All Remains Sane and Calm Out Here in Rural America

Why the Left of course.
View attachment 353449
And the Lefts solution?

I don't think that anyone's political party has anything to do with it. The "getting rid of police department" jazz means only restructuring. It doesn't mean the end of policing. Use your common sense. BTW: the current crop of republicans has done nothing but prove that they can't govern and believe in the abuse of power without conducting themselves with self-discipline and courtesy.
I don't think that anyone's political party has anything to do with it. The "getting rid of police department" jazz means only restructuring. It doesn't mean the end of policing. Use your common sense. BTW: the current crop of republicans has done nothing but prove that they can't govern and believe in the abuse of power without conducting themselves with self-discipline and courtesy.
Bullshit. Only Leftards are creating the BS. How the fuck is ‘restructuring’ making people less racist?
Now that rural Americans are dying of the corona virus, as well as the opiod crisis, and dealing with unending unemployment, we'll see how long that lasts. Assuming, of course, Breitbart isn't lying as usual.

You fucktards use your bullshit Soros websites and add the word FACT-CHECK and think it means anything. Not everyone are blind sheeples like you Leftards.
In other words not many blacks in your area.
bullshit. I lived in Loris SC for 6 months last year( welding gig). Super nice folks and mostly black. Nothing happening there but the usual daily work. Myrtle Beach(1/2 hr out) is a niggafied shithole full of loudmouth yankees from Yakk and Jewsey.Conway is still kinda "OK".
All kinds a BS went on in Myrtle but they knew not to get too stupid. Country boys don't mind taking a few assholes matter the color.God Bless Loris and Tabor City
Bullshit. Only Leftards are creating the BS. How the fuck is ‘restructuring’ making people less racist?

Restructuring involves both aiming some funding more at programs that decrease violence and create good citizens, and also training and credentialing for those who serve as police. Perhaps a program of training, background checks, and a licensing procedure for those who want to be police officers. Who wants to find out that their local officer on patrol is a member of the Sons of the Confederacy who poses with a confederate battle flag instead of the Stars and Stripes?
You fucktards use your bullshit Soros websites and add the word FACT-CHECK and think it means anything. Not everyone are blind sheeples like you Leftards.

Why do you have this fantasy about Soros and say nothing of billionaires like the Koch Brothers (one dead), the Mellons and Scaifis and that whole bunch? There are a lot of billionaires in places like Texas who are contributing to right-wing causes and funding their candidates. This is shameful and unAmerican. Seriously, even look at the family of DeVos. She and her family live in shame and lack of patriotism.
“My appreciation for Rural America has only grown as the lunacy of blacklists, rioting, looting, woke fascism, and a full-blown CHAZ has spread like a malignant cancer throughout dozens of Democrat-run cities.

You know what?

There really are Two Americas.
To which I can only say, “Thank God.”

Remember Leftards, we sit up in trees for hours just to kill things.
I was talking to my broker today who lives in the vicinity of Salt Lake City and even there he said they've had riots and overturned and burned a police car. It just adds credence to my claim that all cities are cesspools regardless of where on earth they happen to be.
Why do you have this fantasy about Soros and say nothing of billionaires like the Koch Brothers (one dead), the Mellons and Scaifis and that whole bunch? There are a lot of billionaires in places like Texas who are contributing to right-wing causes and funding their candidates. This is shameful and unAmerican. Seriously, even look at the family of DeVos. She and her family live in shame and lack of patriotism.
Hilarious. The fascist left are handing Trump the election.
Who wants to find out that their local officer on patrol is a member of the Sons of the Confederacy who poses with a confederate battle flag instead of the Stars and Stripes?

or these...

Why the Left of course.
View attachment 353449
And the Lefts solution?

I don't think that anyone's political party has anything to do with it. The "getting rid of police department" jazz means only restructuring. It doesn't mean the end of policing. Use your common sense. BTW: the current crop of republicans has done nothing but prove that they can't govern and believe in the abuse of power without conducting themselves with self-discipline and courtesy.
You can’t decrease the budget of the police and not have the same level of law enforcement.
What’s the goal of people who want no law enforcement? Other than to enjoy rape and murder that is.
I may be wrong, but what I've seen so far is that they want to decrease funding and re-direct some of the resources elsewhere.

An interesting issue to discuss, but I have no reason to believe it would be effective until I hear more.

Do you have any examples of them wanting NO law enforcement?

Only the encampment in Seattle. Which is temporary, of course.

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