ALL I SEE IS conservatives posting about liberals and liberals posting about conserva


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
ALL I SEE IS conservatives posting about liberals and liberals posting about conservatives - it seems you have NOTHING TO SAY about your own side. wtf? explanations anyone? foot ball game? I go to sleep, tomorrow morning I want some answers.
41 views and no comment. and they call ME insane for proclaiming myself to be a world leader. :cuckoo:
This is exactly how politicians want the sheep to behave, if we're arguing back and forth they can get away with anything.
Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wingers don't want to be bothered cleaning their own house first.

Pointing the finger at "the other guys" requires much less effort.


What is the percentage of incumbents that keep getting re elected? 90%? Or is it higher?

Of course it is always the "other guy" that is the problem. That's why people keep sending the same assholes to Congress. Party doesn't seem to matter. The same assholes keep showing up to fill the seats of Congress, collect their paychecks and do nothing.

That is a problem.
Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.

Fix the problem.

Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


Took me a while to get it but that seems to be the long and the short of it, I do not feel like I have ever changed anyone's mind about anything in all these years, all these wasted years.
Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


I think it's a window into how many people truly think and feel, since it is an anonymous forum. The hatred for a black man in the WHITE House is palpable, even though so thinly veiled that a blind man could see.

Before this venue we were left to whatever real time conversations you could have, which would be mostly with people you knew and then of course the press: television, newspapers and magazines. Now we can hear the nattering nabobs of negativity* from coast to coast.

*I know he was otherwise a total buffoon, but one of best lines ever out of a politician's mouth. Anyone care to Google it or can you say who it is here without peeking?
Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


Took me a while to get it but that seems to be the long and the short of it, I do not feel like I have ever changed anyone's mind about anything in all these years, all these wasted years.

The problem is that this kind of behavior is seeping deeper and deeper into our society and it's causing great damage. I meet with people all the time, and I'm seeing more and more of the absolutism and hardline approaches from people who have nothing to do with politics.

Everybody wants to be Rush or Rachel, everyone is talking, and no one is listening.

That cannot be good for a country.

Ok I will tell you what you should know by now, the slightest criticism for your own "side" is seen as a moment of weakness and is immediately taken as proof by the "other side" that you are wrong about everything else too. This activity we engage in is nothing but a game like trivial pursuit. It is an intellectual pastime that has no real meaning, no real social relevance, what do you think it is? A meaningful sharing of ideas that has a positive effect on the world? Get real.

Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


Took me a while to get it but that seems to be the long and the short of it, I do not feel like I have ever changed anyone's mind about anything in all these years, all these wasted years.

How do you know you didn't? I know I have certainly rattled a few cages and that's all you can do. You can lead them to water but you can't make them think.
Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


Took me a while to get it but that seems to be the long and the short of it, I do not feel like I have ever changed anyone's mind about anything in all these years, all these wasted years.

The problem is that this kind of behavior is seeping deeper and deeper into our society and it's causing great damage. I meet with people all the time, and I'm seeing more and more of the absolutism and hardline approaches from people who have nothing to do with politics.

Everybody wants to be Rush or Rachel, everyone is talking, and no one is listening.

That cannot be good for a country.


Good points. People will start to pay attention when it affects their wallet. When "it" comes home to roost in the bank account. That's how it always is.

The people on this board, if I was to guess at demographics, are white, over the age of 50, retired or semi-retired, and wholly unaffected in large part by the 2008 financial crash. They are Fox Noise viewers who also haunt the digital hallways of Breitbart and Drudge, who has the most viewed blog site on the internet.

Opinion journalism is unseating our ability to think and undermining the press, that's why it's important to see how something actually plays out first.

Wingers don't want to be bothered cleaning their own house first.

Pointing the finger at "the other guys" requires much less effort.


The right wingers are cleaning their own house.
I don't see the left wingers doing the same.
Wow, much appreciated. I just brought this possibility up on another thread, like all this is just essentially like pro wrestling for political geeks.

Seriously, thanks.


Took me a while to get it but that seems to be the long and the short of it, I do not feel like I have ever changed anyone's mind about anything in all these years, all these wasted years.

The problem is that this kind of behavior is seeping deeper and deeper into our society and it's causing great damage. I meet with people all the time, and I'm seeing more and more of the absolutism and hardline approaches from people who have nothing to do with politics.

Everybody wants to be Rush or Rachel, everyone is talking, and no one is listening.

That cannot be good for a country.


I referenced "the art of rhetoric" the other night and got the internet equivalent of a blank stare. The very idea of not talking while other people are talking has become alien, I sometimes wonder if it ever really existed.

Wingers don't want to be bothered cleaning their own house first.

Pointing the finger at "the other guys" requires much less effort.

This forum is an example of how polarized our political debate has become. Both wings demonize the other. If the Republicans favor balanced budgets, the Democrats will announce that balanced budgets are no longer needed. If the Democrats favor better relations with Cuba, the Republicans will label Cuba a "terrorist-supporting regime" and will demand even more sanctions against that tiny nation (a nation that would quickly become our friend if we'd end this silly Cold War-era stance toward them).

Wingers don't want to be bothered cleaning their own house first.

Pointing the finger at "the other guys" requires much less effort.

This forum is an example of how polarized our political debate has become. Both wings demonize the other. If the Republicans favor balanced budgets, the Democrats will announce that balanced budgets are no longer needed. If the Democrats favor better relations with Cuba, the Republicans will label Cuba a "terrorist-supporting regime" and will demand even more sanctions against that tiny nation (a nation that would quickly become our friend if we'd end this silly Cold War-era stance toward them).

Well then we should do the same with North Korea huh?
Cuba, N. Korea, China and Russia are not our friends.
I'll say this, liberals disagree with other liberals, more than conservatives disagree with other conservatives. I've seen more debates between liberals, than I have conservatives debating other conservatives.

And I look out for that shit! I love con-on-con crime! But you don't see it that often.

Now, someone asked for liberal criticism from a liberal?

Liberals suck at supporting our ideology financially. For some reason, we don't donate to "our side" candidates and don't see the value in building media infrastructure like the right has, in order to get out the liberal message. That is one area where the right kicks major liberal ass. They've created a communication monolith that dominates all forms of media (TV, radio, print, internet, etc) that broadcasts their message 24/7, year after year, even though that "message" really sucks.

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