All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Israel “occupies” Israel. Makes “perfect” sense! LOL

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Israel besieging Gaza? Except, Gaza is Hebrew in origin, azzah, reflecting its Jewish history as part of ancient Israel.

Read a history book.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Israel also “occupies” palestine Except, palestine originated as a name imposed on Jews’ land by Roman occupiers

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Gotta keep a close eye on your terrorist buddies.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Gotta keep a close eye on your terrorist buddies.
Ooooo, terrorists. Keep pimping that propaganda.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Gotta keep a close eye on your terrorist buddies.
Ooooo, terrorists. Keep pimping that propaganda.

Yeah, no terrorists in Gaza, silly me.

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning advanced into Palestinian lands to the east of Rafah, in southern Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip.

The PIC reporter said that four Israeli military bulldozers advanced into lands to the east of Rafah for a limited distance estimated at 50-100 meters.

The Israeli bulldozers escorted by armored vehicles advanced into the border line and leveled lands in the area.

Israeli incursion east of Rafah, shooting at fishermen off Gaza shore
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center


Gotta keep a close eye on your terrorist buddies.
Ooooo, terrorists. Keep pimping that propaganda.

Gaza is an ancient Hebrew name. Jews’ historical land
British PM Theresa May: Israel, thriving democracy, beacon of tolerance, engine of enterprise

Kids’ book called ‘P Is for Palestine’ is stirring up outrage among moms


But the author, Golbarg Bashi, a Pace history professor and former Rutgers Iranian-studies instructor, told an audience at a bookstore reading Saturday that she “came up with the idea for this book after I couldn’t find a book about Palestine for children.’’

She told The Post after her reading at Book Culture on the Upper West Side, “I love ABC books personally, and I have so many of them at home about all kinds of places — Mexico, United States, Italy, everywhere.”

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