All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

The Israel lobby has spent $2 million to defeat Ilhan Omar

Late last week, a report in Vice News accused Rep. Ilhan Omar of using an antisemitic trope in a campaign mailer in which she highlighted her primary opponent’s Wall Street donations.

With that, an enduring national controversy was reignited.

Members of both parties spent months last year lambasting the progressive Minnesota Congresswoman, branding her antisemitic for claiming that the pro-Israel lobby influences US policy and discourse with its political spending.

As the controversy’s latest installment plays out, federal campaign finance records show the pro-Israel lobby is doing just that — spending heavy in an attempt to oust Omar.
The freshman lawmaker is locked in a primary race with Antone Melton-Meaux, a moderate, pro-Israel lobby backed candidate. A Mondoweiss analysis of Federal Election Commission records and Facebook’s ad library found pro-Israel PACs have injected around $2 million into the race through multiple channels.

As Omar’s critics once again cry “antisemitism,” her supporters see the lobby’s latest donations as vindication and more clear evidence that it uses its financial might to influence the American political process.

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: The pro-Israeli Lobby (nfi) are Americans. American influencing Congress and Congressional Elections is NOT illegal, or even the slightest bit wrong.

"[L I N K] The lobby consists of secular, Christian, and Jewish-American individuals and groups.​
The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel.​
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby,​
speaking on behalf of a coalition of American Jewish groups."​

The Israel lobby has spent $2 million to defeat Ilhan Omar the pro-Israel lobby is doing just that — spending heavy in an attempt to oust Omar.

Well, according to - MSNBC - and - Maplight - "it costs a lot of money to win a seat in Congress, but how much exactly? MapLight has conducted an analysis of money raised by members of the 113th Congress who won election in 2012."

  • House members, on average, each raised $1,689,580, an average of $2,315 every day during the 2012 cycle.
  • Senators, on average, each raised $10,476,451, an average of $14,351 every day during the 2012 cycle.
So, in America, if you are out to win a Congressional Seat, $2M is not an over the top number. The pro-Israeli Lobby (who are themselves American) are not spending heavily. It is an average monetary effort.


So what is your beef?
Don't you like the system?

I suggest that if you have a legitimate concern that you get involved in the "Campaign Reform" movement.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: The pro-Israeli Lobby (nfi) are Americans. American influencing Congress and Congressional Elections is NOT illegal, or even the slightest bit wrong.

"[L I N K] The lobby consists of secular, Christian, and Jewish-American individuals and groups.​
The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel.​
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby,​
speaking on behalf of a coalition of American Jewish groups."​

The Israel lobby has spent $2 million to defeat Ilhan Omar the pro-Israel lobby is doing just that — spending heavy in an attempt to oust Omar.

Well, according to - MSNBC - and - Maplight - "it costs a lot of money to win a seat in Congress, but how much exactly? MapLight has conducted an analysis of money raised by members of the 113th Congress who won election in 2012."

  • House members, on average, each raised $1,689,580, an average of $2,315 every day during the 2012 cycle.
  • Senators, on average, each raised $10,476,451, an average of $14,351 every day during the 2012 cycle.
So, in America, if you are out to win a Congressional Seat, $2M is not an over the top number. The pro-Israeli Lobby (who are themselves American) are not spending heavily. It is an average monetary effort.


So what is your beef?
Don't you like the system?

I suggest that if you have a legitimate concern that you get involved in the "Campaign Reform" movement.

Most Respectfully,
Of course you missed the point.

Ilhan Omar was called anti Semitic for bringing up the fact that the lobby buys elections. Now they are trying to buy an election.

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: The pro-Israeli Lobby (nfi) are Americans. American influencing Congress and Congressional Elections is NOT illegal, or even the slightest bit wrong.

"[L I N K] The lobby consists of secular, Christian, and Jewish-American individuals and groups.​
The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel.​
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby,​
speaking on behalf of a coalition of American Jewish groups."​

The Israel lobby has spent $2 million to defeat Ilhan Omar the pro-Israel lobby is doing just that — spending heavy in an attempt to oust Omar.

Well, according to - MSNBC - and - Maplight - "it costs a lot of money to win a seat in Congress, but how much exactly? MapLight has conducted an analysis of money raised by members of the 113th Congress who won election in 2012."

