All foodstamps recipients are lazy? What abou these ones Repugs


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

From your article:

"The Department of Defense does not admit to many active-duty personnel using SNAP"

It seems your whine about the military using food stamps is unwarranted.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

From your article:

"The Department of Defense does not admit to many active-duty personnel using SNAP"

It seems your whine about the military using food stamps is unwarranted.

They do use it, wtf?
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

From your article:

"The Department of Defense does not admit to many active-duty personnel using SNAP"

It seems your whine about the military using food stamps is unwarranted.

They do use it, wtf?

Who should I believe, Huffpo or the military?

If I was insane or brain damaged, I would believe the former.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

You post this crap and expect people to believe it?
Seriously sad when someone who claims to be serving military then uses his fellow service personnel to make cheap, partisan points. It's amoral.
One supposes that a low ranking EM with many dependents probably IS eligible for SNAP bennies.

I don't really see how one can argue otherwise.
One supposes that a low ranking EM with many dependents probably IS eligible for SNAP bennies.

I don't really see how one can argue otherwise.

Many junior Sailors - the 18/19 year olds with three kids - they're on food stamps. Has been the norm for many years. An E-2 paycheck with three dependents doesn't go far.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

Could you Link someone saying that ALL People who have Received Food Stamps are Lazy?

Thanks in Advance. :thup:


Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

Could you Link someone saying that ALL People who have Received Food Stamps are Lazy?

Thanks in Advance. :thup:



Repug logic is that welfare needs to be cut because everyone on it will work harder and stop being lazy, you get my fucking point?
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

So they were in the military, then somewhere along the line after that they became lazy. Happens.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

In making their case, supporters of cuts generally point to headline-grabbing cases of fraud such as lottery winners who continue to collect food stamps. Some proponents, including Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), argue that maintaining such a high rate of aid to the hungry is not moral because it encourages dependency.

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

So they were in the military, then somewhere along the line after that they became lazy. Happens.

See what I mean? Fucking dumbass, you answered your own question.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

Could you Link someone saying that ALL People who have Received Food Stamps are Lazy?

Thanks in Advance. :thup:



Repug logic is that welfare needs to be cut because everyone on it will work harder and stop being lazy, you get my fucking point?

I understand the Concept of Unlimited Assistance being a playground for Generational Dependence...

Witnessed it myself. :thup:

Now where is that Link?


Lazy or not... government dependency is the goal. Once 60% of the country is on some type of government welfare, we will have an Obama type - one party system.It will be easy for the leftists to keep countrol . Check out the rise in food stamps under Obama
forever.Food Stamps Charts
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

Such is the dickheaded logic of Repugs, point to exceptions not the rule. Mass punishment is their thing.

So they were in the military, then somewhere along the line after that they became lazy. Happens.

See what I mean? Fucking dumbass, you answered your own question.

Hey Moron, I didn't ask you a question. Are you sure you are educated enough to talk to adults?
Has this fuckstick we lovingly refer to as FailBlow ever read ANYTHING other than the Huff 'n Puff Compost?

The title of the thread says "All foodstamps recipients are lazy?" - right there on the screen.

Can anyone provide a link that says that anyone has actually says that?

Nothing of lasting substance can be accomplished or improved until intellectual honesty is part of political rhetoric.

In other words, at some point, folks have to be honest.


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