All I watch is Fox News 24/7

All I watch now is CNN.

Life is soo much easier now.

I don't have to waste time trying to figure out where to stand on the various issues.

CNN tells me what to think, which free's me from straining my brain.

I only wish I had started watching CNN years ago.
Life is soo much easier now.

I don't have to waste time trying to figure out where to stand on the various issues.

Fox News tells me what to think, which free's me from straining my brain.

I only wish I had started watching Fox News years ago. ... :cool:

You teaser, shame on you. :biggrin:
I know, it's so much more fun though.
Fox News has some great sources, but switch it up, get your information from different independent news sources. I use twitttef, I tune in the the others..
Why complicate your life listening to liberal nonsense?

Fox News tells you everything you need to know. .. :cool:

Fox got a little bit left, it isn't a good source of information.
Never trust presstitutes.

Look better here:

Censored.News - All the news they don't want you to see

Home - WND

Lisa Haven News
Fox is traveling fast to the left with very few true conservative anchors remaining. Tucker, Sean, Laura, come to mind since I no longer watch Fox. This site, below, is much better for conservative news of which I only "have" to watch Wayne Allyn Root at 8 P.M. Eastern. President Trump watches him too and is a huge fan.

Newsmax. There is an app on Roku but because of frequent connectivity problems, I prefer to watch online at
Life is soo much easier now.

I don't have to waste time trying to figure out where to stand on the various issues.

Fox News tells me what to think, which free's me from straining my brain.

I only wish I had started watching Fox News years ago. ... :cool:

I have never actually watched Fox News. What is it that people watch? I don't think I could stand more than 10 minutes of someone endlessly rambling about the latest ridiculous Washington DC crap show.

Fox was the only cable news to say there was no proof of Trump being Russia's puppet.
They have all three of the main political ideologies in discussions.
They are actually reporting news like the rest of them should.
None of the other mainstream media has reported the good things just negative 24/7.
The others are all Democrat's talking heads and spread the collusion conspiracy for three years.

What do you expect from Fox?

Russian puppet. You don’t have to listen to Fox to prove you that Trump is a puppet.
You don’t hear what Trump lies at his rallies.
You don’t hear the Lisa oh Lisa Lisa Lisa.
They portrayed Guilliani a hero.
You don’t hear any of the outrageous lies of Trump.

That’s Fox News.
There are biases in every commentary show on the three 24/7 entertainment news outlets, but if you watch closely, their hard news shows are virtually indistuingishable from each other...So, you FNC bashers, if you're upset that their commentary shows lean right, get over it.

Here’s the problem with that.
Example....... you have this personal lawyer Guilliani running around doing the investigation like he work for state department. Trying to dig dirt of Trump political enemy based from conspiracy crap working with corrupted Ukrainian people. A personal lawyer a henchmen doing an FBI work?
Since when that is acceptable?
Fox News portrayed him as a hero.

Then Fox just hired John Solomon a creator of conspiracy theories from all over. He just throw those shit to the wall and he knows it will stick because Fox die hard fans will grab it.

Yet it's OK that Hillary's campaign and the DNC worked with the same corrupt Gov. to get dirt on Trump.
Double standard.

Like what?
There is plenty of real news to watch online or TV
TV has Newsy, C-Span maybe a few others.
Online search for, just the news no spin or just news no opinion.

There’s plenty of news channels if you just want to watch news and what is going on locally, domestically and internationally.

But if you are involved in these discussion like this site. Then that is where you need to watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX and others where opinions, ideas and inputs flies.
But if you only watch Fox News you are limiting your self what others are saying.

CNN grilled GOPs and Democrats guest.
Fox scared of grilling GOPs. Promoting that Trump did not say that or didn’t do that.

See the difference?
You mean you have no news feed on your internet source? You never spend time in public where a TV is present?
Because those places are inundated with democrat bias news.
Might help if you knew the difference between an adjective and a noun.e a knees news watcher.
The more you watch the dumber you get
Which term exactly is causing your misapprehension?
There is plenty of real news to watch online or TV
TV has Newsy, C-Span maybe a few others.
Online search for, just the news no spin or just news no opinion.

There’s plenty of news channels if you just want to watch news and what is going on locally, domestically and internationally.

But if you are involved in these discussion like this site. Then that is where you need to watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX and others where opinions, ideas and inputs flies.
But if you only watch Fox News you are limiting your self what others are saying.

CNN grilled GOPs and Democrats guest.
Fox scared of grilling GOPs. Promoting that Trump did not say that or didn’t do that.

See the difference?