  • House members, on average, each raised $1,689,580, an average of $2,315 every day during the 2012 cycle.
  • Senators, on average, each raised $10,476,451, an average of $14,351 every day during the 2012 cycle.
So, in America, if you are out to win a Congressional Seat, $2M is not an over the top number. The pro-Israeli Lobby (who are themselves American) are not spending heavily. It is an average monetary effort.


So what is your beef?
Don't you like the system?

I suggest that if you have a legitimate concern that you get involved in the "Campaign Reform" movement.

Most Respectfully,
Of course you missed the point.

Ilhan Omar was called anti Semitic for bringing up the fact that the lobby buys elections. Now they are trying to buy an election.

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

She may not like the system, criticize it and suggest a change,
but she doesn't seem to bother when non-Jews are involved in same activity.

Including her own donors.

Care to explain?
Last edited:
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Every year, the cost of pursuing a Congressional Seat goes up.

Of course you missed the point.

Ilhan Omar was called anti Semitic for bringing up the fact that the lobby buys elections. Now they are trying to buy an election.

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

And you can bet your ass that the Honorable Ihan Omar spent her $2M on her seat as well. But you have to understand this:
FOX News said:
In a stunning reversal of the nation's federal campaign finance laws, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Thursday that free-speech rights permit groups like corporations and labor unions to directly spend on political campaigns, prompting the White House to pledge "forceful" action to undercut the decision.
Ilhan Omar .png

Remember, that in the view of many people, what political footprint the Honorable Ihan Omar has left behind is unacceptable.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Every year, the cost of pursuing a Congressional Seat goes up.

Of course you missed the point.

Ilhan Omar was called anti Semitic for bringing up the fact that the lobby buys elections. Now they are trying to buy an election.

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.

And you can bet your ass that the Honorable Ihan Omar spent her $2M on her seat as well. But you have to understand this:
FOX News said:
In a stunning reversal of the nation's federal campaign finance laws, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Thursday that free-speech rights permit groups like corporations and labor unions to directly spend on political campaigns, prompting the White House to pledge "forceful" action to undercut the decision.
View attachment 369408
Remember, that in the view of many people, what political footprint the Honorable Ihan Omar has left behind is unacceptable.

Most Respectfully,
llhan Omar: Anti-Semitism? Or Fear of Open Debate on Israel?

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Anti-Semitism is a form of fear.

llhan Omar: Anti-Semitism? Or Fear of Open Debate on Israel?


There is no fear in a debate with the Honorable Ihan Omar. But there is an objection to engaging in a useless encounter where, no matter what the truth is, the argument is redundant and the same tired justifications are presented (as if the pro-Arab Palestinians/anti-Semitist had some moral right).

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Anti-Semitism is a form of fear.

llhan Omar: Anti-Semitism? Or Fear of Open Debate on Israel?


There is no fear in a debate with the Honorable Ihan Omar. But there is an objection to engaging in a useless encounter where, no matter what the truth is, the argument is redundant and the same tired justifications are presented (as if the pro-Arab Palestinians/anti-Semitist had some moral right).

Most Respectfully,

I haven't heard Ilham Omar say anything that was anti Semitic. Everything I have heard is a mischaracterization of what she said. IOW they lied.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Representative Ihan Omar (D-MN) harbors anti-Semitic feelings, dating back to her commentary in February 2019. (The cat is out of the bag. The leopard doesn’t change its spots. And an apology, while accept practice, can’t change what she really thinks.) While being opposed to Israel's policies in the Middle East is not (in itself) being anti-Semitic, but to imply that Jewish Americans of being more loyal to Israel than America is to falsely accuse the Jewish community of intentions not in evidence (suggesting Jews have "dual loyalty").

I haven't heard Ilham Omar say anything that was anti Semitic. Everything I have heard is a mischaracterization of what she said. IOW they lied.

Representative Ihan Omar (5th District D-MN) is accusing AIPAC of the very thing she is doing today to support her bid for remaining in Congress and to oppose pro-Israeli feelings in America.

