All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Palestine at the centre of free speech battle on US campuses, academics say​

Members of the Palestinian community protest against violence in the Gaza Strip, during a rally in Times Square, on 18 May 2018 in New York City (AFP)

European officials visit the Palestinian community of Burqa, on 24 August 2023 [Assets publishing service.Gov.UK]

European officials yesterday slammed rising Israeli settler attacks on Palestinian properties and villages and called on Tel Aviv “to do more to hold to account and prevent those who have made the lives of Palestinians … intolerable.”

Representatives from the United Kingdom, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Sweden, Canada and Norway yesterday visited the Palestinian community of Burqa which has witnessed increasing settler violence and the demolition of EU-funded schools.

They learned how the community has endured harassment and intimidation from settlers. “They also observed the aftermath of Ras At-Tin’s displacement due to settler attacks and how these attacks intensified after the establishment of an illegal outpost near the community,” their statement said.

“The delegation was extremely alarmed by the growth of settler violence, which alongside demolitions has displaced over 400 Palestinians this year and resulted in several casualties across the West Bank.”

Additionally, diplomats strongly condemned the recent demolition of Ein Samiya school, which was funded by donors as humanitarian relief, emphasising Israel’s breach of international humanitarian law. They called on Israel, as the occupying power, to halt all confiscations and demolitions and to give unimpeded access to humanitarian organisations in the occupied West Bank.
Israeli cost of living is the highest among the developed world, OECD data shows.

Israel ranks in first place in a list of developed countries with the highest cost of living in 2022, data published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows.

In Israel, prices were 38% higher than the average in OECD member countries, according to the comparative index. The ranking is based on price movements as measured by consumer price indices, and uses market exchange rates for purchasing power parities.
The components of the July Index provide more granularity on the economic indicators contributing to the current landscape. Notably, the industrial production index recorded a 1.0% decrease in June, following a 1.7% decline in May. Additionally, revenue in commerce and services experienced a concerning 2.3% decrease in June, following a modest increase of 0.8% in May. This volatility underscores the uncertainty businesses in Israel are currently navigating.

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