Trump announced Page as a foreign policy adviser in his campaign on March 21, 2016.[34] On September 23, 2016, Yahoo News reported U.S. intelligence officials investigated alleged contacts between Page and Russian officials subject to U.S. sanctions, including Igor Sechin, the president of state-run Russian oil conglomerate Rosneft.[4] Page promptly left the Trump campaign.[1][35] Upon his departure, Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period." Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present." [36]

Investigating Pages connections to Russians had nothing to do with the Trump Campaign
Trump announced Page as a foreign policy adviser in his campaign on March 21, 2016.[34] On September 23, 2016, Yahoo News reported U.S. intelligence officials investigated alleged contacts between Page and Russian officials subject to U.S. sanctions, including Igor Sechin, the president of state-run Russian oil conglomerate Rosneft.[4] Page promptly left the Trump campaign.[1][35] Upon his departure, Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period." Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present." [36]

Investigating Pages connections to Russians had nothing to do with the Trump Campaign
he wasn’t part of the campaign he was an advisor that gave some advice from time to time
sure we have seen it via the illegal wiretapping
WHEN....when asshole. When did Page have contact with the Trump Campaign or Administration after Aug 2016?

Dates please...and links
what are you talking about? you just posted a quote where they said he wasn’t part of the campaign

"Page promptly left the Trump campaign.[1][35] Upon his departure, Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period." Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present." [36]"

Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present."

"Page promptly left the Trump campaign.[1][35] Upon his departure, Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said of Page, "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period." Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present." [36]"

Another campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, stated, "we are not aware of any of his activities, past or present."
i said he wasn’t part of the campaign. He adviced trump not the campaign

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