All in One Place: President Trump Truths Out Summary Report on *All Swing States* From 2020 Election – Here are the Georgia Highlights

The states' AG's have all denied all of Trump's claims. The DOJ has denied all of Trump's claims. Every AG, every SoS, and the head of every county election district in every state in the union has denied all of Trump's claims.


Stay up in Canada and worry about Trudy. The SOS are soros' paid goons, DOJ was deep state Barr. No GOVT employees is going to stick their head up and get it cut off at pension time you corrupted lunatic.
Dems 100% STOLE the 2020 election and everyone knows it. Science and analytics prove it. The U.S. governments own expert on election fraud said indication of fraud was overwhelming. The blatant Dem rigging. The blatant Dem 'ballot harvesting'. The blatant Dem flat out ignoring State Constitutions and election laws.

Democrats are illegitimate office occupiers.
Fulton County ordered over 1 million absentee ballots days before the 2020 Election, without any envelopes and the time necessary to mail. There were only 808,680 active voters in Fulton County as of Nov. 1, 2020, meaning the county had more blank mail-in ballots than the number of registered voters, and ordered them after the vast majority of mail-in ballot requests had already been sent to voters by Runbeck Election Services.

**where are the remaining 200K overflow? Why is no one in GOVT showing accounting and physical boxes of these ballots if it all was above board? Because they know they would have to manufacture them and that may get them in hot soup?
The states' AG's have all denied all of Trump's claims. The DOJ has denied all of Trump's claims. The Department of Homeland Security has denied all of Trump's claims. Every AG, every SoS, and the head of every county election office in every state in the union has denied all of Trump's claims.


SHUP Canuck you embarrass yourself.

U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain was told to stand down and not investigate election irregularities by Attorney General Bill Barr. McSwain said he was instructed to not discuss the allegations of voter fraud he received, and to pass any “serious” investigations along to then-State Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat who promised days before the election that President Trump “is going to lose.
Egregious what? At best what you seem to say is that you believe voter fraud occurred but the evidence to prove it is "not available."

By the way, even IF that video was available, and even IF it showed evidence of wrongdoing. How would you go about in proving that wrongdoing was done by Democrats? And even IF you could prove that how would you go about claiming that voter fraud was so widespread to make Trump lose?

You require no less than 3 separate leaps of faith to come to the conclusion that the election was stolen.
If the people in the videos stuffing the drop boxes were doing so for Trump, you can bet your ass that they would have been SWATted at 6 A.M. and frog marched to jail in front of XiNN and MSLSD cameras.
Dems 100% STOLE the 2020 election and everyone knows it. Science and analytics prove it. The U.S. governments own expert on election fraud said indication of fraud was overwhelming. The blatant Dem rigging. The blatant Dem 'ballot harvesting'. The blatant Dem flat out ignoring State Constitutions and election laws.

Democrats are illegitimate office occupiers.

How does everyone know it was stolen when Trump's defense is he was duped into believing it was stolen?

Two under-the-radar court filings from Trump’s team in late November offered the clearest glimpse yet into what the former president’s lawyers may try to argue before a jury in the historic case. The filings say that his lawyers hope during the trial to point to people in the federal government he suspects are biased toward him, to foreign influence, and to election disinformation that led him to believe the 2020 contest was stolen.
Fulton County ordered over 1 million absentee ballots days before the 2020 Election, without any envelopes and the time necessary to mail. There were only 808,680 active voters in Fulton County as of Nov. 1, 2020, meaning the county had more blank mail-in ballots than the number of registered voters, and ordered them after the vast majority of mail-in ballot requests had already been sent to voters by Runbeck Election Services.

**where are the remaining 200K overflow? Why is no one in GOVT showing accounting and physical boxes of these ballots if it all was above board? Because they know they would have to manufacture them and that may get them in hot soup?

Where's your proof of that?
A city clerk in Muskegon witnessed a woman drop off between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations at the clerk office on Oct. 8, 2020, many appearing to be fraudulent. The incident was reported it to the Muskegon Police Department one week later. Eight thousand new voter registrations in Muskegon would amount to over 20 percent of the city’s population of only 38,000 residents.