Representative Ihan Omar ([B]D-MN[/B]) said:
"There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the noxious role of [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], which spends millions each year to buy U.S. political support for Israeli aggression and militarism against the Palestinian people."​

Again, the Honorable Representative Ihan Omar has it wrong, in my opinion (one man's opinion) if she looks at the entire region, as opposed to one small sliver of dispute. Of any of the nations which border Israel, none can claim to be more advanced than Israel. None can claim to have a more stable government, a more prosperous commercial active trade in goods and services than Israel. We are not just talking about Israel and the so-called government of Palestine (whether you choose Fatah or Hamas)(whichever is in charge). If the Honorable Congresswoman would step back (by a factor of ten, three times) and survey the reality of the terrain, she would not suggest, even for a moment, that the region would be better off under some Leadership (similar to any adjacent country) then that of Israel.

When she comes up with a solution that has a reasonable expectation of working in the best interest of ALL inhabitants, then she might be worth giving her some attention.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: Representative Ihan Omar (D-MN) harbors anti-Semitic feelings, dating back to her commentary in February 2019. (The cat is out of the bag. The leopard doesn’t change its spots. And an apology, while accept practice, can’t change what she really thinks.) While being opposed to Israel's policies in the Middle East is not (in itself) being anti-Semitic, but to imply that Jewish Americans of being more loyal to Israel than America is to falsely accuse the Jewish community of intentions not in evidence (suggesting Jews have "dual loyalty").

I haven't heard Ilham Omar say anything that was anti Semitic. Everything I have heard is a mischaracterization of what she said. IOW they lied.

Representative Ihan Omar (5th District D-MN) is accusing AIPAC of the very thing she is doing today to support her bid for remaining in Congress and to oppose pro-Israeli feelings in America.

Representative Ihan Omar ([B]D-MN[/B]) said:
"There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the noxious role of [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], which spends millions each year to buy U.S. political support for Israeli aggression and militarism against the Palestinian people."​

Again, the Honorable Representative Ihan Omar has it wrong, in my opinion (one man's opinion) if she looks at the entire region, as opposed to one small sliver of dispute. Of any of the nations which border Israel, none can claim to be more advanced than Israel. None can claim to have a more stable government, a more prosperous commercial active trade in goods and services than Israel. We are not just talking about Israel and the so-called government of Palestine (whether you choose Fatah or Hamas)(whichever is in charge). If the Honorable Congresswoman would step back (by a factor of ten, three times) and survey the reality of the terrain, she would not suggest, even for a moment, that the region would be better off under some Leadership (similar to any adjacent country) then that of Israel.

When she comes up with a solution that has a reasonable expectation of working in the best interest of ALL inhabitants, then she might be worth giving her some attention.

Most Respectfully,
but to imply that Jewish Americans of being more loyal to Israel than America
She didn't say that.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ,"
et al,

BLUF: No only did I interpret it that way, but most of Congress did as well.

House approves language denouncing anti-Semitism in wake of Ilhan Omar comments

but to imply that Jewish Americans of being more loyal to Israel than America
She didn't say that.

This is not about her legitimate concerns. This is about what kind of person she really is. She knows she has stepped over the line, and back peddled over it with an apology. But the mask has been lifted and her true nature opened up.

Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 10.33.12 PM.png

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ," et al,

BLUF: Now you are just shifting the conversation
(from the related concepts of "Undue Political Influence" and "Campaign Reform" → to → the unrelated concept of the Improper Application of "Apartheid").

Debate Over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby

I have noticed that one of the strongest propaganda techniques used by the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist is the use of accusations without foundations. In the one case, the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist make the accusation that the political use of campaign contributions and political lobby practices are somehow improper, hinting at illegal, and of questionable loyalties → and in the other hand → that Israel is accused of "Apartheid" by applying border controls in the process immigration and customs enforcement - and crime prevention like every other country in the immediate region, throughout the Arab League and other countries globally.


So now that you've made it known that you believe there is the crime of "Apartheid" being practiced I ask the question of you:

◈ How does the enforcement of Articles 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation of 1907 constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ How does the prosecution of criminal activity under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What "racial group" is dominating another "racial group" in violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What regime is being maintained by the domination of this "racial group?"​

I do not believe that ANY of these questions or topics are issues that "posters will not read or discuss" here. So, let's discuss by getting to the basics. Go for it!


