All Israeli soldiers get this booklet and are obliged to carry and follow it

FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
The world wide, lol. Thought I would drop into the bullshit mixer here though. Just once. For now.
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?
Last edited:

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?

It's a bullshit blog with no connections to govt. organizations. It derives its data from the open source media. Ha ha ha. Take a hike.

No thanks Achmed, I'll stick to the FBI list which shows all the most wanted terrorists are Moooslems.
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?

It's a bullshit blog with no connections to govt. organizations. It derives its data from the open source media. Ha ha ha. Take a hike.

No thanks Achmed, I'll stick to the FBI list which shows all the most wanted terrorists are Moooslems.

No connections? Wrong again Rude-ee. Centers of Excellence Homeland Security

Since slightly more terrorist acts are "COMMITTED BY" Jewish Terrorists & Terrorist Groups but mostly Muslim Terrorists are "WANTED" by the FBI, the only difference is that Jewish Terrorists are protected by America's infestation of Israeli / Zionist lobbies: AIPAC, ADL, JINSA.

The same follows with an equally biased pro Israel / Zionist Major US Media. Only the 6% Muslim Terrorists are identified by Religion while Jewish terrorists are not:

“Jewish Extremists Have Committed More Acts Of Terrorism In The US Than Muslim Extremists”
Jewish Extremists Have Committed More Acts Of Terrorism In The US Than Muslim Extremists Alternative

EXCERPT “An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%).

These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion.

These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.”CONTINUED

. .. . . . . . . . .


Since slightly more terrorist acts are "COMMITTED BY" Jewish Terrorists & Terrorist Groups but mostly Muslim Terrorists are "WANTED" by the FBI, the only difference is that Jewish Terrorists are protected by America's infestation of Israeli / Zionist lobbies: AIPAC, ADL, JINSA. Jewish Terrorists are either quietly deported or just as quietly tolerated.

The same follows with an equally biased pro Israel / Zionist Major US Media. Only the 6% Muslim Terrorists are identified by Religion while Jewish terrorists are not. Hence, the need for Independent Media

“Jewish Extremists Have Committed More Acts Of Terrorism In The US Than Muslim Extremists”
Jewish Extremists Have Committed More Acts Of Terrorism In The US Than Muslim Extremists Alternative

EXCERPT “An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%).

These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion.

These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.”CONTINUED

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . many Israeli children have had their "throats slit", school buses blown up or died from a "rocket" compared to Palestinian children burned to death, suffocated, mutilated or currently dying slow, incurable, painful deaths from Israel's genocidal Plan Dalet?

Let's look at the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" where a total of actually 26 Israelis (1) have died because IDF members hide among them using them as Human Shields.

Where do you think IDF members go when they've finished killing Palestinian civilians for the day?

To "hide behind civilians" aka be with their families.

Now the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" debunked by : Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

“Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks”
Dissecting IDF propaganda The numbers behind the rocket attacks Mondoweiss

source Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

EXCERPTS “To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million Israeli citizens are within range of Gaza rockets, twelve thousand of which have been fired into Israel in the last twelve years, inflicting thousands of injuries and several dead.

“And for an entire year before Operation Pillar of Cloud, not a single Israeli was killed by rocket or mortar
This disputes the clichéd notion that rocket attacks are “designed to maximize civilian casualties.”

However, we are rarely told exactly how many people have been killed by these rocket attacks.”
Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.” CONTINUED

Those creative folks at IDF even counted a casualty from an ax as "death by Hamas Rocket..."
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?


Haven't you learned by now that the only "credible sources" are those with C.A.M.E.R.A.'s imprimatur or from the "Hasbara Talking Points"

Keep up the good work.
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?

It's a bullshit blog with no connections to govt. organizations. It derives its data from the open source media. Ha ha ha. Take a hike.

No thanks Achmed, I'll stick to the FBI list which shows all the most wanted terrorists are Moooslems.

No connections? Wrong again Rude-ee. Centers of Excellence Homeland Security

Bzzzzzz. The meaningless link you originally provided Global Terrorism Database said this on their "about us" page:

"Statistical information contained in the Global Terrorism Database is based on reports from a variety of open media sources."

