All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers

An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.
Let's see, we've had slavery, secession, civil war, segregation, sexism, women's suffrage, race riots, etc., etc. You have no sense of perspective so I doubt you know much history. You're letting the media jerk you around.
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.


Now what part of all of that above do you DISAGREE with? Surely they had disagreements and compromises. So tell us what parts did they get wrong.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.
Let's see, we've had slavery, secession, civil war, segregation, sexism, women's suffrage, race riots, etc., etc. You have no sense of perspective so I doubt you know much history. You're letting the media jerk you around.
Well, you're entitled to you opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, please excuse me if I disagree. The media doesn't jerk me around. I put very little stock in what the obviously biased media encourages us to believe. For the most part, the main stream news media is little more than a propaganda machine for anyone they support or agree with. One has to read between the lines, and pay more attention to what's not said, as opposed to what is said. Aside from that, Main Street America, our own experiences, and what we know from others, carries way more weight and influence. The news media attempts to paint a rosy picture where obvious misery and hardships are taking place.

We can cite many stories of what is actually taking place on Main Street America, which differs greatly from what the government and the Main Stream Media are feeding us. Some obvious examples are: unemployment, underemployment, the ratio between the cost of living and real wages, the actual cost of proper health care, the injustices in our judicial system, the real numbers that represent our astronomical and growing national debt, the real cost of shelter ( taxes, rent, insurance ), the actual number of homeless, the care given to our many Vets, top secret government spending, the real cost of senseless deadly costly wars, the real relationship between government, Wall Street, and corporations, the real motive behind the illegal immigration issue, and many others that doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out. Again, the media doesn't jerk me around, my eyes and ears are open. I've been following this for decades now.
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
What makes a govt. a treasonous one and don`t we still have elections? Elections tainted by money that is, but it was never the intent of the founders that we shoot our elected officials. That`s truly an idiotic notion. As long as the Supreme Court`s Citizens United ruling stands we are truly screwed and we`re being screwed by big corporations dumping tens of millions of dollars into election campaigns. Send those silly ass militias to Wall St. if they`re looking for evildoers.
We can cite many stories of what is actually taking place on Main Street America, which differs greatly from what the government and the Main Stream Media are feeding us. Some obvious examples are: unemployment, underemployment, the ratio between the cost of living and real wages, the actual cost of proper health care, the injustices in our judicial system, the real numbers that represent our astronomical and growing national debt, the real cost of shelter ( taxes, rent, insurance ), the actual number of homeless, the care given to our many Vets, top secret government spending, the real cost of senseless deadly costly wars, the real relationship between government, Wall Street, and corporations, the real motive behind the illegal immigration issue, and many others that doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out. Again, the media doesn't jerk me around, my eyes and ears are open. I've been following this for decades now.
I'm not one to paint a rosy picture of America, there's a lot wrong. Most of what you cite are economic problems, most of which can be traced to government involvement. They screw up everything they touch and the solution is more of the same. A smaller government has less opportunity to throw a wrench in our lives. That's why I am an unappologetic conservative.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
What makes a govt. a treasonous one and don`t we still have elections? Elections tainted by money that is, but it was never the intent of the founders that we shoot our elected officials. That`s truly an idiotic notion. As long as the Supreme Court`s Citizens United ruling stands we are truly screwed and we`re being screwed by big corporations dumping tens of millions of dollars into election campaigns. Send those silly ass militias to Wall St. if they`re looking for evildoers.
It's not secret that our government totally disregards the Constitution. Wasn't it GWB that said that the Constitution was nothing more than a GD piece of paper? Yes, we still have elections, sure we do. But, doesn't the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots. Aren't we given a choice between the ones that are selected for us? Do professional politicians owe many favors before they even take a seat in Washington? And, don't Lobbyists buy votes on the floors of Congress? True or false: Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. Are not professional politicians bought and paid for? Do we really have a representative government seated in Washington? Are our voices represented in Washington?

Do we get to vote on the floors of Congress? Has "The Washington Brotherhood" become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself? If not, who do they answer to? No, we don't shoot politicians, of course not. But, the Constitution gives us the right to arm ourselves and fight against tyranny. Serious question: Do you believe that we have a pro-America government seated in Washington? One that puts the good of the people first above all else?
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.

That is the point of the article and pretty much the OP.

The preppers aren't unhappy taking care of themselves.
The government is unhappy with the preppers ... And feels they need to be punished for taking care of themselves.
The preppers aren't complaining about child safety seats ... They are upset about the government punishing them for doing stuff that is neither wrong nor irresponsible.

As for Somalia and Rwanda ... Your government got their ass handed them when they tried messing with Somalia and could not do shit about genocide in Rwanda.
The government better stick to messing with preppers ... They cannot accomplish anything else.

Regarding Bush,no -
Bush The Constitution a 8216 Goddamned Piece of Paper 8217
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
What makes a govt. a treasonous one and don`t we still have elections? Elections tainted by money that is, but it was never the intent of the founders that we shoot our elected officials. That`s truly an idiotic notion. As long as the Supreme Court`s Citizens United ruling stands we are truly screwed and we`re being screwed by big corporations dumping tens of millions of dollars into election campaigns. Send those silly ass militias to Wall St. if they`re looking for evildoers.
It's not secret that our government totally disregards the Constitution. Wasn't it GWB that said that the Constitution was nothing more than a GD piece of paper? Yes, we still have elections, sure we do. But, doesn't the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots. Aren't we given a choice between the ones that are selected for us? Do professional politicians owe many favors before they even take a seat in Washington? And, don't Lobbyists buy votes on the floors of Congress? True or false: Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. Are not professional politicians bought and paid for? Do we really have a representative government seated in Washington? Are our voices represented in Washington?

