All liberals want is revenge


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
The great thing about revenge, when the wheel turn again, and it will turn again, it goes both ways.

It's a show worth the price of admission.
These are petty small assholes.
You reap what you sow. Since day one, he's been the nation's Chief Petty Officer.

Well, bring it on fool.
These are petty small assholes.
You reap what you sow. Since day one, he's been the nation's Chief Petty Officer.
Well, bring it on fool.
Bring what on? Is this one of those sad internet tough guy things? You Trumpkins just make me SMH. Get a life.
Liberals are alarmist assholes. There's no chance of Trump refusing to leave so there's no point in even discussing it. I thought the irrational hatred of Trumpy would fade after the election but it seems that many unhinged liberals are incapable of giving up their hate. Now if the question were do you think Trump will be accepted in the past Presidents club, that would be a debatle topic.
These are petty small assholes.
You reap what you sow. Since day one, he's been the nation's Chief Petty Officer.
Well, bring it on fool.
Bring what on? Is this one of those sad internet tough guy things? You Trumpkins just make me SMH. Get a life.

Not at all...I just think everyday when I get up, “how low will libs go today?” And, y’all never disappoint....
Liberals are alarmist assholes. There's no chance of Trump refusing to leave so there's no point in even discussing it. I thought the irrational hatred of Trumpy would fade after the election but it seems that many unhinged liberals are incapable of giving up their hate. Now if the question were do you think Trump will be accepted in the past Presidents club, that would be a debatle topic.

How do you think the liberal hate will manifest itself going forward?

These are petty small assholes.
the story is hidden behind a lib reporter paywall

How about this one...

The "What should be done to Hillary" race to the bottom that used to happen practically every day on this board was alright then? Why do you think liberals should have the kind of respect for Trump that the right has never shown towards any liberal? Live by the standards you expect from democrats before you criticize.
The "What should be done to Hillary" race to the bottom that used to happen practically every day on this board was alright then? Why do you think liberals should have the kind of respect for Trump that the right has never shown towards any liberal? Live by the standards you expect from democrats before you criticize.

Her fat ass was never President.
Liberals are alarmist assholes. There's no chance of Trump refusing to leave so there's no point in even discussing it. I thought the irrational hatred of Trumpy would fade after the election but it seems that many unhinged liberals are incapable of giving up their hate. Now if the question were do you think Trump will be accepted in the past Presidents club, that would be a debatle topic.

How do you think the liberal hate will manifest itself going forward?
Since they own the media, I think they will take every opportunity to belittle Republican positions. They seem to be better at bitching than they are at problem solving. And where Trump is concerned, I'm pretty sure he has no chance of getting media coverage for any positive developement he is responsible for. The media will probably make a big deal about Trump not being able to get along with our past Presidents, who are all elitists and globalist establishment assholes. Trump will never be accepted by bought politicians like the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas, but that's what so many people like about him. But I see the MSM becoming more relentless against Trump even as they lose more credibility. They need Trump and they'll soon find out that liberals aren't intelligent, amusing, patriotic or marketable in the least. If they thought their business was on the skids before, they're in for an even bigger fall with Biden. If Lincoln project types turn out to be the Republicans answer to filling the Trump void, the party will disintegrate. Neocons are too stupid to see that Democrats will use them to destroy the Trump movement and then just abandon them.
The "What should be done to Hillary" race to the bottom that used to happen practically every day on this board was alright then? Why do you think liberals should have the kind of respect for Trump that the right has never shown towards any liberal? Live by the standards you expect from democrats before you criticize.

Her fat ass was never President.
Trump's fat ass was president and he intentionally insulted everyone, even his followers, and now he's paying the price for being an asshole. He does not get to wear the mantle of a senior statesman like other ex-presidents because he never had any respect for the office.
Liberals are alarmist assholes. There's no chance of Trump refusing to leave so there's no point in even discussing it. I thought the irrational hatred of Trumpy would fade after the election but it seems that many unhinged liberals are incapable of giving up their hate. Now if the question were do you think Trump will be accepted in the past Presidents club, that would be a debatle topic.

How do you think the liberal hate will manifest itself going forward?
/—-/ If the democRATs manage to steal the election, they will blame every Biden Commie Harris failure on Trump.

These are petty small assholes.
You know what you should do. Go on here and type owning the libs in the search bar see how many comservatives you find gleefully talking how it's fun the see libs head explode. Or you can go on twitter of Don Jr. doing the exact same. Or you can go to a Trump rally and hear thousands of people shouting lock her up under the approving grin of someone who's supposed to be the president for all Americans. Or you can see that same president trying to use his office to blackmail a foreign country to investigate the son of his political rival.

But you find an article in the Boston Globe talking about that people wouldn't mind some payback and all of a sudden you find that petty. You know what happens if you support someone because "he's a fighter?" People will want to fight back.

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