All of Nevada's hotel-casinos to shut down, per state orders

The DOW has probably found it's bottom, at about 19,500. What remains to be seen is will this be the beginning of a 9 month recession, or an all out muti-year depression. I am beginning to think, the later. I have visions of cruise ships rusting in harbors, and jet planes permanently parked in Arizona boneyards. Personally, I don't care, because I took every dime out of the market 4 months ago.

Oh good, as long as you are fine, then we have no worries.

Thanks for telling the liberal truth, about you and screw the rest.

Well, Papa, I have known all along that Trump's stock market was illusionary. Frankly, I have watched in amazement as people continued to invest in the pyramid scheme. It was the 2008 housing bubble all over again. You could compare it to musical chairs, except that once the music stopped, almost all of the chairs had been removed.

So you sold all your stock in 1999 just before Clinton’s pyramid scheme was ready to pop?

I would know anything about that. I buy low and sell high, which means that I never loose in the stock market. Perhaps that is what you are doing wrong.

Lol! Nice way to dodge the question.
The DOW has probably found it's bottom, at about 19,500. What remains to be seen is will this be the beginning of a 9 month recession, or an all out muti-year depression. I am beginning to think, the later. I have visions of cruise ships rusting in harbors, and jet planes permanently parked in Arizona boneyards. Personally, I don't care, because I took every dime out of the market 4 months ago.

Oh good, as long as you are fine, then we have no worries.

Thanks for telling the liberal truth, about you and screw the rest.

Well, Papa, I have known all along that Trump's stock market was illusionary. Frankly, I have watched in amazement as people continued to invest in the pyramid scheme. It was the 2008 housing bubble all over again. You could compare it to musical chairs, except that once the music stopped, almost all of the chairs had been removed.

So you sold all your stock in 1999 just before Clinton’s pyramid scheme was ready to pop?

I would know anything about that. I buy low and sell high, which means that I never loose in the stock market. Perhaps that is what you are doing wrong.

Lol! Nice way to dodge the question.

Well, if you don't understand, I will try simpler language. I did not notice any Clinton stock market downturn, but if I had, at the time, I would have doubled down buying stock cheap, because I still had decades to go before I retired. Simple enough for you?
How many days before the unemployed march on the capitol?

When the public notices how few people are sick it might only be hours.

Most States are doing the same thing. To bad Asswipe didn't get ahead of this sooner.

How would you get ahead of this sooner? Close businesses sooner?

From February 24th.

Trump faces ‘black swan’ threat to the economy and reelection

Interesting, you failed to answer my question, you diverted to blaming.

Papa I’m not sure if you are playing dumb or you are just testing. I thought you are very incorporated or well informed.

So let me update you what I posted in several threads.

Trump sabotage this Coronavirus by closing down the NSC pandemic system in May 2018. Created by Obama during the Ebola outbreak. So we don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Now we are starting from scratch trying to figure out what we needed and coordination.

NSC was designed to react before it hit the US. If that was intact Pandemic team could have been in China when the outbreak is happening in China. At this point Trump creating enemies all over cooperation is even impossible.

They could have warned this unfit amateur president to shut the border in December. From December till this idiot shut the border it was too late. TOO LATE.
At the same time Trump downplayed, insulting, mocking, calling it a hoax the severity of Coronavirus. For 2 weeks. Go to Hannity for reinforcement which heavily promotes this CV is a hoax.
At the same time very busy tweeting conspiracies, pointing fingers and other nonsense crap.
So what you see the chaos like panic buying, stocks are crumbling, people getting sick and die, Americans are scared. That is how dumb Trump handled the CV by sabotaging and acting too late.
We are holding Trump accountable. NO MERCY.

My question was asked and your buddy a direct question and he didn’t answer. As far as Hannity, I don’t watch him nor read what he says, why would I?
Oh good, as long as you are fine, then we have no worries.

Thanks for telling the liberal truth, about you and screw the rest.

Well, Papa, I have known all along that Trump's stock market was illusionary. Frankly, I have watched in amazement as people continued to invest in the pyramid scheme. It was the 2008 housing bubble all over again. You could compare it to musical chairs, except that once the music stopped, almost all of the chairs had been removed.

So you sold all your stock in 1999 just before Clinton’s pyramid scheme was ready to pop?

I would know anything about that. I buy low and sell high, which means that I never loose in the stock market. Perhaps that is what you are doing wrong.

Lol! Nice way to dodge the question.

Well, if you don't understand, I will try simpler language. I did not notice any Clinton stock market downturn, but if I had, at the time, I would have doubled down buying stock cheap, because I still had decades to go before I retired. Simple enough for you?

It started showing signs of weakening in 1999, It was nearing 5000 by April of 2000 and by the end of the year it was in the lower 2000. It was when the Dotcom bubble burst. The speculation was absolutely off the charts lunacy. Companies never making money and trading far above where they should of and then reality set in. Interesting you don’t remember, by March of 2001 we fell into a recession.
Well, Papa, I have known all along that Trump's stock market was illusionary. Frankly, I have watched in amazement as people continued to invest in the pyramid scheme. It was the 2008 housing bubble all over again. You could compare it to musical chairs, except that once the music stopped, almost all of the chairs had been removed.

So you sold all your stock in 1999 just before Clinton’s pyramid scheme was ready to pop?

I would know anything about that. I buy low and sell high, which means that I never loose in the stock market. Perhaps that is what you are doing wrong.

Lol! Nice way to dodge the question.

Well, if you don't understand, I will try simpler language. I did not notice any Clinton stock market downturn, but if I had, at the time, I would have doubled down buying stock cheap, because I still had decades to go before I retired. Simple enough for you?

It started showing signs of weakening in 1999, It was nearing 5000 by April of 2000 and by the end of the year it was in the lower 2000. It was when the Dotcom bubble burst. The speculation was absolutely off the charts lunacy. Companies never making money and trading far above where they should of and then reality set in. Interesting you don’t remember, by March of 2001 we fell into a recession.

Nope. Don't remember that. I was busy changing jobs from where I worked in South Texas, to my new job in San Francisco. Then there was 9/11, another relocation to New Orléans, and the very memorable experience of being stuck there when Katrina hit. In short, there was a period of around 5 years where my plate was pretty full without worrying too much about the market.

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