"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in Paragraph 1 • Article 7 • Crimes Against Humanity • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

Most Respectfully,
List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears Worst in ICC War Crimes Investigation

When International Court of Justice (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, confirmed last December that the Court has ample evidence to pursue a war crimes investigation in occupied Palestine, the Israeli government responded with the usual rhetoric, accusing the international community of bias and insisting on Israel’s ‘right to defend itself.’

Beneath the platitudes and typical Israeli discourse, the Israeli government knew too well that an ICC investigation into war crimes in Palestine could be quite costly. An investigation, in itself, represents an indictment of sorts. If Israeli individuals were to be indicted for war crimes, that is a different story, as it becomes a legal obligation of ICC members to apprehend the criminals and hand them over to the Court.

Bensouda insisted that “the Prosecutor is satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to initiate an investigation into the situation in Palestine under article 53(1) of the Rome Statute, and that the scope of the Court’s territorial jurisdiction comprises the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza (“Occupied Palestinian Territory”).”

Upon its failure to halt the ICC legal procedures regarding its investigation of war crimes, Israel began to prepare for the worst. On July 15, Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz, reported about a ‘secret list’ that was drawn up by the Israeli government. The list includes “between 200 and 300 officials”, ranging from politicians to military and intelligence officials, who are subject to arrest abroad, should the ICC officially open the war crimes investigation.

Names begin at the top of the Israeli political pyramid, among them Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his current coalition partner, Benny Gantz.

The sheer number of Israeli officials on the list is indicative of the scope of the ICC’s investigation, and, somehow, is a self-indictment, as the names include former Israeli Defense Ministers – Moshe Ya’alon, Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett; current and former army chiefs of staffs – Aviv Kochavi, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot and current and former heads of internal intelligence, the Shin Bet – Nadav Argaman and Yoram Cohen.

:clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
It's always amusing when worthless antisemites talk about the Israel lobby while doing nothing but posting endless crap from the lobby that has the biggest propaganda network in the world.

For the made up group we now call "Palestinian", the funds they rake in from Pallywood provide the very basis for their economy.
List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears Worst in ICC War Crimes Investigation

When International Court of Justice (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, confirmed last December that the Court has ample evidence to pursue a war crimes investigation in occupied Palestine, the Israeli government responded with the usual rhetoric, accusing the international community of bias and insisting on Israel’s ‘right to defend itself.’

Beneath the platitudes and typical Israeli discourse, the Israeli government knew too well that an ICC investigation into war crimes in Palestine could be quite costly. An investigation, in itself, represents an indictment of sorts. If Israeli individuals were to be indicted for war crimes, that is a different story, as it becomes a legal obligation of ICC members to apprehend the criminals and hand them over to the Court.

Bensouda insisted that “the Prosecutor is satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to initiate an investigation into the situation in Palestine under article 53(1) of the Rome Statute, and that the scope of the Court’s territorial jurisdiction comprises the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza (“Occupied Palestinian Territory”).”

Upon its failure to halt the ICC legal procedures regarding its investigation of war crimes, Israel began to prepare for the worst. On July 15, Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz, reported about a ‘secret list’ that was drawn up by the Israeli government. The list includes “between 200 and 300 officials”, ranging from politicians to military and intelligence officials, who are subject to arrest abroad, should the ICC officially open the war crimes investigation.

Names begin at the top of the Israeli political pyramid, among them Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his current coalition partner, Benny Gantz.

The sheer number of Israeli officials on the list is indicative of the scope of the ICC’s investigation, and, somehow, is a self-indictment, as the names include former Israeli Defense Ministers – Moshe Ya’alon, Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett; current and former army chiefs of staffs – Aviv Kochavi, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot and current and former heads of internal intelligence, the Shin Bet – Nadav Argaman and Yoram Cohen.

:clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

An investigation, in itself, represents an indictment of sorts. If Israeli individuals were to be indicted for war crimes, that is a different story, as it becomes a legal obligation of ICC members to apprehend the criminals and hand them over to the Court.

How many Palestinian war crimes will they investigate?
How many Palestinian terrorists will they hand over?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ," et al,

BLUF: Now you are just shifting the conversation
(from the related concepts of "Undue Political Influence" and "Campaign Reform" → to → the unrelated concept of the Improper Application of "Apartheid").

