All out fascism in the Ukraine

46 million people did nothing to defend their country? So either they are indifferent to their country's path or too weak, it is their fault. .

Well, it’s easy to judge when you, Igrok, live in a country where that kind of coup has not been possible so far (even though Nuland, McCain, Soros and Co would love to do the same coup in Russia!).

The coup in Ukraine was well prepared, organized and paid for. Besides, junta pulled out enormous propaganda for EU and against Russia (a lot of people have bought that sh*t, now they are pretty disappointed with “democracy” brought from overseas and new reality in Ukraine). What could millions of civilians do without any weapons versus those armed and trained militias on Kiev junta’s side (I personally know a lot of people who were saying: “If I had a AK-47, I would go and protect our interests. Without one what can I do??”)? All the cities in Eastern Ukraine have had numerous protests against EU demanding a referendum to decide whom to go with: Russia or EU. Only Crimea was lucky to have a referendum and with over 90% voted to stay with Russia. No other areas of Ukraine were allowed to have a referendum: Kiev Junta sure knew in advance what kind of voting Eastern Ukraine would do.

I remember being on one of those protests (which occurred every weekend for about two and a half months ) a week after Crimea has made its decision. The people around me were saying to each other: how happy we are for Crimea and how much we all would love to follow Crimea on its way back [home!!!] to Russia. However pretty soon all leaders of our protests were thrown into prisons (some even killed), in May 2014 Junta has burned over 100 protestors alive in Odessa and started all-out war against Donbass, cynically blaming Russia/Putin for that while destroying lives and homes of 3 million people from Donbass.

IMAGES of numerous protests in Eastern Ukraine for staying with Russia, which Kiev junta has ignored:




Some people are addicted to having Russia's revenue from the pipelines passing through Ukraine and being a transshipment point for Russian goods brings-in revenue as well

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