All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

You have been misinformed.

The "Arabs" did not lose the 1948 war.

Palestine was not a party to that war.
He retreated to the madrassah, again.

Indeed. One of the unanswered questions that is always ducked.

What sovereign Pally land was "stolen"?

A child’s simple faith​

If this were happening elsewhere—and the identities of the perpetrators and victims were different—the international community would have been condemning the use of child soldiers.

I don’t hate that little girl. I was once exactly like her—a 14-year-old child who believes that Jews from babies to adults, old and young, are nothing but absolute evil. I’m outraged though. I’m outraged at everyone who for decades has been ignoring this tragic reality of the prevalence of anti-Semitism as a religious and existential worldview in the Middle East. Not just ignoring, but often deliberately obfuscating this fact and working really hard to prevent people from seeing it.

My journey to try to help people see this and to try to fix it has led me everywhere—to American political institutions, academic institutions, media institutions. I talked to politicians, professors, analysts, experts, etc. “They don’t really believe this.” They would just dismiss it all with a smirk. “It’s all rhetoric and ideological fluff … anti-Semitism doesn’t determine the outcome.” I was told by many of the card-carrying members of the American liberal elites who insist that marching down the streets of Tehran shouting “Death to America. Death to Israel” is all just performative social gatherings. That Palestinians calling for “slaughtering the Jews” is merely expressive of injustice.

Go tell that to that poor Jewish woman and her children!

(full article online)

The Palestinians have had sovereignty in Palestine since 1924.
Under what authority?

None, is the answer.

But you try and you try and you try.

They wanted to be part of Greater Syria. Did not call themselves Palestinians, it was an identity given to them and the Jews and all who lived there by the British Mandate.

End of lesson
The Palestinians have had sovereignty in Palestine since 1924.
Actually, no. You are under the delusional assumption that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “country of Pal’istan”.

That never happened.

Provide the exact citation to support your claim.
(It was Hannukah, Jew hunting season )

. Month of mayhem: Terror reared its ugly head again Thursday with a shooting attack in the northern West Bank that left father Yehuda Dimentman dead and two others injured. While the number of attacks in recent weeks is far from the several-a-day pace of past bouts of terror, frustration appears to be rising, sparking a slew of “terror wave” references in the media.

  • Yedioth Ahronoth uses the words “terror wave” on its front-page coverage, while Israel Hayom’s package on the shooting attack includes a tick-tock on “weeks of terror” going back to a Jerusalem Old City stabbing on November 17.
  • “Today marks a month exactly since the attack that started this wave of terror,” tweets Army Radio’s Shahar Glick. “We’ve gotten to seven attacks with Jewish victims in a month. An average of one attack every four days.”
  • The attack isn’t exactly like the previous ones though. Channel 13’s Or Heller, reporting shortly after the attack, notes that “it seemed like the wave of terror of individual attackers had somewhat calmed, but tonight we see a much more organized attack, with a cell, live fire.”

(full article online)

There are Israelis who are impressive, and then there are Israelis who blow you away.

Arab-Israeli Iyad Shalabi is deaf and paralyzed, yet he managed to overcome the obstacles and win a gold medal in the 100-meter backstroke at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

Learn more about his incredible story and how his Jewish coach reacted to his amazing victory.

(full article online)

Here's an unusually sane article in Egyptian media.

Well-known writer and editor Ibrahim Eissa confirmed that the Christian community in Iraq has been subjected to violent and racist attacks over the past years, noting that 4 million Iraqi Christians have left the country as a result of persecution.

During his interview at the Cairo Talk program, Eissa said that there is real fear for the disappearance of Arab Christians and what it means for diversity in Arab societies, pointing out that the proportions and numbers of Christians in Lebanon and Syria have greatly decreased as a result of the control of Islamic leaders in most Arab countries.

The journalist and Islamic thinker explained that Christians in Egypt were subjected to much sectarian strife as a result of the control of the Wahhabi Salafist movement over the country, pointing out that the exodus of the Jews from Egypt after 1956 made the country lose the civilized, internationalist character of which it was part.

This is not a take that one sees often.

Eissa has won freedom of expression awards for his outspoken journalism.

In conclusion:

The aforementioned data reaffirms the fact that the annual US' $3.8bn constitute a most productive investment in – not foreign aid to – Israel, yielding several hundred percent annual rate-of-return to the US. This is the most productive investment made by the US.

Thus, US-Israel relations constitute a mutually-beneficial two-way-street with the flow of benefits from Israel to the US expanding by the day.

(full article online)

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan led a group of 12 UN ambassadors on a tour of Israel’s northern border with Lebanon on Thursday to show them a Hezbollah tunnel made for carrying out terror attacks in Israel.

The delegation, consisting of ambassadors from Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ecuador, Hungary, Nauru, Palau, South Korea, Samoa, Uruguay and Zambia, toured the tunnel on the border and heard from security officials.

Erdan said the visit was designed “to show them the murderous and extremist plan of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, whose goal is to burrow into the territory of the State of Israel and to kill or kidnap as many citizens as possible.”

Erdan said he expects the UN and the international community “to hold the government of Lebanon responsible for what will happen in the next conflict in the North.”

The ambassadors need to understand that the IDF will have no choice but to destroy all of Hezbollah’s infrastructure in Lebanon if it opens fire on the citizens of Israel,” Erdan said.

(full article online)

Actually, no. You are under the delusional assumption that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “country of Pal’istan”.

That never happened.

Provide the exact citation to support your claim.

Indeed. The always unanswered question.
As it happens so often with Islamic terrorist attacks by franchises wherever they're based, there is often a rush to be the first franchise to take credit for the attack.

Palestinian terror groups were quick to praise a shooting attack that fatally wounded an Israeli man in the northern West Bank on Thursday night, although none claimed responsibility for it.

"Repeatedly accusing the Jewish state of Israel of ‘genocide,' ‘apartheid,' and other fictitious crimes while praising China, a country that is putting Muslims in internment camps, indicates an irrational hatred of Jews and not a concern for human rights," Coalition for Jewish Values managing director Rabbi Yaakov Menken said in a statement provided to the Free Beacon.

The Heritage Foundation researchers reviewed the Twitter feeds of 741 DEI officials at 65 different U.S. universities to determine their attitudes on Israel and China. They found that DEI staff "tweeted, retweeted, or liked almost three times as many tweets about Israel as tweets about China." Of the tweets in question, 96 percent were critical of Israel, and 62 percent of the China-centered tweets were favorable. In many cases, Jews were criticized for their support of Israel and referred to as "Nazis" and "colonizers."

While DEI staff are primarily tasked with creating a welcoming space on campus and protecting the student population, their obsession with Israel and Jews indicates they put liberal politics first. The study was released amid a soaring number of anti-Semitic attacks on college campuses that have put the Jewish community on high alert.

"So-called diversity leads have responded to a dramatic spike in anti-Semitism by engaging in openly hateful rhetoric against Jews themselves, often using Israel as a convenient foil." said Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Coalition for Jewish Value's Israel regional vice president.

(full article online)


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