All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

This was of course in response to Israel's declaration that six "civil service" organizations were in fact diverting EU aid towards the PFLP terror group, whose members are employees at every one of them.

Regavim responded by saying "We must be doing something right: The Palestinian Authority has blacklisted us."

Meanwhile, NGO Monitor published the most comprehensive summary of the ties between the PFLP and these six organizations.

It notes that Fatah itself published an article in 2012describing various organizations as affiliates of the PFLP, including Addameer, the Union of Women's Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees.

(full article online)

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a book called: The Elements of Style • by William Strunk, Jr. • Newly Revised and Edited by Chris Hong, Former Editor, Harvard University © 2011
The Elements of Style Press. And in it, there is an excellent outline of grammar, for compositions for those of us that thieve moved into the 21st Century; meaning having learned many of the lessons of the past. Three of the more striking of the major points it brought out are:

◈ "Make definite assertions."​
◈ "Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language."​
◈ "Use the word not as a means of denial or in antithesis, never as a means of evasion."​

Unsupported BS.

Don't waffle here. All us you alternative thesis.

While the Israelis are not perfect, they have a prosperous state. If you can call it a state, the Arab Palestinians have a state on a resuscitator keeping it alive. In terms of Human Development, Israel ranks 19th [(the highest Ranked country in the Middle East and North Africa) (MENA) (out of 189 Countries)], where as the State of Palestine Ranked 115th. Israel has produce 13 Israeli Nobel laureates (the lates being
Joshua Angrist, born in the United States, Economics, 2021). Palestine has only produced one (Yasser Arafat, Born in Cairo, Egypt, Peace, 1994). Israel (known as a “start-up nation”) is noted for inventions that changed the world. What is the Palestinian known for?

Yes, Israel is not perfect, but it was given the same starting point as the Israelis. To build the country from the ground up. Israel cannot be all wrong.

GDP Ranking for the Middle East.png

Source: World Bank national accounts data, and
OECD National Accounts data files.
There are many ways in which your commentary here is off-the-mark. These are just a few comparative models in which the Arab Palestinians, by making very bad choices (time after time) have lost so much ground.


Most Respectfully,




  • 1635513882777.png
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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There is a book called: The Elements of Style • by William Strunk, Jr. • Newly Revised and Edited by Chris Hong, Former Editor, Harvard University © 2011
The Elements of Style Press. And in it, there is an excellent outline of grammar, for compositions for those of us that thieve moved into the 21st Century; meaning having learned many of the lessons of the past. Three of the more striking of the major points it brought out are:

◈ "Make definite assertions."​
◈ "Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language."​
◈ "Use the word not as a means of denial or in antithesis, never as a means of evasion."​


Don't waffle here. All us you alternative thesis.

While the Israelis are not perfect, they have a prosperous state. If you can call it a state, the Arab Palestinians have a state on a resuscitator keeping it alive. In terms of Human Development, Israel ranks 19th [(the highest Ranked country in the Middle East and North Africa) (MENA) (out of 189 Countries)], where as the State of Palestine Ranked 115th. Israel has produce 13 Israeli Nobel laureates (the lates being
Joshua Angrist, born in the United States, Economics, 2021). Palestine has only produced one (Yasser Arafat, Born in Cairo, Egypt, Peace, 1994). Israel (known as a “start-up nation”) is noted for inventions that changed the world. What is the Palestinian known for?

Yes, Israel is not perfect, but it was given the same starting point as the Israelis. To build the country from the ground up. Israel cannot be all wrong.

View attachment 557776

Source: World Bank national accounts data, and
OECD National Accounts data files.
There are many ways in which your commentary here is off-the-mark. These are just a few comparative models in which the Arab Palestinians, by making very bad choices (time after time) have lost so much ground.


Most Respectfully,

Have you ever asked hoe Israel got so prosperous?

Of course not.

Have you ever asked hoe Israel got so prosperous?

