in Mud Huts.........even today the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates to study a University....SO MUCH FOR ILLITERATE,WANDERING(THAT IN FACT WAS THE JEWS) and THIEVES=MORE BULLSHIT...........I have met stupid people in my life but you are one of the most IGNORANT.
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.
In the final analysis, it is pointless to argue the matter of Jewish rights to the land on which modern-day Isreal is built.

Todays' Jews are a genetic mixture of both ancient Hebrew tribal blood and tribal origins in several other regions in Western Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as Africa.

Broadly speaking, each of those groups represents an admixture with original Hebrew tribal blood lines - enough to make them stakeholders at the table.

The DNA connection is certainly worth mentioning, and many of today's Jews have a blood-line connection to the ancient Hebrews.

But, more significantly, it is the Spirit of Judaism, that has returned to its land of origin - genetics be damned.

That Spirit - represented by both true blood-line connections to the ancient Hebrews and by those whose ancestors converted to Judaism hundreds or thousands of years ago - is what has dreamed of The Return for millennia and it is that Spirit that has held them together as communities of belief and culture for countless generations since the Diaspora.

Both the West and the East - both Christianity and Islam - have persecuted and oppressed and suppressed Judaism for many centuries - relegating them to the margins and pushing them out of mainstream life and forcing them into enclaves and forcing them to evolve a culture of separate-ness that is more a survival tactic than anything else.

We have made them the inward-turning People that they are today, over many centuries of bad treatment that we've dished out to them.

And then comes the latest outrage - the West - as represented by Nazi Germany - slaughtering them on an industrial scale to near-extinction within their old transplanted European homes - and, not surprisingly, the survivors finally realized that they had nothing left to lose, and re-discovered their courage, and decided to fight back, in order to survive.

So, when the Great Powers gave them an opening in the old lands of their Hebrew tribal predecessors and genetic and spiritual ancestors, they took advantage of it.

Both the West and the East had a hand in making the Jews what they became - determined settlers and courageous fighters and a resurrected and re-awakened People of the Book - and they now control those old lands - and are likely to, throughout the foreseeable future.

I am told and have heard and have read, that the Jews have employed a maxim for many centuries, in which some of their songs and prayers and dogma and cultural observances have voiced words to the effect of: "Next year in Jerusalem" - meaning, of course, that the Jews have intended to return to that land, since the Romans took it from them.

That series of latter-day Roman wars against the Jews - in the first couple of centuries of the Common Era - was the better part of 2,000 years ago.

Any People who can hold themselves together for 2,000 years, with such maxims as "Next year in Jerusalem" has to be given props for endurance and faithfulness; even if they eventually evolved into a broad and richly diverse and very loosely defined overarching and nominal community of faith and culture and aspirations and livelihood.

When that broad and richly diverse community of The Faithful was nearly extinguished in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, something snapped in them.

They apparently figured that 2,000 years of persecution and oppression and slaughter was enough.

And they chose Old Palestine (formerly, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, and Samaria) to make their stand.

They're not going anywhere... they're there to stay... and God help the fools who try to dislodge them, this time.

They've served-up a new maxim, now that they're back: "Never again".

Never again, will they allow the world - East or West - to persecute them or to slaughter them - and, I, for one, believe them - I think they mean what they say.

In the long run, you simply cannot defeat such a determined people, who have held themselves together for nearly 2,000 years, who have been dreaming of that Return for that same 2,000 years, who suffered the loss of 6,000,000 men, women and children within Living Memory, and who came back from the brink of extinction, to buy-back and take-back their old ancestral and spiritual homeland, against vast and frightful odds, winning time and again, until, now, they control the region - a state of affairs that the world at-large would have found fantastical and impossible to conceive, back in the 1940s.

And because they cannot be defeated or dislodged, and because they insist upon a country of their own, the residuals and leftovers from the collection of previous inhabitants have two basic choices: Join or Leave.

Fighting is not an option - it's been tried - over and over and over and over again - with the same result, each time.

Any Muslim-Arab in the region with an ounce of brains and two coins to rub together should be getting his people out of there. Rotting in refugee camps and refugee towns for 66-67 years is not the mark of all-round intelligence or adaptability or ambition or self-respect - and they need to change that - by packing up, leaving, and starting new lives, elsewhere, amongst their co-religionists, so that their families, too, can have the possibility of a safe and prosperous future, in a place where they're wanted.

And, if that means that the The World - the UN, etc. - has to step-up and assist with that en masse relocation of so-called 'Palestinians', well, so be it.

It's over.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Time to move on.
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If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.