An ensuing investigation confirmed thousands of voter registrations in the same handwriting and many invalid or non-existent addresses. The suspect told Michigan State Police that she was being paid $1,150 per week to “find unregistered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.” The police found “dozens of new phones” and “hundreds of pre-paid payment cards” during the investigation.
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Sorry bout that,

1. I can promise you, you have not time, to be over joyed, in this steal.
2. At this point, if you say a another word for this election not being stolen, you are a liar, and G-D said, Thou Shall Not Lie.
3. Well seeing you will be punished, I'm ok with that, and all you motherfuckers shall burn.
4. Its funny how these motherfuckers are arguing for their own destruction.
5. There is no reason to argue it wasn't stolen, you heap molten fire on your heads in so doing, seems odd.
6. We are going to try this again, election year is upon us, and its too late to redo, the last three years, just shut up about your theft, and and gloating for the steal, your destruction awaits when you die.
7. This is G-D speaking to you~ " I hate all liars." ~ G-D

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Getting to this result in Georgia, and other states, created an irredeemably compromised Election, filled with violations of the Constitution, unlawful ballots, widespread broken chain of custody, electronic manipulation, and missing and corrupted election files that made it uncertifiable — and impossible to recreate the
Sorry bout that,

1. Why keep fighting for this lie, if its a lie, it doesn't matter now.
2. Why don't you just say, "Im not sure, and don't want to support a lie, if it was stolen?"
3. I didn't steal it, if it was, and if it was I'm mad as hell.
4. Nope you just pour molten steel on your own head.
5. Fucking Moron.

Sorry bout that,

1. Could it be that this steal was so clever, not to leave evidence that supports its theft, doesn't that got you wondering about elections in general, after the election there is no evidence of that election.
2. It didn't even happen, just people came and did something, went home, and bingo, we have a winner and he is a, libtard!!!!

Where's your proof of that?
PROOF? PROOF? They don't NEED no stinking proof!
Their leader and their media told them the truth! That's all these low intelligence idiots need. Read their posts!
Leftwinger: "How can you disprove any of the FINDINGS you dumb OX.

These "Big Steal" threads are fun. Most especially because it demonstrates to the adult world that there is a constituency of Squeaky Frommes that will not be deterred or persuaded that Orange Jesus did not win.

And that, despite OJ's own hired guns diggin' hard, long, and deep to find enough fraud to reverse the Biden victory. Hired different ones to do it....twice. There have been several threads of late about the Trump's hired researchers lookin' but not findin'. Experts. Hired experts. And they couldn't find it despite full access.

Yeah, so at this point, it is merely entertainment for the rest of us. Like watching gerbils at feeding time.

Regarding, prolific poster 'leftwinger''s repeating word-for-word Don Trump's claim about Muskegon, Michigan.
Well, lemme share this reportage about that city on Lake Michigan's shore.


"A right-wing tale of Michigan election fraud had it all – except proof

Gateway Pundit, a favorite news source of former president Donald Trump’s, has pushed false claims of a stolen election even as others have pulled back in the face of consequences"

"Now We Have Proof" blared the headline from Gateway Pundit.
The story referenced “thousands of fraudulent ballots” caught by Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch. Grateful readers deluged her office with hundreds of calls, hailing her as a hero.

But Meisch knew it wasn’t true.
According to police reports, the Michigan attorney general’s office and an interview with Meisch, an employee of a voter registration drive company had submitted to the Muskegon city clerk thousands of voter registration applications weeks before the 2020 election, some with faked signatures and faulty addresses.

Meisch’s staff spent hundreds of hours weeding out the bad applications.

“There were no fraudulent ballots,” Meisch said in an interview, “not a single one that anyone in my office was aware of.”

