All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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  • “Palestine” was never a country. It is a geographical name given by the Romans after they defeated the Jews of Judea.
  • There was never a people called “palestinians”. Only during the brief British Mandate period were people who lived in that area called palestinians, including the Jews!
  • The land between the river and the sea has always been known as Judea, the homeland of the Jewish people.
Our Hope
We hope and pray that the British authorities wake up and end this facade of allowing supporters of genocide march the streets of London with a flag of violence calling for the destruction of Israel.

(full article online)

Thousands March the Streets of London Calling for Israel's Destruction on Al Quds Day
Ultimately, Islamism is a brutish, intransigent ideology that promotes deep hatreds for the kuffar. I see every accommodation extended to Islamics viewed as weakness by westerners and an opportunity for lslamists to exploit that weakness.

A truly extraordinary act of courage.

He was surrounded by police but refused to budge from the middle of the road.

Wheelchair Bound Jewish Man w/MS Blocks Terrorist Rally in London

The flag of Hezbollah has again been openly marched through the streets of London this afternoon – but only after prominent lawyer Mark Lewis delayed the event by blocking the road in his wheelchair.
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Not exactly a case of Palestinians united to benefit the Palestinian people.

Hamas: PA intelligence officials operated Jihadi cell in attempt to kill Palestinian PM

I suspect more islamo-shenanigans are in various stages of preparation in both the Hamas and Fatah islamic terrorist franchises.

Abbas must realize that with his age and failing health, his dictatorship is viewed as susceptible. I don’t think it’s mere coincidence that the Shi’a Iranian mullocrats are devoting time, energy and money to gain influence with Hamas. The Mullah’s see an opportunity to expand their influence in Gaza as a way to bolster their mercenary army in Lebanon.

It seems to me that Abbas must be aware that he needs to be prepared to execute some dictator displacement aimed at the rival mini-caliphate. That needs to happen before the Iranians can convince Hamas to end their Hudna and the unfinished business of that little dalliance that was the rather nasty civil war fought by Hamas and Fatah.
Included in the statistical report was violence by the Taliban, who carried out more attacks than any other terror group during the Islamic holy month, as well as attacks by terrorists in Israel, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, Algeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Mali, Somalia, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Iraq, Algeria, Syria, Libya, Yemen, India, Pakistan, Thailand and Burkina Faso.

(full article online)

Ramadan Scorecard: Muslim Terrorists Kill Hundreds During Holiest Month in Islam
"He added: “The fair (or righteous) ones among the Jews themselves admit that they enjoyed a secure life with Muslims and acknowledge (that) the Islamic state in Egypt and Andalusia (acted this way).”

He pointed out that Islam does not blame/admonish/punish contemporary Jews for the crimes of their forefathers....

He mentioned that the words “curse” and “humiliation” in the Quran were not meant for all the Jews, only those among the People of the Book who denied (the truth) of the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran."

See? As long as Jews are willing to live as second class citizens in a majority Muslim country, where they have to pay a poll tax and cannot build synagogues higher than mosques, they are fine. As long as they don't deny the truth of the Koran, they are fine.

Only the others who actually have some pride are the ones that should be cursed.

(full article online)

Al Azhar sheikh says Muslims shouldn't hate ALL Jews. What a relief. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Calls to stop the absurdity of Western welfare payments to Islamic terrorists are useless unless and until we Western donors get serious about shutting of the welfare money spigot that drenches UNRWA.

Pay to slay’: Stop the absurdity!

‘Pay to slay’: Stop the absurdity!

Under the 2018 budget, authorized by the government in Ramallah two months ago, 1.2 billion shekels ($340 million) will go to terrorists convicted by Israeli courts and their families.
Now this makes sense.

Far-reaching PMW achievement
in Israeli Parliament today

Far-reaching PMW achievement in Israeli Parliament today - PMW Bulletins

Today the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security voted unanimously to deduct the amount that the PA pays to terrorist prisoners and terrorists' families from the tax money that Israel collects and transfers to the PA each month. The amount, according to the 2018 PA budget, is approximately 1.2 billion shekels per year (approx. $350 million).

The legislation adds that the withheld money will be put into a special account which will be used to compensate victims of terror and their families, as well as to compensate Israelis for economic damage caused by Palestinian terror, and other uses.

Since the vote was supported by all the Knesset members present, both of the coalition and opposition, the legislation is expected to pass the second and third readings in the Knesset shortly and be enacted into law.
Post-Modernism rejects the existence of an objective truth (“no one has the monopoly on truth”), thus emancipating mutually-exclusive narratives (“one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”). In particular, post-Modernism attempts to deconstruct traditional narratives and social order, often in order subvert them. Although, according to post-Modernism, no narrative can be more valid than another, nevertheless, the void left by the deconstruction is often filled by the “victimhood” narrative or the original narrative’s semantic inversion.

In other words, once the former heroes are turned into villains, the former villains immediately become heroes by virtue of their victimhood status. In its most radical form, this kind of moral relativism amounts to intellectual dishonesty, which purposely turns all traditional values on its head. (Michael Walsh in his book “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace” refers to this phenomenon as the “Satanic” leftism.) One of the primary tools in achieving this end, is the terminological warfare.

In linguistics, there is a concept of the semantic field, i.e. a concept or an object referred to by a group of terms or expressions. Within the semantic field, there may be terms which have negative, neutral or favourable connotations, yet these words aren’t exactly synonymous, since various connotations link them with other semantic fields.