Now the douchebag is switching links because the one he originally used was exposed as a bullshit meaningless site. Ha ha ha.
FBI Ten Most Wanted
Of the FBI's top ten, 7 are christian and one jew SEMION MOGILEVICH
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?


Haven't you learned by now that the only "credible sources" are those with C.A.M.E.R.A.'s imprimatur or from the "Hasbara Talking Points"

Keep up the good work.

Hasbara! Squawk! Hasbara! Squawk! Like a fuckin' IslamoNazi parrot with nothing original to say.

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . many Israeli children have had their "throats slit", school buses blown up or died from a "rocket" compared to Palestinian children burned to death, suffocated, mutilated or currently dying slow, incurable, painful deaths from Israel's genocidal Plan Dalet?

Let's look at the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" where a total of actually 26 Israelis (1) have died because IDF members hide among them using them as Human Shields.

Where do you think IDF members go when they've finished killing Palestinian civilians for the day?

To "hide behind civilians" aka be with their families.

Now the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" debunked by : Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

“Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks”
Dissecting IDF propaganda The numbers behind the rocket attacks Mondoweiss

source Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

EXCERPTS “To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million Israeli citizens are within range of Gaza rockets, twelve thousand of which have been fired into Israel in the last twelve years, inflicting thousands of injuries and several dead.

“And for an entire year before Operation Pillar of Cloud, not a single Israeli was killed by rocket or mortar
This disputes the clichéd notion that rocket attacks are “designed to maximize civilian casualties.”

However, we are rarely told exactly how many people have been killed by these rocket attacks.”
Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.” CONTINUED

Those creative folks at IDF even counted a casualty from an ax as "death by Hamas Rocket..."

Palestinians themselves are the biggest abusers of their own children. It's a horrific depraved culture. Let's not forget these are the same animals that use their own women and kids and human shields, while shooting at Israeli school kids. Unbelievable.

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . many Israeli children have had their "throats slit", school buses blown up or died from a "rocket" compared to Palestinian children burned to death, suffocated, mutilated or currently dying slow, incurable, painful deaths from Israel's genocidal Plan Dalet?

Let's look at the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" where a total of actually 26 Israelis (1) have died because IDF members hide among them using them as Human Shields.

Where do you think IDF members go when they've finished killing Palestinian civilians for the day?

To "hide behind civilians" aka be with their families.

Now the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" debunked by : Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

“Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks”
Dissecting IDF propaganda The numbers behind the rocket attacks Mondoweiss

source Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

EXCERPTS “To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million Israeli citizens are within range of Gaza rockets, twelve thousand of which have been fired into Israel in the last twelve years, inflicting thousands of injuries and several dead.

“And for an entire year before Operation Pillar of Cloud, not a single Israeli was killed by rocket or mortar
This disputes the clichéd notion that rocket attacks are “designed to maximize civilian casualties.”

However, we are rarely told exactly how many people have been killed by these rocket attacks.”
Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.” CONTINUED

Those creative folks at IDF even counted a casualty from an ax as "death by Hamas Rocket..."

Palestinians themselves are the biggest abusers of their own children. It's a horrific depraved culture. Let's not forget these are the same animals that use their own women and kids and human shields, while shooting at Israeli school kids. Unbelievable.

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . many Israeli children have had their "throats slit", school buses blown up or died from a "rocket" compared to Palestinian children burned to death, suffocated, mutilated or currently dying slow, incurable, painful deaths from Israel's genocidal Plan Dalet?

Let's look at the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" where a total of actually 26 Israelis (1) have died because IDF members hide among them using them as Human Shields.

Where do you think IDF members go when they've finished killing Palestinian civilians for the day?

To "hide behind civilians" aka be with their families.

Now the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" debunked by : Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

“Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks”
Dissecting IDF propaganda The numbers behind the rocket attacks Mondoweiss

source Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

EXCERPTS “To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million Israeli citizens are within range of Gaza rockets, twelve thousand of which have been fired into Israel in the last twelve years, inflicting thousands of injuries and several dead.