Where do you get your information from

The voices in her head.
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.
And Arabs Pennie and Arabs.......steve

What arabs as they were illiterate wandering caravan thieves. They had no roots
You are showing you complete IGNORANCE as usual...........Todays Jews are a bitsas(a bit of this and a bit of that) race,a mongrel the rest of us.......many races make up the Jewish peoples of today.......... are as STUPID AS YOU SEEM.........Arabs you fool originated Universities,the expert use of water,Arithmetic and so on,whilst your ancestors were living in Mud Huts.........even today the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates to study a University....SO MUCH FOR ILLITERATE,WANDERING(THAT IN FACT WAS THE JEWS) and THIEVES=MORE BULLSHIT...........I have met stupid people in my life but you are one of the most IGNORANT.

Arabs didn't do jack shit but invade other people's and lands and then take credit for their achievements. Jews were writing and recording for thousands of years before Mohammad the illiterate Arab from Arabia started terrorizing the region.
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.
And Arabs Pennie and Arabs.......steve

If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.

Traditions mainly, and of course there was a Jericho, one of the oldest cities. Before any Hebrews set foot there , there were others, but it was ok for Hebrews to destroy their stuff? There is lots of Christian stuff there , along with Arab, and I will bet more an more items and artifacts will suddenly be produced, saying see Israelites use to be here (faked). So what does it mean?

I'm even sure some day they will find millions of bones said to be truth the exodus happened, also will be faked. The Israelites never really had much control of any land there, for any period of time, they were just a nomad people who encroached on others at the time. Most left and became other people. Even coming back from the exile it took them years to rebuild the temple, as most lost interest in it and it took forever they say. This great empire never was.
And Arabs Pennie and Arabs.......steve

What arabs as they were illiterate wandering caravan thieves. They had no roots
You are showing you complete IGNORANCE as usual...........Todays Jews are a bitsas(a bit of this and a bit of that) race,a mongrel the rest of us.......many races make up the Jewish peoples of today.......... are as STUPID AS YOU SEEM.........Arabs you fool originated Universities,the expert use of water,Arithmetic and so on,whilst your ancestors were living in Mud Huts.........even today the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates to study a University....SO MUCH FOR ILLITERATE,WANDERING(THAT IN FACT WAS THE JEWS) and THIEVES=MORE BULLSHIT...........I have met stupid people in my life but you are one of the most IGNORANT.

Arabs didn't do jack shit but invade other people's and lands and then take credit for their achievements. Jews were writing and recording for thousands of years before Mohammad the illiterate Arab from Arabia started terrorizing the region.

You mean they busied themselves with writing stories when they got to Babylon. Arabs, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, oh the Persians created a lot and also had huge empires. Most everything we have comes from them, the beginnings. Hebrews built on their inventions, but mainly they wrote, that is why they own the media and Hollywood and the news stations
Jews brought the Old Testament and with it Ten Commandments, the foundation for Western civilization, justice, morality, and ethics.
Jews brought the Old Testament and with it Ten Commandments, the foundation for Western civilization, justice, morality, and ethics.
All copied from older generations. We are not stupid, morality and ethics, please spare me, only if God loves deception, incest, lying, stealing, and mass killing, and female concubines and polygamy.
Here is an example. Take Moses, after the bible story the Rabbis need to go on an on, and I suspect its like "Go ask Alice , when she was 10' tall, they either were on a pipe , wine or mushrooms. ( I mean , the imaginations or hallucinations are unreal),

Although Noah was not worthy to be saved from the Flood, yet he was saved because Moses was destined to descend from him (ib. xxvi. 15). The angels which Jacob in his nocturnal vision saw ascending to and descending from heaven (Gen. vii. 12) were really Moses and Aaron (Gen. R. lxviii. 16).

Moses was born on Adar 7 (Meg. 13b) in the year 2377 after the creation of the world (Book of Jubilees, xlvii. 1). He was born circumcised (Soṭah 12a), and was able to walk immediately after his birth (Yalḳ., Wayelek, 940); but according to another story he was circumcised on the eighth day after birth (Pirḳe R. El. xlviii.). A peculiar and glorious light filled the entire house at his birth (ib.; "S. Y." p. 112b), indicating that he was worthy of the gift of prophecy (Soṭah l.c.). He spoke with his father and mother on the day of his birth, and prophesied at the age of three

Moses was a very large child at the age of three (Ex. R. i. 32; comp. Josephus; l.c.; Philo, l.c.); and it was at this time that, sitting at the king's table in the presence of several princes and counselors, he took the crown from Pharaoh's head and placed it on his own ("D. Y." l.c.; for another version see "M. W." l.c.). The princes were horrified at the boy's act; and the soothsayer said that this was the same boy who, in accordance with their former predictions, would destroy the kingdom of Pharaoh and liberate Israel (Josephus, l.c.; "M. W." l.c.).

