All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Palestine supporters marched yesterday in Toulouse, France, calling for an end to the twinning between their city and Tel Aviv in protest of the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

The High Court in London has ruled that a tweet sent by the author and commentator Ed Husain had defamed a senior leader of the Muslim Council of Britain.

In November 2020, Husain posted a tweet that claimed Miqdaad Versi, a Muslim Council of Britain spokesperson who leads the council's media monitoring unit, was "pro-Hamas and pro-Iran".

But last Friday, His Honour Judge Lewis ruled in a preliminary trial that he was "satisfied that the natural and ordinary meaning conveyed by the tweet was defamatory by the standards of the common law".

A further hearing will determine if Versi will receive compensation of at least £25,000 from Husain and an injunction that prevents the republication of Husain's defamatory tweet

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