By the way, everything you have posted here is Russian propaganda and lies. Why would an American "patriot" be posting Russian propaganda?????
It’s all 100% fact, sweetie. This thread opened with your own boy Bernie Sanders admitting that Russia was attempting to interfere on his behalf.

Everything here is 100% accurate and can be independently verified. I honestly cannot tell if you’re really as dumb as you seek or if you’re a Chinese or Russian disinformation account.
It’s all 100% fact, sweetie. This thread opened with your own boy Bernie Sanders admitting that Russia was attempting to interfere on his behalf.

Everything here is 100% accurate and can be independently verified. I honestly cannot tell if you’re really as dumb as you seek or if you’re a Chinese or Russian disinformation account.
Sanders didnt need to admit anything, it was widely reported that US officials told Sanders that russia was try to help him.

this is just before the primary, and russia was attempting to sow discord.
The GOP doesn't have any investigatory or prosecutorial authority you blithering retard.
It did for years when Hillary was your target dufus. You did nothing for the first two years of Trump presidency when you controlled everything. Too fking incompetent.
Hillary and the DNC paid for the false Steele Dossier. Hunter’s laptop and the email on it are real evidence.

However have no fear. The upper levels of the FBI and the DOJ are corrupt so Hunter and Joe Biden will skate away totally free.

Garland refuses to answer Hunter Biden investigation question, doesn't commit to appointing special counsel 0r
Wow….real evidence ? Why hasn’t the GOP done anything when in complete control. Too incompetent. The Lock her/him up chant is getting old. You have nothing but BS. Oh, says the party that still claims Trump won the election. Hilarious. Hunter farce is just more political tripe.
It did for years when Hillary was your target dufus. You did nothing for the first two years of Trump presidency when you controlled everything. Too fking incompetent.

Texase retards can’t remember more then then 24 months ?
Did you here about the Texas Trump Humpers that moved to Oklahoma and raised the IQ level of both states.
The GOP doesn't have any investigatory or prosecutorial authority you blithering retard.
Trump was president for four incompetent years. His DOJ did nothing about your claimed crooked Hillary and conniving Hunter. And they were in plain sight. “You blithering idiot.“
Wow….real evidence ? Why hasn’t the GOP done anything when in complete control. Too incompetent. The Lock her/him up chant is getting old. You have nothing but BS. Oh, says the party that still claims Trump won the election. Hilarious. Hunter farce is just more political tripe.
The establishment GOP is basically worthless. In many ways it is as corrupt as the Democrats. Many Swamp critters are Republican.

Much of the evidence is contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell which was susposed to be the ”October Surprise“ that would stop Joe Biden from winning the election. The liberal news media covered that story up like a cat buries its poop.

Even 50 former intelligence agents came forward to say the laptop was likely Russian disinformation.

(You can always trust your former intelligence agents becasue they have your best interest at heart.)

So Trump lost and the Dems took over. You really don’t believe the Dems’ will push prosecution of Hunter Biden, do you?

However at this moment it looks like the Democrats will lose control of Congress after the Midterms and the Republicans will subpoena Hunter. Basically if that happens the shit will hit the fan. Joe Biden may be impeached and removed from office.

(It might be a good idea for the Democrats to rig the midterms but will take a LOT of effort.)

Now even NBC has analyzed a copy of Hunter’s laptop and admits the contents of the laptop raise questions.

Sanders didnt need to admit anything, it was widely reported that US officials told Sanders that russia was try to help him.
Tell me, dudmuck, at what grade did you drop out of school?
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., excoriated Russia on Friday after being briefed that the Kremlin is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic primary and the 2020 election.

"The intelligence community has been very clear about it — whether Trump recognizes it not, or acknowledges it or not, they did interfere in 2016," Sanders told reporters. "The intelligence community is telling us they are interfering in this campaign right now in 2020. What I say to Mr. Putin: If elected president, trust me, you will not be interfering in American elections."
It’s absolutely horrifying how illiterate and uneducated you leftists are.
Why don’t you actually read your own references instead of making up shit.
Tell me, Dagosa , at what grade did you drop out of school?
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., excoriated Russia on Friday after being briefed that the Kremlin is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic primary and the 2020 election.

"The intelligence community has been very clear about it — whether Trump recognizes it not, or acknowledges it or not, they did interfere in 2016," Sanders told reporters. "The intelligence community is telling us they are interfering in this campaign right now in 2020. What I say to Mr. Putin: If elected president, trust me, you will not be interfering in American elections."
It’s absolutely horrifying how illiterate and uneducated you leftists are. Not to mention to the degree you mother-fuckers lie to cover up the gross actions of your own party.
Why hasn’t the GOP done anything when in complete control.
Because power doesn’t prosecute power, ya naïve little fuck’n child. Nobody prosecuted Richard Nixon when he was guilty as fuck. Nobody prosecuted Bill Clinton for perjury.

You’re immature and idealist. It’s time for you to grow the fuck up.
Trump was president for four incompetent years. His DOJ did nothing about your claimed crooked Hillary and conniving Hunter. And they were in plain sight. “You blithering idiot.“
The IG investigations went on for two years dumbass, the special prosecutor was appointed after they reviewed the IG's findings.

After a thorough DOJ review Durham was appointed in early November of 2020.

When you have no clue what you're talking about it's usually best to keep your mouth shut.
Tell me, dudmuck, at what grade did you drop out of school?

It’s absolutely horrifying how illiterate and uneducated you leftists are.
admission implies that Sanders did something wrong, or was hiding something.
DId Bernie work with Russia?
I recall not.
There you go lying again, I never said they were investigated for cellphone use or private email use.
That was the subject of post 393.

A Facebook post claimed, "Democrats spent $40,000,000 of YOUR tax dollars trying to impeach Trump."

One viral Facebook post, which made the rounds back in November 2019, claimed that Democrats had spent $40 million trying to impeach the president.

Trump tweeted on Thursday morning that Robert Mueller's investigation had cost $40 million but provided no evidence for the claim.

You and Trump HAVE "evidence"....................................Facebook. LOL.
They purposely removed classified markings on documents to then scan and email them hoping nobody would notice.

It's even in the headline............................"May have".

The State Department public affairs team also maintains that the emails were "not marked classified" when Clinton received them.

"None of them were classified at the time," department spokesman Mark Toner said.

Retroactively classifying documents?
That was the subject of post 393.

A Facebook post claimed, "Democrats spent $40,000,000 of YOUR tax dollars trying to impeach Trump."

One viral Facebook post, which made the rounds back in November 2019, claimed that Democrats had spent $40 million trying to impeach the president.

Trump tweeted on Thursday morning that Robert Mueller's investigation had cost $40 million but provided no evidence for the claim.

You and Trump HAVE "evidence"....................................Facebook. LOL.
You are still lying, I said nothing about a facebook post.

Mueller's investigation alone ran upwards of 32 million.

By January of 2020, another 11 million was spend specifically on impeachment.
It's even in the headline............................"May have".

The State Department public affairs team also maintains that the emails were "not marked classified" when Clinton received them.

"None of them were classified at the time," department spokesman Mark Toner said.

Retroactively classifying documents?
They admitted to it under questioning when the original document was produced.
You should, but you're an idiot.

WHAT dirty deeds?
Teabaggers keep claiming that but never reveal them.
You can stop making a fool of yourself at any time, even NBC has thrown them both under the bus now revealing details.

Hell, Hunter even complained in his emails about the cost of paying his father's bills while VP.


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