(full article online)

False Terminology and the Delegitimization of Israel
Oh, dear. Those poor, aggrieved islamic terrorists in the welfare fraud syndicate known as the PA are seeing an impending cut to their welfare fraud entitlement. With Israel's recent decision to deduct monies from welfare payments destined to Islamic terrorists, their families and other islamic terrorist enablers, the spokesbeards and spokesburqas for the Islamist terrorists are touring the social media circuit.

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Will a more moderate Palestinian lead the Palestinian Authority after 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas leaves office? When observing the continued outspoken glorification of terrorists by other PA leaders, including their support for financially rewarding terrorist murderers, it is clear that the potential successors to Abbas likewise will support terror.

For example, following the Israeli parliament committee vote this week to deduct the hundreds of millions of dollars a year the PA rewards terrorist prisoners and families from tax money Israel transfers to the PA, senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi condemned Israel for "defining the resistance as a crime."
Oh, dear. Those poor, aggrieved islamic terrorists in the welfare fraud syndicate known as the PA are seeing an impending cut to their welfare fraud entitlement. With Israel's recent decision to deduct monies from welfare payments destined to Islamic terrorists, their families and other islamic terrorist enablers, the spokesbeards and spokesburqas for the Islamist terrorists are touring the social media circuit.

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Will a more moderate Palestinian lead the Palestinian Authority after 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas leaves office? When observing the continued outspoken glorification of terrorists by other PA leaders, including their support for financially rewarding terrorist murderers, it is clear that the potential successors to Abbas likewise will support terror.

For example, following the Israeli parliament committee vote this week to deduct the hundreds of millions of dollars a year the PA rewards terrorist prisoners and families from tax money Israel transfers to the PA, senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi condemned Israel for "defining the resistance as a crime."
So much juvenile name calling. Must be an Israeli propaganda site.
In May, the Jerusalem Post exclusively obtained an article by Argaman written in an intelligence journal in which he wrote that while the Shin Bet was using big data in powerful ways to fight terror, that “the world of big data and cyber confronts the intelligence community with more complex challenges than ever before.”

In December, Argaman told the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the agency had thwarted over 400 terrorist attacks in 2017, including 13 suicide attacks and eight kidnappings, as well as 1,100 potential lone-wolf attacks.

He further noted at that time that in 2017, 54 attacks were successfully carried out, in comparison with 108 successful attacks in 2016.

(full article online)

Shin Bet chief reveals Israel has prevented 250 terror attacks in 2018
Oh, dear. Those poor, aggrieved islamic terrorists in the welfare fraud syndicate known as the PA are seeing an impending cut to their welfare fraud entitlement. With Israel's recent decision to deduct monies from welfare payments destined to Islamic terrorists, their families and other islamic terrorist enablers, the spokesbeards and spokesburqas for the Islamist terrorists are touring the social media circuit.

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Will a more moderate Palestinian lead the Palestinian Authority after 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas leaves office? When observing the continued outspoken glorification of terrorists by other PA leaders, including their support for financially rewarding terrorist murderers, it is clear that the potential successors to Abbas likewise will support terror.

For example, following the Israeli parliament committee vote this week to deduct the hundreds of millions of dollars a year the PA rewards terrorist prisoners and families from tax money Israel transfers to the PA, senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi condemned Israel for "defining the resistance as a crime."
So much juvenile name calling. Must be an Israeli propaganda site.

You're still befuddled by a reality based worldview.,
Gee-had denied.

IDF forces uncover explosive stash, nab Palestinian terror suspects

May 31, 2018

IDF forces uncover explosive stash, nab Palestinian terror suspects


IDF forces in action. (IDF/Screenshot)
Oh, dear. Those poor, aggrieved islamic terrorists in the welfare fraud syndicate known as the PA are seeing an impending cut to their welfare fraud entitlement. With Israel's recent decision to deduct monies from welfare payments destined to Islamic terrorists, their families and other islamic terrorist enablers, the spokesbeards and spokesburqas for the Islamist terrorists are touring the social media circuit.

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror

Consensus among PA leaders to reward terror - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Will a more moderate Palestinian lead the Palestinian Authority after 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas leaves office? When observing the continued outspoken glorification of terrorists by other PA leaders, including their support for financially rewarding terrorist murderers, it is clear that the potential successors to Abbas likewise will support terror.

For example, following the Israeli parliament committee vote this week to deduct the hundreds of millions of dollars a year the PA rewards terrorist prisoners and families from tax money Israel transfers to the PA, senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi condemned Israel for "defining the resistance as a crime."

"Will a more moderate Palestinian lead the Palestinian Authority after 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas leaves office...."

"...When observing the continued outspoken glorification of terrorists by other PA leaders, including their support for financially rewarding terrorist murderers, it is clear that the potential successors to Abbas likewise will support terror."

for the sake of the palestinians, i hope not ....aren't they sick and tired of being led by terrorists and stand-in leaders who are in it soley for the suits, luncheons & photo ops?........hopefully, we'll get to see the
other new leaders' faces...

Advocacy journalist Sarah Helm has a nasty habit of distorting facts, embellishment and employing hyperbole to support the Palestinian narrative in her stories.

Earlier this year we called her out for using a quote falsely attributed to David Ben Gurion in The Independent. Last year we took Helm to task for an opinion piece in The Guardian that was littered with bias and blatant falsehoods.

Other examples of Helm’s bias have been cataloged at UK Media Watch.

On May 13, The Independent published another piece by Helm: “Israel at 70: Why Gaza’s refugees and their descendants will never forget their violent expulsion.”

It included the following:

(full article online)

A Journalist's Wall of Lies | HonestReporting
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