Moses did not commit murder in killing the Egyptian (Ex. ii. 12); for the latter merited death because he had forced an Israelitish woman to commit adultery with him

MOSES - (continue reading, it gets better)
What's there to read. You are a lunatic, and your post is irrelevant. Jewish contributions to humanity and civilization are a historical fact.
What's there to read. You are a lunatic, and your post is irrelevant. Jewish contributions to humanity and civilization are a historical fact.

Ha Ha, no its not historical , some of it may be , but the stories are exaggerated and really do not line up. But hey its your history , not mine, believe what you will, but I know better.
And other stories in other faiths, especially in Islam and the Koran totally line up?!

How about the one where Mohammad makes himself a direct descendant of Ishmael almost 3000 years before Mohammad was born? Where's the proof of that, did Mohammad use "". :lmao:

Yup, like I said, totally irrelevant bullshit from the asylum escapee.

You really think Jewish contributions to civilizations are dependent on whether a lunatic like you agrees or not? Ha ha ha.
Europeans are alien to the "region of Palestine". That's who colonized Palestine. There are many Roman artifacts in Palestine, but I don't see Romans claiming they own the place. And yes, the Romans still exist, there are millions of them.

Yes, the Arch of Titus clearly show the Romans carrying away the Menorah from the Jerusalem Temple and Jewish slaves.
But, using your logic, Palestinian Christians have no right to be there since they are descended from the invading Crusaders, who set up the artificial Kingdom of Jerusalem.
I dunno about that Forey......considering that the Knights Templars never took their women to the Holy Land.......moreover I do know that some of the Knights Templars were CANNIBALS.........I have recently been studying the Mongol Empire(despite their bad Press,were actually very progressive and fair....trouble is most has been written about them by the Christians(Who really were totally BARBARIC)) but I digress.....The Crusaders requested from the Great Khan(Ghengis) if the Mongols could help them to overthrow Saladin......Ghengis refused of course stating "We as a nation throughout the world NEVER deal with people WHO ARE CANNIBALS"

You should read up on the Mongols.........they had the best and fastest postal system until the invention of the aeroplane.invented the inverted BOW which shot an arrow 10 times faster than a conventional Bow.........were superb horsemen who could shoot a bow forwards or whilst riding, backwards......promoted on ability not Cronieism........sic...the Chinese did most of the Administration as they were the best....their Capital Kukoram sic had freedom of speech and religion......people from around the world settled there including Maro Polo.......they reached Vienna,Moscow,and most of China and invaded Japan etc.,etc,.

One of the worlds Great Empires.......they only retracted from Europe and elsewhere due to Ghengis Khan dying.................other wise you sir would have slit eyes today.

I'm theliq teaching other posters a lesson in history,geography and so much more......................

"...and so much more."

ah-huh, i know, i heard ya....
If the Jews are so alien to the region of Palestine, why is the land sprinkled all over with Jewish artifacts? From the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron (where the Arabs conducted a massacre), to the Tomb of Joseph (which the Arabs destroyed), to the Tomb of Rachel (which had to have an ugly fortress built around it to save it). There's Masada (with its ritual bath) and the Ein Gedi caves (where David hid from Saul). The Arabs are trying to destroy any Temple artifacts by dumping them, just as they destroyed the ancient Shalom synagogue in Jericho.
In the final analysis, it is pointless to argue the matter of Jewish rights to the land on which modern-day Isreal is built.

Todays' Jews are a genetic mixture of both ancient Hebrew tribal blood and tribal origins in several other regions in Western Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as Africa.

Broadly speaking, each of those groups represents an admixture with original Hebrew tribal blood lines - enough to make them stakeholders at the table.

The DNA connection is certainly worth mentioning, and many of today's Jews have a blood-line connection to the ancient Hebrews.

But, more significantly, it is the Spirit of Judaism, that has returned to its land of origin - genetics be damned.

That Spirit - represented by both true blood-line connections to the ancient Hebrews and by those whose ancestors converted to Judaism hundreds or thousands of years ago - is what has dreamed of The Return for millennia and it is that Spirit that has held them together as communities of belief and culture for countless generations since the Diaspora.