“And for an entire year before Operation Pillar of Cloud, not a single Israeli was killed by rocket or mortar
This disputes the clichéd notion that rocket attacks are “designed to maximize civilian casualties.”

However, we are rarely told exactly how many people have been killed by these rocket attacks.”
Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.” CONTINUED

Those creative folks at IDF even counted a casualty from an ax as "death by Hamas Rocket..."

- - - - - - - - - -

Palestinians themselves are the biggest abusers of their own children. It's a horrific depraved culture. Let's not forget these are the same animals that use their own women and kids and human shields, while shooting at Israeli school kids. Unbelievable.


As usual, you have absolutely nothing to support your racist ravings.

How can other Palestinian children serve as "Shields" when IDF targets any & all civilians:

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”
Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag witnesses say McClatchy DC

“IDF "Child Killing Unit" Speaks Out”
IDF Child Killing Unit Speaks Out

“‘My first bullet, his last breath’: Instagram reveals dark side of Israeli army (PHOTOS)”
My first bullet his last breath Instagram reveals dark side of Israeli army PHOTOS RT News

“Israel used Palestinian minors as human shields, detain and torture - UN”
Israel used Palestinian minors as human shields detain and torture - UN RT News

. . . . . . . . .

The only things that are "Unbelievable" are your redundant, bigoted & easily debunked blatant falsehoods.
Damn, was going to quote that once he'd looked at "domestic terrorism" :D

A terrorist is a terrorist. Considering the number of Muslims in the US and that they are being watched intensively, the "domestic" list is meaningless. All the terrorists on this list are Muslim savages:

FBI Most Wanted Terrorists

Delusional fool is proposing that Jews and Christians are committing more terror than Muslims.
Not me, the FBI's own statistics. Rude-ee seems to think if they're not on the FBI most wanted terrorist list, they're not terrorists! :cuckoo:

Oh, the bulk of the information was compiled by START, who publishes the Global Terrorism Database and is, "A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence headquartered at the University of Maryland, START supports the research efforts of leading social scientists at more than 50 academic and research institutions, each of whom is conducting original investigations into fundamental questions about terrorism"

Global Terrorism Database

A reasonably credible source you'd think?

It's a bullshit blog with no connections to govt. organizations. It derives its data from the open source media. Ha ha ha. Take a hike.

No thanks Achmed, I'll stick to the FBI list which shows all the most wanted terrorists are Moooslems.

No connections? Wrong again Rude-ee. Centers of Excellence Homeland Security

Bzzzzzz. The meaningless link you originally provided Global Terrorism Database said this on their "about us" page:

"Statistical information contained in the Global Terrorism Database is based on reports from a variety of open media sources."

Now the douchebag is switching links because the one he originally used was exposed as a bullshit meaningless site. Ha ha ha.

Bzzzzzz. The meaningless link you originally provided Global Terrorism Database said this on their "about us" page:

"Statistical information contained in the Global Terrorism Database is based on reports from a variety of open media sources."

Now the douchebag is switching links because the one he originally used was exposed as a bullshit meaningless site. Ha ha ha.

"Wrong again Rude-ee" strikes again resorting to distortion and obfuscation if not outright mendacity along with his usual childish insults. Rude-ee is quite right, this is an accurate quote, "Statistical information contained in the Global Terrorism Database is based on reports from a variety of open media sources."

What Rude-ee deliberately ignores is the rest of the quote which says,

"Statistical information contained in the Global Terrorism Database is based on reports from a variety of open media sources. Information is not added to the GTD unless and until we have determined the sources are credible. Users should not infer any additional actions or results beyond what is presented in a GTD entry and specifically, users should not infer an individual associated with a particular incident was tried and convicted of terrorism or any other criminal offense. If new documentation about an event becomes available, an entry may be modified, as necessary and appropriate.

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) makes the GTD available via this online interface in an effort to increase understanding of terrorist violence so that it can be more readily studied and defeated."

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) is one of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Centres of Excellence Centers of Excellence Homeland Security

Another epic fail form "Wrong again Rude-ee.!

Happy to see the bullshit is still flowing here. The date stamp of this article based upon it's URL is from 2005.


