All Liberal and Neocon Politicians are Traitors.

Is there a difference between a Liberal Politician and Traitor?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
All Liberal and Neocon politicians are too smart to know be aware of their unconstitutional and draconian behaviors. They buy votes through useful idiots or other traitors like themselves by extracting money from their opposition. More than 30% of our labor is done for free (taxes) to reward those who vote to destroy liberty.


Consider the following and then ponder the grievous hurt that they have done to society, to your well-being, and to your freedom and liberty:

They have stolen the future by invading the nation’s homes and schools to preempt parental authority and to seize control of your children. They have indoctrinated the youth of the nation in regard to the instilling of condemnable values and morality, and they have led them to a socialistic purpose and instilled in them a hatred for the virtues of a Capitalistic Republic based upon individual freedom.

These have preempted the fruits of your labors with confiscatory taxes, and they have stolen your monies in a redistribution of wealth that rewards indolence and sloth and penalizes personal industriousness.

I’m not done, and neither are they. I won’t be satisfied until these criminals have been removed from any semblance of authority over me and a righteous people. I won’t be satisfied unless or until they have been charged, prosecuted and adjudicated as the guilty malefactors they are. And they won’t be satisfied until they have established iron control of every aspect of the millions of lives under their dominance and cemented that control by unapproachable totalitarian authority. When they fully attain that iron control they will enforce their edicts by incarceration or death, why should I not demand any less of them for the crimes that they have committed against the people of this nation?

Now, I ask you my friends if criminals were to enter your home to molest your children, steal your personal property, bind your freedom, and kidnap and enslave you to their rule wouldn’t you want to see them pay the penalty for their criminality? Shouldn’t we hate criminalism and want to see it punished and shouldn’t we hold in revulsion and detestation the perpetrators of those who grievously come against us with intent to do us harm? If you answered no to either of these questions your are an odd person and inclined to masochism, and you will do well under the totalitarian socialist order that is rapidly becoming a reality by the efforts of the traitors who reign.

I do not advocate kangaroo justice for these traitors who have no constitutional authority for their unconstitutional acts, but I do advocate for their removal from office and their prosecution for the treason that they have committed; prosecute them, and let them know that you hate them enough to defend yourself if attacked.

All liberals are traitors.

Molon Labe.
SOCIALISM is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy...ITS INHERENT VIRTUE IS THE EQUAL SHARING OF MISERY.

– Winston Churchill

Definition of LIBERALISM – SEE Socialism above; ALSO see democrats

Liberalism—Dividing up the assets of the honest, hard working Americans and giving same to the leeches who would rather waste their worthless lives living off the government teat.
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I really hate the way they side with Pootin and others, against their own country.
Oh wait. That's RWs.

But they vote against the best interests of their own country.
Nope. That's RWs too.

They purposely get their information and "news" from sources they KNOW lie to them, such as the op/ed quoted in the OP, Fox, Limbaugh, Brietbart, etc.
Dang. That's RWs again.

They are willfully ignorant about current affairs of their own country.
Yep - RWs again.

They lie constantly about the president.
RWs again.

^^ And as we all know, that's just a partial list!

Only people that agree with me politically are patriots while all the others are traitors. What a silly standard.
SOCIALISM is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy...ITS INHERENT VIRTUE IS THE EQUAL SHARING OF MISERY.

– Winston Churchill

Definition of LIBERALISM – SEE Socialism above; ALSO see democrats

Liberalism—Dividing up the assets of the honest, hard working and ingenious well to do people and giving same to the leeches who would rather waste their worthless lives living off the government teat.
Damn that Lincoln!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hate the way they side with Pootin and others, against their own country.
Oh wait. That's RWs.

But they vote against the best interests of their own country.
Nope. That's RWs too.

They purposely get their information and "news" from sources they KNOW lie to them, such as the op/ed quoted in the OP, Fox, Limbaugh, Brietbart, etc.
Dang. That's RWs again.

They are willfully ignorant about current affairs of their own country.
Yep - RWs again.

They lie constantly about the president.
RWs again.

^^ And as we all know, that's just a partial list!

they pay taxes in Russia...
Damn that Lincoln!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor misguided soul...Lincoln had nothing to do with it.

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

“I’ll have those n*****rs voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

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