Of course not.

This guy is a victim of the endless misinformation and lies Arabs are told from the day they are born.

1920 Jews expelled from Gaza
1925 Jews expelled from TranJordan
1929 Jews expelled from Hebron
1948 Jews expelled from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem

What is he and some other Arabs complaining about?

They did not get to destroy and kill all the Jews in 1948.

Arabs got all which belonged to Jews from 1920 to 1948 including their homes and lands in those areas.

They are crying that the Arab States did not succeed in 1948, 1967 and 1973 and on top of it, lost land to the Jews.

Their hatred for Jews is to blame for any and all of it.

Blame it on the Al Husseini clan which fought hard to not allow Jews have a State and incited all Arabs to kill Jews.

20% of Israel's population is non Jewish and those who want peace have been striving and being part of the country. They do not want the endless BS of "our homes, land were stolen", anymore.

Arabs meant to take ALL of the Mandate for Palestine for themselves as they do not see Jews as humans.
Jews must be under Muslim or Christian sovereignty and control, or not alive at all.

Pogroms, the Inquisition, the Holocaust and the false war of Muslims against Jews over the Jewish homeland.

Jews do have rights and they are living it to the fullest.

Am Israel Chai !!
Have you ever asked hoe Israel got so prosperous?

Of course not.

Oh, BTW.....

Israel got prosperous from very hard work and intelligent people from all religions working hard to make it the wonderful country it is.

Abraham Accords is another proof of it.

While all others are walking away from the endless waste of money the Palestinians are famous for.
Have you ever asked hoe Israel got so prosperous?

Of course not.

Have you ever asked why Arabs-Moslems generally fall on the lower tier of the Human Development indexes?

This is from 2002.
With uncommon candor and a battery of statistics, the report tells a sorry story of two decades of failed planning and developmental decline. One inescapable conclusion emerges from its sober pages of tables and charts: the Arab world is in decline, even relative to the developing world.

Without oil wealth, it would be dramatically worse.

More data
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Have you ever asked hoe Israel got so prosperous?

Of course not.

Hard Work ! The were not afraid to get their hands dirty nation building.


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Hard Work ! The were not afraid to get their hands dirty nation building.


Most Respectfully,
And.....Israel does not have the history of corruption and money laundering which Hamas and the PA are famous for.
“The voices of the victims, of the terrible crimes against humanity that we have already seen in the first decades of this century, cannot be heard over the obsession of the so-called Human Rights Council with targeting Israel,” said Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the US and UN.

“Since the establishment of the council 15 years ago, it has decided to blame and condemn Israel, not 10 times like Iran, or 35 times like Syria. No, the Human Rights Council has attacked Israel with 95 resolutions. Compared to 142 against all other countries combined.”

HRC President Nazhat Shameen Khan delivered the report, noting that the forum had held three special sessions in the past year, on Myanmar, Afghanistan and the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

“The Council decided to establish an ongoing independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate in the occupied Palestinian territory, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since 13 April 2021,” Khan said.

She also recognized the group of nations elected earlier this month serve on the Human Rights Council — Argentina, Benin, Cameroon, Eritrea, Finland, Gambia, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Qatar, Somalia, the United Arab Emirates and the US.

In his remarks, Erdan argued that the HRC inquiry on Israel and the Palestinian territories “completely disregarded the hostilities of one party to the conflict – Hamas – while shifting all the blame to the other party – Israel.”

“It was on this stage, at this very body, that the very right of the Jewish people, to have a national home, was itself declared to be racist,” Erdan concluded, recounting the 1975 General Assembly speech by Israel’s then-UN Ambassador Chaim Herzog, who physically tore up a copy of a resolution condemning Zionism that was later revoked.