I have never said I watch only Fox.
If I had my way, all liberals would be rounded up, locked up, and confined to rooms for several months where Fox news was pumped in 24/7 until they were cured of their liberal mindset. ... :thup:

The problem with that is. People like you believe that....
1. Windmill caused cancer.
2. The Clinton kill Jeffrey Eipstein.
3. Obama’s mansion has 10foot wall to prevent illegals coming in.
4. Trump do not and never cage children.
5. Bragged about grabbing a pussy but never happened.
6. Sex with porno star never happened.
7. (Crap) Foreign and domestic policies are beautiful.
8. Trump never lied.
9. Etc etc etc etc.

See the differences?
You left out :

10. California is a paradise and people are lined up to live there, taxes are low and everyone is happy.
If I had my way, all liberals would be rounded up, locked up, and confined to rooms for several months where Fox news was pumped in 24/7 until they were cured of their liberal mindset. ... :thup:

The problem with that is. People like you believe that....
1. Windmill caused cancer.
2. The Clinton kill Jeffrey Eipstein.
3. Obama’s mansion has 10foot wall to prevent illegals coming in.
4. Trump do not and never cage children.
5. Bragged about grabbing a pussy but never happened.
6. Sex with porno star never happened.
7. (Crap) Foreign and domestic policies are beautiful.
8. Trump never lied.
9. Etc etc etc etc.

See the differences?

I don't know anyone who thinks Trump didn't sleep with a porn star.
I don't know anyone who thinks Trump never lied.
Some of the foreign policies are good. Not all of course.
I think the problem with locker room talk, is that you think no one else but Trump ever said something like that in a locker room.

The wall around his house is obviously not 10-foot, but there is a wall, which is the point. All these people running around saying "let everyone in!" are all living in gated communities. They have no problem with you dealing with the effects of their policies, while they live in luxury.

I have no idea where the windmill cancer thing came from. I know that the fiberglass blades on windmills are very dangerous for the people who build the, and that they can't be recycled, and end up in massive land fills. But I think the cancer thing is made up by the left, and attributed to the right, because they can't really make a point otherwise.

Trump didn't cage children. The caging of children was the result of the court, and was a law written by congress, and started under Obama. The only people who should change the law, is Congress, which refused to do so. Trump had nothing to do with it.

Eipstein may or may not have been killed by Clinton. But you would have to be an idiot, not to see a pattern of Clinton friends getting systematically slaughtered. No politician couple, has left a wider trail of bodies behind them. That is just a fact.
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If I had my way, all liberals would be rounded up, locked up, and confined to rooms for several months where Fox news was pumped in 24/7 until they were cured of their liberal mindset. ... :thup:

The problem with that is. People like you believe that....
1. Windmill caused cancer.
2. The Clinton kill Jeffrey Eipstein.
3. Obama’s mansion has 10foot wall to prevent illegals coming in.
4. Trump do not and never cage children.
5. Bragged about grabbing a pussy but never happened.
6. Sex with porno star never happened.
7. (Crap) Foreign and domestic policies are beautiful.
8. Trump never lied.
9. Etc etc etc etc.

See the differences?

1. I don't know anyone who thinks Trump didn't sleep with a porn star.
I don't know anyone who thinks Trump never lied.
2. Some of the foreign policies are good. Not all of course.
I think the problem with locker room talk, is that you think no one else but Trump ever said something like that in a locker room.

3. The wall around his house is obviously not 10-foot, but there is a wall, which is the point. All these people running around saying "let everyone in!" are all living in gated communities. They have no problem with you dealing with the effects of their policies, while they live in luxury.

4. I have no idea where the windmill cancer thing came from. I know that the fiberglass blades on windmills are very dangerous for the people who build the, and that they can't be recycled, and end up in massive land fills. But I think the cancer thing is made up by the left, and attributed to the right, because they can't really make a point otherwise.

5. Trump didn't cage children. The caging of children was the result of the court, and was a law written by congress, and started under Obama. The only people who should change the law, is Congress, which refused to do so. Trump had nothing to do with it.

6. Eipstein may or may not have been killed by Clinton. But you would have to be an idiot, not to see a pattern of

7. Clinton friends getting systematically slaughtered. No politician couple, has left a wider trail of bodies behind them. That is just a fact.