Both the West and the East - both Christianity and Islam - have persecuted and oppressed and suppressed Judaism for many centuries - relegating them to the margins and pushing them out of mainstream life and forcing them into enclaves and forcing them to evolve a culture of separate-ness that is more a survival tactic than anything else.

We have made them the inward-turning People that they are today, over many centuries of bad treatment that we've dished out to them.

And then comes the latest outrage - the West - as represented by Nazi Germany - slaughtering them on an industrial scale to near-extinction within their old transplanted European homes - and, not surprisingly, the survivors finally realized that they had nothing left to lose, and re-discovered their courage, and decided to fight back, in order to survive.

So, when the Great Powers gave them an opening in the old lands of their Hebrew tribal predecessors and genetic and spiritual ancestors, they took advantage of it.

Both the West and the East had a hand in making the Jews what they became - determined settlers and courageous fighters and a resurrected and re-awakened People of the Book - and they now control those old lands - and are likely to, throughout the foreseeable future.

I am told and have heard and have read, that the Jews have employed a maxim for many centuries, in which some of their songs and prayers and dogma and cultural observances have voiced words to the effect of: "Next year in Jerusalem" - meaning, of course, that the Jews have intended to return to that land, since the Romans took it from them.

That series of latter-day Roman wars against the Jews - in the first couple of centuries of the Common Era - was the better part of 2,000 years ago.

Any People who can hold themselves together for 2,000 years, with such maxims as "Next year in Jerusalem" has to be given props for endurance and faithfulness; even if they eventually evolved into a broad and richly diverse and very loosely defined overarching and nominal community of faith and culture and aspirations and livelihood.

When that broad and richly diverse community of The Faithful was nearly extinguished in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, something snapped in them.

They apparently figured that 2,000 years of persecution and oppression and slaughter was enough.

And they chose Old Palestine (formerly, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, and Samaria) to make their stand.

They're not going anywhere... they're there to stay... and God help the fools who try to dislodge them, this time.

They've served-up a new maxim, now that they're back: "Never again".

Never again, will they allow the world - East or West - to persecute them or to slaughter them - and, I, for one, believe them - I think they mean what they say.

In the long run, you simply cannot defeat such a determined people, who have held themselves together for nearly 2,000 years, who have been dreaming of that Return for that same 2,000 years, who suffered the loss of 6,000,000 men, women and children within Living Memory, and who came back from the brink of extinction, to buy-back and take-back their old ancestral and spiritual homeland, against vast and frightful odds, winning time and again, until, now, they control the region - a state of affairs that the world at-large would have found fantastical and impossible to conceive, back in the 1940s.

And because they cannot be defeated or dislodged, and because they insist upon a country of their own, the residuals and leftovers from the collection of previous inhabitants have two basic choices: Join or Leave.

Fighting is not an option - it's been tried - over and over and over and over again - with the same result, each time.

Any Muslim-Arab in the region with an ounce of brains and two coins to rub together should be getting his people out of there. Rotting in refugee camps and refugee towns for 66-67 years is not the mark of all-round intelligence or adaptability or ambition or self-respect - and they need to change that - by packing up, leaving, and starting new lives, elsewhere, amongst their co-religionists, so that their families, too, can have the possibility of a safe and prosperous future, in a place where they're wanted.

And, if that means that the The World - the UN, etc. - has to step-up and assist with that en masse relocation of so-called 'Palestinians', well, so be it.

It's over.

The Jews have won.

The Muslims have lost.

Time to move on.
Very Good Post Kondie,but all is not lost for the Palestinians at all.......the Palestinians are a dispossesed people but they will succeed in their quest for with respect, more than most....should understand can degrade and dismiss,slaughter and maim Palestinians all you want but I would have thought you should show humility and humanity somewhat...considering what happened to Your people throughout History.......really of all the worlds people Palestinians treated Jews with a fair amount of goodwill. Your people have not just pushed the Palestinians to the Margins but dreadfully tried to push them off the page completely........but Palestinians will survive like you survived,they have to because for them not to.......diminishes your own people in the process...this you should give some thought to my is not a question of Win and Loss because we all Lose,you and I.....steve...again thanks for a thoughtful and in parts enlightening POST
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Jews brought the Old Testament and with it Ten Commandments, the foundation for Western civilization, justice, morality, and ethics.
Such HIGH MORALITY Roudy.............Shame the Jews NEVER abided by "Thou Shalt NOT KILL" and "Thou Shalt NOT STEAL" etc.,your words are HOLLOW AS YOU ARE.....AND YOUR GRUBBY IMMORAL POSSIE.

I can tell you this because I AM THELIQ. ....Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure.

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