All that is needed is enforce laws on the books NOW!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Listening to a former Border Patrol agent he said that the single biggest difference between President Trump and Obama regarding border patrol agents is President Trump is ALLOWING the agents to enforce the law that has been on the books since the 1950s.
So even though this guy knows more about the border problems then I ever would, I looked up the following facts:

The month of March [2017] showed a decrease of 64 percent in apprehensions from the same month in 2016, and a 30 percent decrease since just February of this year. Apprehensions are generally viewed as the best metric of how many illegal immigrants successfully crossed the border.

The timing of these decreases is not a coincidence.
The policies that have been implemented since Trump took office have caused many to rethink the risks that they are willing to take in order to come into the United States illegally.
By moving to end policies such as the so-called “catch and release” approach to immigration enforcement, Trump has sent a strong message to those who would enter and remain in the U.S. illegally.
The Department of Homeland Security is increasing the
detention of illegal border crossers,
expanding the use of expedited removals,
and moving more
Homeland Security and Justice Department resources to the border so that border crossers do not have to be sent into the U.S. interior to have their cases heard.

Beyond these actions at the border itself, Homeland Security under Trump is also restoring interior enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
Drop in Border Arrests a Credit to Trump's Enforcement of Law

Coupled with the above simple enforcing existing laws and doing away with catch and release” , illegal border apprehensions ARE down because illegals know that won't be "caught and released"!

Illegal Border Crossings Have Plunged Since Trump Took Office
And just to reinforce my prior posts about how the BIASED MSM should NOT be believed anymore, consider this:
I did a Google search and see the below.
Was there a major MSM making any comment?
Have you heard ABC,CBS,NBC, NYT,WashingtonPost, say anything about it?
Of course not in fact on the contrary they are sympathetic with the people breaking the laws!

Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 8.34.09 AM.png
And just to reinforce my prior posts about how the BIASED MSM should NOT be believed anymore, consider this:
I did a Google search and see the below.
Was there a major MSM making any comment?
Have you heard ABC,CBS,NBC, NYT,WashingtonPost, say anything about it?
Of course not in fact on the contrary they are sympathetic with the people breaking the laws!

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"Of course not in fact on the contrary they are sympathetic with the people breaking the laws!"

The Left will never, ever, ever champion for anything or anybody that deserves to be championed for yet they will fight relentlessly for anything that normal, stand up folks would consider shameful. It's just how things work in their bizarre, backward world.
You have to remember, nearly all Liberals were abused as children and or lived some fucked up life at some point...they all have a self proclaimed "reason" to view simple things from a twisted and backward point of view.
"We hate aggressive enforcement of laws."
most Libs are criminals, have been or are close to a criminal)
"We love drugs, "stop the war on drugs"!
most have, have had, or are close to someone with drug problems)
"We love illegal aliens, keep the borders open."
most are anchor babies themselves or are close to someone who is)
"We love men in dresses who want to shit next to your daughter."
to think for one second this is acceptable EVER screams lunacy)
"We love lowlifes on welfare...especially those who run their baby factories nonstop."
most Libs steal from hard working REAL American's and suck the .gov tit)

My point is this; more times than not when debating with a Liberal there is a damn good chance you're debating with tax payer dependent filth, an illegal, a pole puffer or carpet muncher, a man in a dress, an illegal, a convict, a drug addict...etc etc.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that they have a problem? Ever try to convince a piece of shit that they're a piece of shit? Good luck with that.

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