All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
The first time I heard the phrase, Black Lives Matter, I didn't know what it was and I was horrified. It was like some how some horrific group thought that Black people were less than others, but, all the same, they matter, too. My immediate thought was that it would be better applied to Downs Syndrome and those who suggest and advocate aborting Downs Syndrome Babies. I thought the phrase would be best utilized as Downs Lives Matter because Black lives are already on par with the lives of every other race. Not so with Downs.
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
What they really mean by BLM is that while ALL lives matter, not all lives are equally at risk of getting pulled over by police or getting shot by them.
What are they going to do if the President says all lives matter?
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
What they really mean by BLM is that while ALL lives matter, not all lives are equally at risk of getting pulled over by police or getting shot by them.

Okay. Maybe. But why is it wrong to say all lives matter. Why would anyone consider that offensive?

Also, would it not be better to acknowledge our shared humanity while still addressing there are often problems in the interactions between police and black Americans? Why is this difficult?
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.

Works for me. By saying ALL lives matter, you'd be implying that black lives matter too. More to the point, you would have been more accurate and inclusive rather than violent and confrontational.

All these riots have accomplished was to sort of justify any prejudice and brutality the police had shown.
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
What they really mean by BLM is that while ALL lives matter, not all lives are equally at risk of getting pulled over by police or getting shot by them.

Okay. Maybe. But why is it wrong to say all lives matter. Why would anyone consider that offensive?

Also, would it not be better to acknowledge our shared humanity while still addressing there are often problems in the interactions between police and black Americans? Why is this difficult?
What is your intent? To say or infer that Black lives are not at risk is offensive. To say acknowledge our shared humanity while still addressing there are often problems in the interactions between police and black Americans is perfectly fine with me, if just makes an awkward slogan. Kinda like "defund police", pithy but to most people it is not meant to say get rid of the police but focus the police on their core mission and get them out of the mental health or traffic arenas.
Certain Black Lives Matter :smoke:

Why does no one protesting give a damn about David Dorn? Why do they not cry in outrage over the black children being killed? or the black men killing other black men so often?

Instead, the people they prop up are criminals that can't follow or respect simple instruction from law enforcement.

I feel badly for the many good and decent black people; they must be so saddened and embarrassed, and don't deserve this. They have wrecked the Democrats, and how ironic, seeing as how the Democrats have silently been wrecking them prior anyway.
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.

It takes all of us to make a community, it takes all of us to make a country. If we want to have a country. Some people in the political world are so disconnected, that they only operate in identity politics. It is a dysfunctional way of thinking that does not bring out the best in people. It creates and enforces pre- conceived stereotypes all while espousing fairness. Their identity politics has no room for things like hope, forgiveness, thankfulness, appreciation or patience. To them advancement of ideology is the only real thing of importance, therefore it is extremely hard to have a discussion with them. When you bring up a concept like ALL lives matter, they can only see your position from the viewpoint that your divergence from their Ideology means you are either a racist or ignorant.
All lives do matter. Black lives do matter. where there is injustice it needs to be corrected, fixed... problems faced. but that can all be done together without separating ourselves into racial groups.
Preserving the United States as a unified people, as one country, is the most important thing.
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
What they really mean by BLM is that while ALL lives matter, not all lives are equally at risk of getting pulled over by police or getting shot by them.

Okay. Maybe. But why is it wrong to say all lives matter. Why would anyone consider that offensive?

Also, would it not be better to acknowledge our shared humanity while still addressing there are often problems in the interactions between police and black Americans? Why is this difficult?
What is your intent? To say or infer that Black lives are not at risk is offensive. To say acknowledge our shared humanity while still addressing there are often problems in the interactions between police and black Americans is perfectly fine with me, if just makes an awkward slogan. Kinda like "defund police", pithy but to most people it is not meant to say get rid of the police but focus the police on their core mission and get them out of the mental health or traffic arenas.
Black Lives aren’t “at risk”, at least not from police. That’s why a majority of blacks want more police in their run down neighborhoods.
I will agree they are “at risk” from black criminals though. Blacks kill each other off like crazy.
I read this quote today and I thought it was interesting.

All Lives Matter. If You Put a Color in Front of it You Are a Racist.

Please discuss.
What they really mean by BLM is that while ALL lives matter, not all lives are equally at risk of getting pulled over by police or getting shot by them.

I agree BLM, however the studies do not show race plays a part in police actions. For example, what proof was there, that Floyd was killed because of his race? What happened to him was wrong, however nothing has shown that his race had anything to do with what happened.
That is a big part of my frustration with what is going on in America today. The media singles out certain black lives that are lost to stir up outrage, that divide us, that fulfill their political agenda, and most importantly garner them money and ratings.

Yet other black lives that are lost (the appalling violence and murder in cities like Chicago and Baltimore) are completely ignored.

It is clear if blacks are killing blacks their lives do not matter because their deaths do not further a political agenda. The media utterly ignore it. When a man like David Dorn is murdered by looters there is silence or scorn directed at his widow because it does not further a political agenda.

BLM is utterly silent on the vastly greater death toll generated by black on black crime because it does not further their political agenda.

So my message to the media and BLM is this: If all black lives matter prove it. Show that you will not accept the indiscriminate murder of blacks by police or anyone else.

I would like to believe that will happen, but I know it will not. This isn't about black lives, it is about politics pure and simple.

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