“This is exactly what should be done to this antisemitic, distorted, one-sided report,” Erdan said. “For just as that 1975 resolution, equating Zionism with racism, was itself a gross form of anti-Jewish racism, which has no place in this international body — so too, the Human Rights Council’s obsessive anti-Israel bias, embodied, once again, by this report, should have no place in any body concerned with human rights, security or peace.”

(full article online)

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Hard Work ! The were not afraid to get their hands dirty nation building.


Most Respectfully,
I was expecting your Israelcentric response.

From people like the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and help from the British. Golda Meir going to the US to mooch money for their upcoming war.

Israel relieved the Palestinians of their money and jewelry then robbed the banks.

Israel stole a fully functional country with cities, ports, roads, farms, furnished houses, etc..

Israel gets massive financial and military aid. Gets sweetheart corporate deals. Gets tax deductible "charity" donations for illegal settlements.

With what what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti wound be a prosperous country.
“The voices of the victims, of the terrible crimes against humanity that we have already seen in the first decades of this century, cannot be heard over the obsession of the so-called Human Rights Council with targeting Israel,” said Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the US and UN.

“Since the establishment of the council 15 years ago, it has decided to blame and condemn Israel, not 10 times like Iran, or 35 times like Syria. No, the Human Rights Council has attacked Israel with 95 resolutions. Compared to 142 against all other countries combined.”

HRC President Nazhat Shameen Khan delivered the report, noting that the forum had held three special sessions in the past year, on Myanmar, Afghanistan and the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

“The Council decided to establish an ongoing independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate in the occupied Palestinian territory, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since 13 April 2021,” Khan said.

She also recognized the group of nations elected earlier this month serve on the Human Rights Council — Argentina, Benin, Cameroon, Eritrea, Finland, Gambia, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Qatar, Somalia, the United Arab Emirates and the US.

In his remarks, Erdan argued that the HRC inquiry on Israel and the Palestinian territories “completely disregarded the hostilities of one party to the conflict – Hamas – while shifting all the blame to the other party – Israel.”

“It was on this stage, at this very body, that the very right of the Jewish people, to have a national home, was itself declared to be racist,” Erdan concluded, recounting the 1975 General Assembly speech by Israel’s then-UN Ambassador Chaim Herzog, who physically tore up a copy of a resolution condemning Zionism that was later revoked.

“This is exactly what should be done to this antisemitic, distorted, one-sided report,” Erdan said. “For just as that 1975 resolution, equating Zionism with racism, was itself a gross form of anti-Jewish racism, which has no place in this international body — so too, the Human Rights Council’s obsessive anti-Israel bias, embodied, once again, by this report, should have no place in any body concerned with human rights, security or peace.”

(full article online)

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
I was expecting your Israelcentric response.

From people like the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and help from the British. Golda Meir going to the US to mooch money for their upcoming war.

Israel relieved the Palestinians of their money and jewelry then robbed the banks.

Israel stole a fully functional country with cities, ports, roads, farms, furnished houses, etc..

Israel gets massive financial and military aid. Gets sweetheart corporate deals. Gets tax deductible "charity" donations for illegal settlements.

With what what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti wound be a prosperous country.

Israel stole a fully functional country?


I suspect the 'stolen country' you're confused about is the mythical 'country of Pal'istan' you insist was invented by the Treaty of Lausanne which, of course, invented no such country.

Your hysterical rants replete with delusional claims are concerning.
Some Arab countries might not want to publicly embrace Israel - but they happily cooperate with her:

A German military photographer posted two pictures of Jordanian fighter jets taking part in this month’s massive Blue Flag aerial exercise on social media on Friday, apparently inadvertently revealing that the kingdom had participated in the Israeli-hosted drill.

Until the cameraman, Falk Bärwald, posted the photographs on his Instagram account, Jordan’s participation in the two-week-long exercise had officially been kept a secret.

In one photo, a Jordanian F-16 fighter jet can be seen riding along a runway in the Israeli Air Force’s Ovda base, just north of Eilat, while a French Rafale jet flies above it. In the second, a Jordanian F-16 could be seen taking off from the same base.

