All Hail: Sharpton's Creepy Obama Image

First Chis Rock saying Obama is the our mommy and daddy and then this on PmsNBCwtf?

By Mark Finkelstein | February 06, 2013 | 19:41

Have a look at the image of President Obama that Al Sharpton repeatedly displayed during a segment of his MSNBC show this evening on the theme that the Obama agenda on immigration and gun control is gaining traction.

It shows a stern-faced President Obama superimposed against the backdrop of a massive crowd. At one point, Sharpton displayed a graphic reading "Taking Control." More after the jump.


Read more: All Hail: Sharpton's Creepy Obama Image | NewsBusters
And what does this have to do with the price of tea in china or anything else? Just about anyone can morph images. There're all over the net.

Because this is a fake picture. But i guess it is appropriate....he is a fake president! And Sharpton's a fake reverend. So this doesn't surprise me!
A fake picture does not make the person a fake.

Morphed pictures and videos of celebrities are often funny, but that's about the only conclusion to be drawn from them.

Morphing Politicians - Video
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I can't watch Sharpton anymore.
He doesn't talk he screams through the whole show.
And every show is the same....

Every night,every show he screams about the big bad republicans.

LOL and on Fox, all the commentators continually scream, bitch and revile anything democratic. I imagine NBC has put on Sharpton as a reflection of all the attention crazy, extremist Fox commentators get reviling the democrats.

Lol! I bet you've never watched Fox, you're just repeating what others say that also don't know shit about Fox. There's not ONE commentator on Fox that is anywhere close to being crazy as Sharpton, or Chrissy Matthews! Lol! That's funny!

Fox News' Credibility At 'Record Low': PPP Poll

Al Sharpton s a moronic , race bating pig of a man.

The fact that he lied about the Tawanna Brawley issue makes is clear is a racist, but then so are you might consider changing your name since you so clearly support this lying pig fucker.

I watch Al Sharpton and he DOES NOT SCREAM.

It is a flat out lie

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