Do we get to vote on the floors of Congress? Has "The Washington Brotherhood" become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself? If not, who do they answer to? No, we don't shoot politicians, of course not. But, the Constitution gives us the right to arm ourselves and fight against tyranny. Serious question: Do you believe that we have a pro-America government seated in Washington? One that puts the good of the people first above all else?
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
Regarding Bush,no -
Bush The Constitution a 8216 Goddamned Piece of Paper 8217
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
What makes a govt. a treasonous one and don`t we still have elections? Elections tainted by money that is, but it was never the intent of the founders that we shoot our elected officials. That`s truly an idiotic notion. As long as the Supreme Court`s Citizens United ruling stands we are truly screwed and we`re being screwed by big corporations dumping tens of millions of dollars into election campaigns. Send those silly ass militias to Wall St. if they`re looking for evildoers.
It's not secret that our government totally disregards the Constitution. Wasn't it GWB that said that the Constitution was nothing more than a GD piece of paper? Yes, we still have elections, sure we do. But, doesn't the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots. Aren't we given a choice between the ones that are selected for us? Do professional politicians owe many favors before they even take a seat in Washington? And, don't Lobbyists buy votes on the floors of Congress? True or false: Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. Are not professional politicians bought and paid for? Do we really have a representative government seated in Washington? Are our voices represented in Washington?

Do we get to vote on the floors of Congress? Has "The Washington Brotherhood" become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself? If not, who do they answer to? No, we don't shoot politicians, of course not. But, the Constitution gives us the right to arm ourselves and fight against tyranny. Serious question: Do you believe that we have a pro-America government seated in Washington? One that puts the good of the people first above all else?
Maybe he didn't say it. I have no idea. I was repeating what I had heard, and phrased it as a question, not a statement of fact. Thanks for the correction.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
No forced health care, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no more subsidies for minorities, no more federalized education, no more highway tolls in addition to licensing and registration fees and gasoline taxes, no more overbearing EPA standards like denying the choice in lighting my own house, etc.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
No forced health care, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no more subsidies for minorities, no more federalized education, no more highway tolls in addition to licensing and registration fees and gasoline taxes, no more overbearing EPA standards like denying the choice in lighting my own house, etc.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
No forced health care, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no more subsidies for minorities, no more federalized education, no more highway tolls in addition to licensing and registration fees and gasoline taxes, no more overbearing EPA standards like denying the choice in lighting my own house, etc.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
I'm no right winger. I'm a proto liberal. That means I'm so far ahead of so-called liberals on the track of progressivism that I have conservatives lapped and create the illusion to so-called liberals that I'm lagging behind.
You believe in forcing taste onto others? You believe you reserve the right to determine which risks individuals wish to take at their own expense and not of others'? You are the ultra conservative and un-American.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
No forced health care, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no more subsidies for minorities, no more federalized education, no more highway tolls in addition to licensing and registration fees and gasoline taxes, no more overbearing EPA standards like denying the choice in lighting my own house, etc.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
I'm no right winger. I'm a proto liberal. That means I'm so far ahead of so-called liberals on the track of progressivism that I have conservatives lapped and create the illusion to so-called liberals that I'm lagging behind.
You believe in forcing taste onto others? You believe you reserve the right to determine which risks individuals wish to take at their own expense and not of others'? You are the ultra conservative and un-American.
I have no idea what kind of nonsense you`re babbling about. You want free highways like any other rightard with his hand out for entitlements. No liberal would be stupid enough to question the wisdom of wearing seatbelts. Do you think medical expenditures aren`t outrageous enough in this country?
Why move to Rwanda or Somalia when you can work to reestablish the liberty that this country was designed to protect?
My liberties are just fine just as they were when Reagan, Bush, Clinton, etc. were president. Which liberties do you want to reestablish if I may ask?
No forced health care, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no more subsidies for minorities, no more federalized education, no more highway tolls in addition to licensing and registration fees and gasoline taxes, no more overbearing EPA standards like denying the choice in lighting my own house, etc.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
I'm no right winger. I'm a proto liberal. That means I'm so far ahead of so-called liberals on the track of progressivism that I have conservatives lapped and create the illusion to so-called liberals that I'm lagging behind.
You believe in forcing taste onto others? You believe you reserve the right to determine which risks individuals wish to take at their own expense and not of others'? You are the ultra conservative and un-American.
I have no idea what kind of nonsense you`re babbling about. You want free highways like any other rightard with his hand out for entitlements. No liberal would be stupid enough to question the wisdom of wearing seatbelts. Do you think medical expenditures aren`t outrageous enough in this country?
I didn't 't expect you to get it right away since you demonstrate lefty sheeple think.
No one is questioning the wisdom of wearing seat belts. It's about the liberty to take the risk. If it only confronts the individual it should be no one else's business, especially not government's. Infrastructure and defense are expected of government so they aren't the issue. It's about liberty and personal responsibility. You need to lean forward.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
We pay high taxes for freeways now. More traffic deaths? Uh, yes, any attempt to keep taxes under control is just like killing babies, I forgot.

The government rammed cfls down our throats, people didn't really want them, now we learn they are a bio-hazard, LED's are proving more efficient, long lasting and the price is coming way down with technological advances. Just like most invensions, people will buy them when it makes sense and don't need gubermint to force feed them.

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