1. Fox and Trump said never happened.

2. What foreign policies that are good?

3. Trump promoted. Obama’s wall was to prevent illegals coming in.

4. Windmill caused cancer. Trump said that.

5. Trump cage children as a deterrent that’s a fact. Obama cage children selectively.

6. Trump loud and clear. He said the Clinton killed Eipstein. You have to be fucking dumb and ignorant to ignore that.

7. That’s dumb. Do you have any proof?
If I had my way, all liberals would be rounded up, locked up, and confined to rooms for several months where Fox news was pumped in 24/7 until they were cured of their liberal mindset. ... :thup:

The problem with that is. People like you believe that....
1. Windmill caused cancer.
2. The Clinton kill Jeffrey Eipstein.
3. Obama’s mansion has 10foot wall to prevent illegals coming in.
4. Trump do not and never cage children.
5. Bragged about grabbing a pussy but never happened.
6. Sex with porno star never happened.
7. (Crap) Foreign and domestic policies are beautiful.
8. Trump never lied.
9. Etc etc etc etc.

See the differences?
You left out :

0. California is a paradise and people are lined up to live there, taxes are low and everyone is happy.

Thank you for acknowledging that.
US Happiest States 2019.

California #5
Texas way down there #22
"If you are too dumb to get a real job, join the military. Great indoctrination and commie benefits"
Shut up nitwit.

btw are you still living in your parents basement?? ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Like this Dude watching too much Fox News.

He wants to cage people. No more freedom of speech.

It wasn't the right wing who pushed political correctness that does shut up freedom of speech.

I was talking to Sunni man.
If I had my way, all liberals would be rounded up, locked up, and confined to rooms for several months where Fox news was pumped in 24/7 until they were cured of their liberal mindset. ... :thup:

The problem with that is. People like you believe that....
1. Windmill caused cancer.
2. The Clinton kill Jeffrey Eipstein.
3. Obama’s mansion has 10foot wall to prevent illegals coming in.
4. Trump do not and never cage children.
5. Bragged about grabbing a pussy but never happened.
6. Sex with porno star never happened.
7. (Crap) Foreign and domestic policies are beautiful.
8. Trump never lied.
9. Etc etc etc etc.

See the differences?

1. I don't know anyone who thinks Trump didn't sleep with a porn star.
I don't know anyone who thinks Trump never lied.
2. Some of the foreign policies are good. Not all of course.
I think the problem with locker room talk, is that you think no one else but Trump ever said something like that in a locker room.

3. The wall around his house is obviously not 10-foot, but there is a wall, which is the point. All these people running around saying "let everyone in!" are all living in gated communities. They have no problem with you dealing with the effects of their policies, while they live in luxury.

4. I have no idea where the windmill cancer thing came from. I know that the fiberglass blades on windmills are very dangerous for the people who build the, and that they can't be recycled, and end up in massive land fills. But I think the cancer thing is made up by the left, and attributed to the right, because they can't really make a point otherwise.

5. Trump didn't cage children. The caging of children was the result of the court, and was a law written by congress, and started under Obama. The only people who should change the law, is Congress, which refused to do so. Trump had nothing to do with it.

6. Eipstein may or may not have been killed by Clinton. But you would have to be an idiot, not to see a pattern of

7. Clinton friends getting systematically slaughtered. No politician couple, has left a wider trail of bodies behind them. That is just a fact.

1. Fox and Trump said never happened.

2. What foreign policies that are good?

3. Trump promoted. Obama’s wall was to prevent illegals coming in.

4. Windmill caused cancer. Trump said that.

5. Trump cage children as a deterrent that’s a fact. Obama cage children selectively.

6. Trump loud and clear. He said the Clinton killed Eipstein. You have to be fucking dumb and ignorant to ignore that.

7. That’s dumb. Do you have any proof?

1. Which kind of disproves your entire point, doesn't it? You are essentially saying that people follow like lemmings whatever Fox and Trump says. Yet I have not met a single conservative anywhere, that thinks Trump did not sleep with a porn star. So apparently right-wingers are thinking people, who do not unquestioningly accept whatever they are told.

2. Backing out of the Iran deal. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem. And while it's not done yet, I think his moves on North Korea are good.

3. How many illegals have gotten into his gated community? Because I had some illegals in mine, and it sucked.

4. And you believed him enough to repeat it? Which right-wing pundit, or right-winger on this forum, has said they caused cancer?

Trump really has you people by the balls doesn't it?

5. Irrelevant The 9th circuit court changed the law. That's a fact. Before the 9th circuit court said Children had to be separated from their parents, it didn't happen. Moreover, you can't just release children randomly, and we know for a fact that children were traveling with human traffickers, and that they were specifically used to get across the border in the past, because we were releasing adults who had children with them.

This caused a problem. Or are you in favor of human trafficking and slavery? If not, then give me your solution. Either put up, or shut up.

6. I stand by my previous statement. No other political couple has left a wider path of bodies behind them.

7. Just read history. Count how many people who were close the Clinton's, ended up dead, or fleeing the country, and just somehow disappear.

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