All conspiracy crap aside about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Imagine being the doctors/nurses who MUST take care of this scumbag? Imagine the physical recoil of the paramedics having to touch him to put him on the stretcher. I'd have to go to Church and bathe in holy water afterwards --- even drink the holy water to cleanse myself internally.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hate thread commence!
There are probably millions of women who find him appealing and feel sorry for him. Probably men too.

I want to hear his story.
While there has been no "we" for fifty years in runaway US government's invasions of foreign nations, there is always plenty of "we" in suffering the downside costs of runaway government.

In this case "we" are on the leading edge of a circus featuring all sorts of hare-brained theories by armchair CIA agents, more waste of cash and credibility by government workers than one can shake a stick at, and what passes for media feeding the worst instincts of every clown who gets a minute on stage.

Modern medical staff don't care who they treat as long as the bills are paid. In addition to 100% of medical billing, citizens are going to pay tens of millions more in DIRECT cash costs than the millions already spent by panicked officials catching this perp. Get your credit card out halfwits, you haven't begun to pay the costs of this rampantly successful terrorist act. The success of this terrorist act is just beginning.

I am laughing out loud at America's cultural jingoes on both sides of the partisan divide believing terrorists view the just-ended police-state display or the media circus ahead as anything more than free advertising. That is hilarious.
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Imagine being the doctors/nurses who MUST take care of this scumbag? Imagine the physical recoil of the paramedics having to touch him to put him on the stretcher.

They're trained to treat everyone's injuries equally. They aren't the judge and jury, they leave matters of guilt or innocence to the judges and juries. They are trained to detatch themselves from personal involvement with the patient. Those that don't pass the training don't get the job.

Try reading the Hippocratic Oath.
Ayn Rand would admire him. After all, he obviously did not suffer from the sin of empathy.

We need him alive and singing like a canary. If there are other people involved in that atrocity, we need to know who and how.
The line of ugly Liberal chicks that want to blow this guy is probably forming now outside the hospital.
Might need security on the scene to keep things from getting out of hand.
The line of ugly Liberal chicks that want to blow this guy is probably forming now outside the hospital.
Might need security on the scene to keep things from getting out of hand.

Did someone cut in front of you on line....
Don't worry your turn will come.
Come on, express your feelings, be free! I'd like to roast this bastard inside a brass cow!

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