But for Gateway Pundit, which is run out of its founder’s home and whose small staff produces stories that help set the agenda for Donald Trump’s most ardent followers, the August story provided weeks of headlines that radiated across right-wing media and were repeatedly amplified by pro-Trump influencers. That’s despite the fact that it was published nearly three years after the election — and after Meisch’s staff had thwarted any fraud.

The outlet’s emphasis on long-debunked fraud claims helps explain why election denial has proved so durable, despite the many efforts to halt the spread of disinformation and impose consequences on those who persist in it.

The Trump lawyers who pushed false voter fraud claims have, in some cases, been hit with criminal charges, as well as censure and disbarment proceedings. In mid-December, a federal jury ordered former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to pay $148 million to two election workers who sued him for defamation. Trump’s largest media ally, Fox News, agreed last year to pay $787.5 million to Dominion Voting Systems to settle a defamation suit.

The outlet’s reporting was a favorite of Trump’s as he clung to the presidency more than three years ago, aides said, and it has become a key amplifier of his continued fraud claims as he campaigns to return to the White House.

“Gateway Pundit is a known source of disinformation that quickly trades up the chain,” said Joan Donovan, an assistant professor at Boston University studying online disinformation and media manipulation. “Because when they report a piece of information, it gives others license to do so.”

(Steve) Bannon said Hoft is often one of the first to pick up a social media post or a local news story that other right-wing personalities then repeat and aggregate. He “isn’t afraid to take a leading edge where you don’t have all the facts but they are coming together,” Bannon explained. Once Gateway Pundit puts one of its signature all-caps headlines on a story, that provides what Bannon calls an “infrastructure” upon which his own podcast and other right-wing outlets and influencers can build.

That infrastructure was useful to pro-Trump One America News, a small cable network that pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. A former OAN producer attested that he and his colleagues were directed to consult Gateway Pundit when they arrived at work to inform the day’s programming, according to depositions and documents from a defamation lawsuit filed against the Trump campaign and others, including Gateway Pundit, by a former Dominion Voting Systems executive who was falsely accused by Trump allies of helping to swing the 2020 election.

“Check Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times and The Blaze right when you get in. … These are very helpful to find good OAN content,” read one Jan. 14, 2021, email to producers from the channel’s news director. OAN settled in the case under undisclosed terms in September.
“Gateway Pundit’s articles were chopped-up sentences that were drawn from whatever crazy thing a Twitter user was saying about election denial,” the former producer, Marty Golingan, said in an interview, “and they would spin it with maximum outrage and reactionary emotion.”

So, we know how the Trump Duped & Snookered get their daily outrages. There is that huge network of RWNJ-bloggers and web-based "news" outlets...and they, as mentioned in the reportage, gladly "spin it with maxium outrage and reactionary emotion".

And the Duped & Snookered go all Squeaky Fromme on it and hail Orange Jesus as their Messiah. And he was cheated G-Dammit!!

I love this bar.
Where's your proof of that?
PROOF? PROOF? They don't NEED no stinking proof!
Their leader and their media told them the truth! That's all these low intelligence idiots need. Read their posts!
Imagine the size, scale and scope that this conspiracy would have to involve.

Election workers, election officials, Republican officials, auditors, Republican governors and mayors, the two companies TRUMP PAID to find fraud, the "Cyber Ninjas", Trump's lawyers, judges (including those appointed by Trump), the list goes on and on and on.

That's what blows my mind about this. The rubes HAVE TO believe that ALL those people are "in" on it, and that NO ONE who supposedly took part in it has leaked or come forward or made any mistakes in covering it up.

That is the calcified mindset of a CULT.
If they won't/don't look at the Envelope Signatures scans or originals, video of those reviewing Sig scan 1sec per as fast as they would load.....the ballot boxes in GA with unfolded ballots, The Drop Box video (if it exists), The deleted log files in AZ, the missing scans in GA....well you can't look and you can't see if you won't look. and more.

Massive amount of smoking guns to trigger a full-on Blitzkrieg investigation is ignored and censored by Deep State, MSM and courts. LowIQ Criminal Board swine D lap it up like mothers milk.

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