It is not a stretch to say that Israelis are more popular than Palestinians nowadays among Arabs.

(full article online)

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I was expecting your Israelcentric response.

From people like the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and help from the British. Golda Meir going to the US to mooch money for their upcoming war.

Israel relieved the Palestinians of their money and jewelry then robbed the banks.

Israel stole a fully functional country with cities, ports, roads, farms, furnished houses, etc..

Israel gets massive financial and military aid. Gets sweetheart corporate deals. Gets tax deductible "charity" donations for illegal settlements.

With what what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti wound be a prosperous country.
But, this is exactly what I would expect as a response from the proponents of hostile or prejudiced contributors against the Israel people.

The Arab Palestinians want to blame every failure the people in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip make that have had adverse consequences. This is nothing more that than the Arab Palestinians being set in such a condition that they cannot admit politically (in the collective sense) they made serious errors in judgment.

Once you realize that the Government of Ramallah (Mahmoud Abbas) has been panhandling to get American money flowing again to the Palestinians, you see just how unstable the Palestinians are in performing the normal functions of government.

All US funding to the Arab Palestinians has not been cut off.

◈ The US provides indirect funding for things like building roads, critical infrastructure, and medical needs, etc.
◈ The US makes direct payments to the creditors of the PA.
And even at that, there is still corruption through the Arab Palestinian practice of "mahsubiya."

The generalized idea behind the reduction of general aid to the Palestinians is that in the past the US was indirectly financing the criminal activity prosecuted under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Remember, that the Arab Palestinian is somehow empowered to initiate (what would be otherwise considered criminal acts in any other venue) with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities. The Arab Palestinians justify these actions, by their nature or context, as a means to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jewish people to do some act that furthers the criminal objective. None of the top five countries on the Human Development scale would tolerate any intrusive act, parallel to that performed by the Hostile Arab Palestinian, committed against their citizens and sovereignty. These nations,


would spare no expense to hunt the perpetrators down and end them. They would not, as does Israel, even try to use international law as a means of justification. They would act accordingly to the needs of their country.

Israel has played the political and diplomatic game much better than have their opponents. US Aid (all types) to Israel is made in accordance with the needs of America.

Political and diplomatic failures over the past half-century (or farther back) to NOT entitle the Arab Palestinians to conduct any hostile operations against Israel. Israel did not occupy a territory that was sovereign to an Arab Palestinian government. The Arab Palestinians are not performing acts of self-defense. This is especially true when you take into consideration that the Arab Palestinians are using events a half-century or longer ago as justification.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: The Palestinian Paradox
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

But, this is exactly what I would expect as a response from the proponents of hostile or prejudiced contributors against the Israel people.

The Arab Palestinians want to blame every failure the people in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip make that have had adverse consequences. This is nothing more that than the Arab Palestinians being set in such a condition that they cannot admit politically (in the collective sense) they made serious errors in judgment.

Once you realize that the Government of Ramallah (Mahmoud Abbas) has been panhandling to get American money flowing again to the Palestinians, you see just how unstable the Palestinians are in performing the normal functions of government.

All US funding to the Arab Palestinians has not been cut off.

◈ The US provides indirect funding for things like building roads, critical infrastructure, and medical needs, etc.
◈ The US makes direct payments to the creditors of the PA.
And even at that, there is still corruption through the Arab Palestinian practice of "mahsubiya."

The generalized idea behind the reduction of general aid to the Palestinians is that in the past the US was indirectly financing the criminal activity prosecuted under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Remember, that the Arab Palestinian is somehow empowered to initiate (what would be otherwise considered criminal acts in any other venue) with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities. The Arab Palestinians justify these actions, by their nature or context, as a means to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jewish people to do some act that furthers the criminal objective. None of the top five countries on the Human Development scale would tolerate any intrusive act, parallel to that performed by the Hostile Arab Palestinian, committed against their citizens and sovereignty. These nations,

would spare no expense to hunt the perpetrators down and end them. They would not, as does Israel, even try to use international law as a means of justification. They would act accordingly to the needs of their country.

