All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers

I have no idea what kind of nonsense you`re babbling about. You want free highways like any other rightard with his hand out for entitlements. No liberal would be stupid enough to question the wisdom of wearing seatbelts. Do you think medical expenditures aren`t outrageous enough in this country?
I think we need to take your kitchen knives away. A devout liberal like you could easily sever a finger while praying to obama while preparing your morning gruel.
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
You poor baby. I`m not seeing any treasonous govt. here just because you want free highways and more traffic deaths and you want light bulbs that use 90% of their electricity to make heat. It`s no wonder that people in the civilized countries laugh at American righties.
We pay high taxes for freeways now. More traffic deaths? Uh, yes, any attempt to keep taxes under control is just like killing babies, I forgot.

The government rammed cfls down our throats, people didn't really want them, now we learn they are a bio-hazard, LED's are proving more efficient, long lasting and the price is coming way down with technological advances. Just like most invensions, people will buy them when it makes sense and don't need gubermint to force feed them.
But LED ambience is like dead light. If you want to light something and create an effect, LED ain't the way to go. Thanks to government tastelessness we're being denied the choice to spend the extra on incandescent and get a look.
It's like the government mandating that all instruments in the orchestra pit be replaced by synthesizers.
Or electric guitars being forced to use solid state amplifiers because vacuum tubes eat up too much current.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with what's taking place at present. Why would I attempt to second guess those that did sign it? All may not have agreed on every single point, but it certainly was a consensus in the end. Did anyone refuse to sign it? If so, who?
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with what's taking place at present. Why would I attempt to second guess those that did sign it? All may not have agreed on every single point, but it certainly was a consensus in the end. Did anyone refuse to sign it? If so, who?

That's about the answer I would expect.
A total cop out.

The lesson here ladies and gentlemen is that whenever someone tries to tell you what "the founders" intended (as a group), what they really mean are strictly the founders who agree with their ideology.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with what's taking place at present. Why would I attempt to second guess those that did sign it? All may not have agreed on every single point, but it certainly was a consensus in the end. Did anyone refuse to sign it? If so, who?

That's about the answer I would expect.
A total cop out.

The lesson here ladies and gentlemen is that whenever someone tries to tell you what "the founders" intended (as a group), what they really mean are strictly the founders who agree with their ideology.
Total BS. Very funny. Are you trying to impress someone?
Why would it be illegal to collect snow and rain water runoff on your own property? Because theoretically that small amount of water would run down to a stream?
Why would it be illegal to collect snow and rain water runoff on your own property? Because theoretically that small amount of water would run down to a stream?
Ya reckon maybe ?? I guess that's as good of a reason as any. Just doesn't sound right though. I think maybe I'm missing something in that logic, if there is logic there.
WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with what's taking place at present. Why would I attempt to second guess those that did sign it? All may not have agreed on every single point, but it certainly was a consensus in the end. Did anyone refuse to sign it? If so, who?

That's about the answer I would expect.
A total cop out.

The lesson here ladies and gentlemen is that whenever someone tries to tell you what "the founders" intended (as a group), what they really mean are strictly the founders who agree with their ideology.
Total BS. Very funny. Are you trying to impress someone?

No funnier than your trying to explain the intent of the founders...
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So all 56 signers of the Declaration of independence had the exact same idea? Of course not.
The Constitution is full of compromises between those who disagreed. Please tell us what parts you disagree with.
It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. That has absolutely nothing to do with what's taking place at present. Why would I attempt to second guess those that did sign it? All may not have agreed on every single point, but it certainly was a consensus in the end. Did anyone refuse to sign it? If so, who?

That's about the answer I would expect.
A total cop out.

The lesson here ladies and gentlemen is that whenever someone tries to tell you what "the founders" intended (as a group), what they really mean are strictly the founders who agree with their ideology.
Total BS. Very funny. Are you trying to impress someone?

No funnier than your trying to explain the intent of the founders...
Well, do you have a better summary of their thoughts and intentions? If so, please share them with us. I'm very interested.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.

The places we'd prefer to be won't take Americans because they're afraid we're more like you folks are.

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