All Right People! Nut Crackin' Time! Discuss Election Returns Here as they Come In!

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It's going to be like this all day folks.

The libs are going to be just FULL of vitriol and sour grapes because they know the country is voting against them and there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

They called half the country racists, bigots, tea baggers. They tried to intimidate them. They told us to sit in the back of the bus. They called us stupid and uninformed.

They did their worst.

NOW LET'S DO OUR BEST, and vote these arrogant snobs out of office!

Let liberals know their worst didn't work!


I just want to let other conservatives know that I do not fault you for having Samurai among your ranks. I know she's more of a "special" case and doesn't represent the majority of you.

Yes most conservatives are like Newt Gingrich and Lindsey Graham. They just can't wait to compromise with Obama.

I think we see stupid, when you libs protest too much about those smilies.

It's obvious they bug the hell out of you, and it's obvious why.

Otherwise you wouldn't even mention them. You make it all too obvious.

And it reveals what CONTROL FREAKS liberals are. You don't see me lecturing others about how they should post, smilies or no!
Some more smilies to annoy sore loser liberals!



Excuse me? A mod had to come here and tell you that you had no right to dictate who can and cannot post in YOUR thread. Fucking moron.

And you guys don't have the right to tell me whether I can use smilies or not, and HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THAT? I THINK A HELL OF A LOT LONGER THAN JUST TODAY OR THIS THREAD!

And I sure didn't say he couldn't post at all OR not start another thread.

But, I object to obvious thread derailing, AND I'M THE HYPOCRITE?

Who's the moron here?

Give me a break!

Nice damn try!


I can't stop you from using your smileys as your closing argument. Knock yourself out. By the way, I don't see a whole lot of support for your silly ranting from fellow conservatives who normally post on this board. I think the conservative intelligentsia prefers adult conversation.

I gotta go vote again now, honey. :razz:

It's going to be like this all day folks.

The libs are going to be just FULL of vitriol and sour grapes because they know the country is voting against them and there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

They called half the country racists, bigots, tea baggers. They tried to intimidate them. They told us to sit in the back of the bus. They called us stupid and uninformed.

They did their worst.

NOW LET'S DO OUR BEST, and vote these arrogant snobs out of office!

Let liberals know their worst didn't work!


Could you tell us again about how libs are going to be just FULL of vitriol and sour grapes?
Oh yes, I get it. I get why liberals are so upset today. I get why they are throwing a collective tantrum in this thread, and I get why they will be even worse tomorrow.

Pathetic indeed!


The only reason I'm in this thread is because I've been waiting for a phone call and needed something mindless to do.

Do I know how to pick 'em or what, boys and girls?

Of course! There is Noooooooooooooooooooo other thread you can be in!

There is only this thread available to you!

Protesting too much! Always funny!

Who's mindless??


Usually I pick something in the Flame Zone to goof off in. But today it's you. Thanks so much for the entertainment!
Not yet noon here in NV., but an above average # of voting complaints are coming in...nothing specific mentioned yet......complaints about equal between the two parties.
Yeah, I remember 2008.

That was the night I prediced THIS was going to happen today! I knew Democrats are arrogant liberals and they would govern AGAINST the people.

The day after Obama won, I warned liberals this day was coming, and I have been warning liberals ever since.

I knew they wouldn't listen!


--->whoosh---> Franken v. Coleman (US Senate seat-MN).

Sorry, but it appears your knowledge of politics doesn't go back any further "in history" than this year, if you can't remember that contest. But I'll bet all those liberals are cringing over the warning coming from THE big bad Tea Party Samurai and wished they'd heeded your personal message from the outset.


Franken vs. Coleman??????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is your big evidence of liberal victory?

An election stolen by lawyers and "recounts."

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As IF the ONLY STATE TO VOTE FOR MONDALE IN 1984 is proof of how the country is going in the first place??????????

I have FAMILY in Minnesota! TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW PEOPLE IN MINNESOTA think. :lol::lol:

The fact they think someone like Franken, who was such an asshole even SNL no longer wanted him, proudly represents that state, says all you need to KNOW about Minnesota.

But if that "victory" makes you feel good, you be my guest.

That was then, this is 2010 baby! Let's see what the results are going to be in 2010, shall we???????

Franken! BWahahaaaa! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fuck off, you under-medicated ho. I LIVE in Minnesota, and even I don't go around claiming to "know how people in Minnesota" think. Could you get any more puffed up on arrogance? That type of broad-brushing of an entire state is the epitome of collectivist thought, something I thought conservatives like you are against... or maybe you're a "conservative".

The election wasn't "stolen"... it was very tight all the way through. When it comes down to a couple hundred votes, it's close enough to say that either candidate could've won. In that case, when the guy holding the job gets THAT marginal a vote of confidence from the electorate, he should concede to the new guy, imo. I voted to re-elect Coleman, but wasn't really that disappointed that he lost. Ultimately, there wasn't THAT much of a difference between them. Coleman was a moderate Republican, possibly one of these "rhinos" I keep hearing about, like Snowe and Castle.
Okay, I have voted. I'm home and I got to cast five votes. You see, my wife and three kids don't really pay all that much attention to politics, so they basically take what I say and that is how they vote... or is it maybe that they just tell me that and then they vote the way they want? :lol:

Well, I guess if Marco Rubio has less than five votes, I will know the answer to that, otherwise I may never know.

Not yet noon here in NV., but an above average # of voting complaints are coming in...nothing specific mentioned yet......complaints about equal between the two parties.

I haven't seen any complaints in Ohio. But then, ever since Ohio kicked Acorn out, the instances of people like "Mary Poppins" trying to vote, as gone way down. :D

A bit of election law for the un-initiated...

1. No police are supposed to be near the voting for fear of scaring people off
2. Pictures can be taken in public places...even at voting locations.
3. There aren't uniform rules across the states regarding every aspect of voting law. For example, some states don't even require identification...while others do, even when the person is a disabled person voting from home.
4. Wearing paraphernalia of a party or candidate - varies by state
5. Loitering around the polling station - varies by state
6. Some felons in some states are allowed to vote again after being released - varies by state

That's all I can think of for now. I'm actually one of the attorneys on call in our county fielding fraud allegations.

What about the guy with the wad of $20s that gives you one after you show him for whom you voted? Does that vary by state?
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