Israel has played the political and diplomatic game much better than have their opponents. US Aid (all types) to Israel is made in accordance with the needs of America.

Political and diplomatic failures over the past half-century (or farther back) to NOT entitle the Arab Palestinians to conduct any hostile operations against Israel. Israel did not occupy a territory that was sovereign to an Arab Palestinian government. The Arab Palestinians are not performing acts of self-defense. This is especially true when you take into consideration that the Arab Palestinians are using events a half-century or longer ago as justification.

Most Respectfully,
Nice rant, now what part of my post is not true?
Though often glossed over, it is important to understand that Israel is confronted by a totalitarian politico-religious ideology that has remained largeky static since the 7th century. These are adherents to gee-had who willingly use children as war materiel. the Pally-Arab conflict with the Jewish State remains deeply ideological. Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV broadcasts routinely reaffirm the Hamas ideology that according to Islam, it is Moslem destiny to exterminate the Jews.

hamasrally.jpg – Israelis conducted a bold experiment in 2005. Prevailing wisdom held that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was due to Israel’s “occupation” of two “Palestinian territories.” If that was true, shouldn’t giving Palestinians one of those territories, Gaza, mitigate the conflict?
I was expecting your Israelcentric response.

From people like the Rothschilds to little blue boxes and help from the British. Golda Meir going to the US to mooch money for their upcoming war.

Israel relieved the Palestinians of their money and jewelry then robbed the banks.

Israel stole a fully functional country with cities, ports, roads, farms, furnished houses, etc..

Israel gets massive financial and military aid. Gets sweetheart corporate deals. Gets tax deductible "charity" donations for illegal settlements.

With what what Israel has stolen and mooched Haiti wound be a prosperous country.
It is odd to me, and many other people, that wiith all the money Gaza and the PA have received from the USA, EU, Qatar and others, that to this day they have not built an Electricity Power Company as countries or territories actually do.

Jordan has one:

Why, with all the money that has been pouring into Gaza, and the talent that exists in Gaza, is that area still relying on Israel for its power?

Who provides electricity to Gaza? :

The Gaza Strip is reliant upon Israel for most of its supply of electricity, although there is one internal plant. The current aggression has led to residents receiving only three to four hours of electricity per day, with periods of as long as 20 hours with no supply at all.May 18, 2021

Why Gaza has issues with power?

For the past decade, the Gaza Strip has suffered from a chronic electricity deficit, which undermined already fragile living conditions. The situation has further deteriorated since April 2017 in the context of disputes between the de facto authorities in Gaza and the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority. The ongoing power shortage has severely affected the availability of essential services, particularly health, water and sanitation services, and undermined Gaza’s fragile economy, particularly the manufacturing and agriculture sectors.

The data presented in the following charts is provided to OCHA on a daily basis by the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO), the official body in charge of electricity supply in the Gaza Strip. The variation in electricity demand per day is estimated based on the temperatures recorded on that day.

Why is the Palestinian Authority still dependent on Israel for electricity with all the money it has received from all sources, which not only would have taken care of Haiti, but many other needy countries in Africa and elsewhere ? :

The Israel Electric Corporation has given the Palestinian Authority control over three West Bank power substations – in Tarqumiyah, near Hebron, Qalandiyah, between Jerusalem and Ramallah, and Nablus. They join a fourth in Jenin, which was transferred to Palestinian control in 2017 following lengthy negotiations.

American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, etc have to have their own Electric Power Companies to provide electricity, etc to their people. Why does Gaza and the PA continue to be behind all of that ?

Where has most of the money gone, which had been donated to Gaza and the PA?

Do you have an answer to that , Tinmore?

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