So because a child was murdered in 2005 it's of no consequence to you then? Oh forgot, she was a Palestinian "untermensch", so they don't count to Zionists like you, got it.
Because 1 girl, may have been murdered, in 2005 that excuses every time a Palestinian slits a child's throat, blows up a school bus, or fires a rocket?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . many Israeli children have had their "throats slit", school buses blown up or died from a "rocket" compared to Palestinian children burned to death, suffocated, mutilated or currently dying slow, incurable, painful deaths from Israel's genocidal Plan Dalet?

Let's look at the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" where a total of actually 26 Israelis (1) have died because IDF members hide among them using them as Human Shields.

Where do you think IDF members go when they've finished killing Palestinian civilians for the day?

To "hide behind civilians" aka be with their families.

Now the myth of "Raining Hamas Rockets" debunked by : Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

“Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks”
Dissecting IDF propaganda The numbers behind the rocket attacks Mondoweiss

source Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

EXCERPTS “To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million Israeli citizens are within range of Gaza rockets, twelve thousand of which have been fired into Israel in the last twelve years, inflicting thousands of injuries and several dead.

“And for an entire year before Operation Pillar of Cloud, not a single Israeli was killed by rocket or mortar
This disputes the clichéd notion that rocket attacks are “designed to maximize civilian casualties.”

However, we are rarely told exactly how many people have been killed by these rocket attacks.”
Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.” CONTINUED

Those creative folks at IDF even counted a casualty from an ax as "death by Hamas Rocket..."

Palestinians themselves are the biggest abusers of their own children. It's a horrific depraved culture. Let's not forget these are the same animals that use their own women and kids and human shields, while shooting at Israeli school kids. Unbelievable.

Unlike Rabbis of course...Rebel Rabbi Exposes Child Molesters - The Daily Beast

During Israel's most recent genocidal foray into "Gazaschwitz", "Gaza's Army" proved itself to be far more moral with a focus on killing invading, murderous IDFers than "The Most Moral Army In The World" (aka IDF)

This reality is proven by even a cursory view of civilian vs Military casualties

Hamas fighters killed about 66 IDF members while only killing 1 Israeli civilian making their "Soldiers-to-Civilians killed" roughly 66 to 1

Because the Israeli government classifies almost any Palestinian with a pulse a "Militant" IDF claims to have killed about 400 Hamas fighters while killing roughly 2,200 civilians.

That figure of 2,200 excludes the hundreds of Palestinians that have since died from Israel's illegal deployment of experimental Chemical, Genotoxic, D.U. ordinance & D.I.M.E. bombs all of which are intended to inflict long, slow, painful & untreatable lethal wounds.

Doctors with 40 years of experience treating combat wounds have seen nothing like those fatal wounds inflicted by Israel's experimental weapons.

Gaza's Resistance force, Hamas, does not use illegal "Terror Weapons"

Additionally, Israel's extensive network of paid, trained, scripted & Full Time Hasbara Trolls are advised by Frank Luntz, a Top Dollar PR Expert" to repeatedly demonize Hamas with the "Human Shield" myth:

“Frank Luntz’s latest hasbara talking points – how to defend Israel post-Gaza”
Frank Luntz s latest hasbara talking points how to defend Israel post-Gaza MuzzleWatch

EXCERPT "Luntz tells advocates to ...trot out the constant line about Hamas using human shields. He instructs hasbarists to use human, emotional, heart-felt language"CONTINUED

Since IDF already slaughters civilians & targets children, there's no such thing as a "Human Shield"

“‘My first bullet, his last breath’: Instagram reveals dark side of Israeli army (PHOTOS)”
My first bullet his last breath Instagram reveals dark side of Israeli army PHOTOS RT News

“Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag”
Israeli troops killed Gaza children carrying white flag witnesses say McClatchy DC

Since Israel has proven its refusal to make peace through relentless Settlement Expansionism, Palestine's Native Residents are faced with only Extermination & Expulsion via Israel's own & genuine "Final Solution" Plan:

Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

What would YOU do when faced with only Extermination or Expulsion from your home of generations?

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