Debate Over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby

I have noticed that one of the strongest propaganda techniques used by the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist is the use of accusations without foundations. In the one case, the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist make the accusation that the political use of campaign contributions and political lobby practices are somehow improper, hinting at illegal, and of questionable loyalties → and in the other hand → that Israel is accused of "Apartheid" by applying border controls in the process immigration and customs enforcement - and crime prevention like every other country in the immediate region, throughout the Arab League and other countries globally.


So now that you've made it known that you believe there is the crime of "Apartheid" being practiced I ask the question of you:

◈ How does the enforcement of Articles 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation of 1907 constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ How does the prosecution of criminal activity under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What "racial group" is dominating another "racial group" in violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What regime is being maintained by the domination of this "racial group?"​

I do not believe that ANY of these questions or topics are issues that "posters will not read or discuss" here. So, let's discuss by getting to the basics. Go for it!


"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in Paragraph 1 • Article 7 • Crimes Against Humanity • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

Most Respectfully,
Step by step, Israel is apartheid.

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore, ," et al,

BLUF: Now you are just shifting the conversation
(from the related concepts of "Undue Political Influence" and "Campaign Reform" → to → the unrelated concept of the Improper Application of "Apartheid").

Debate Over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby

I have noticed that one of the strongest propaganda techniques used by the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist is the use of accusations without foundations. In the one case, the pro-Arab Palestinian and pro-Arab Jihadist/Criminal Activist make the accusation that the political use of campaign contributions and political lobby practices are somehow improper, hinting at illegal, and of questionable loyalties → and in the other hand → that Israel is accused of "Apartheid" by applying border controls in the process immigration and customs enforcement - and crime prevention like every other country in the immediate region, throughout the Arab League and other countries globally.


So now that you've made it known that you believe there is the crime of "Apartheid" being practiced I ask the question of you:

◈ How does the enforcement of Articles 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation of 1907 constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ How does the prosecution of criminal activity under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention constitute a violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What "racial group" is dominating another "racial group" in violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statues?​
◈ What regime is being maintained by the domination of this "racial group?"​

I do not believe that ANY of these questions or topics are issues that "posters will not read or discuss" here. So, let's discuss by getting to the basics. Go for it!


"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in Paragraph 1 • Article 7 • Crimes Against Humanity • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

Most Respectfully,
Step by step, Israel is apartheid.

No it is not.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "P F Tinmore," et al,

BLUF: In over 70 years of war, IF all thee ICC Prosecutor can assemble is a list of War Crimes against Israelis, THEN that is an indictment of anti-Semitism against the ICC and the Prosecutorial Process; even the Prosecutor specifically (Fatou Bensouda).

(∑) We are still observing the Pre-Trail Phase. On that score, I am NOT prepared to make an accusation (or sling mud) on the ICC; but prefer to see what the Court (His Honor Judge Péter Kovács, Presiding Judge) has to say. While the attorneys for the Prosecution (Fatou Bensouda, Chief & James Stewart, Second Chair) have been outspoken and notified (along with the Public Counsel for the Alleged Victims), there is NO counsel for the defense yet to even be assigned, let alone any disclosure of evidence or specific charges rendered against specific individuals.

List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears Worst in ICC War Crimes Investigation
The list includes “between 200 and 300 officials”, ranging from politicians to military and intelligence officials, who are subject to arrest abroad, should the ICC officially open the war crimes investigation.

It will be most interesting to hear what the Court has to say. The news article, cited by "P F Tinmore" which revolves around the Prosecutor's public statements and leaked information that is 8 months old, is merely an attempt by the Prosecutor to gain public momentum and support. This is not unlike most Prosecutorial strategies
(especially for those that are trying to gain fame).

And it will be interesting to see how the Court will address the fact that: "The Rome Statute entered into force on 1 April 2015." I'm waiting to see the fight over the Application of the Rome Statute pertaining to Retroactive Application and the implication of the criminal activity in violation of customary international law (CIL), as well as the defense against acts of terrorism on activity punishable under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

AND THEN, there is the battle over the fact which requires the Court to interpret and apply its law consistently with ‘Internationally recognized Human Rights’ which includes the Right of the Israelis to self-determination and self-defense.

Yes - "P F Tinmore" may clap his hands all he wants, but there is so very much more that must be addressed before the case actually goes to trial.

Most Respectfully,

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