All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss


Israeli state radio quoted civil defense sources as saying that the explosion occurred inside a factory manufacturing weapons and ammunition in the industrial zone of Ramat Hasharon, north of Tel Aviv.
In Bethlehem, at least five PIJ activists were arrested, including Ali Arafat Za’oul and Nouh Mohammed Za’oul. Seven other PIJ activists were arrested by the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank cities of Nablus and Tulkarm over the past two weeks, according to Palestinian sources.

Abbas, for his part, is said to have turned down requests to end security coordination between the Palestinian security forces and the IDF.
That is the political division in a nutshell. Why would you side with someone who will arrest you?

So much for "unarmed peaceful protestors"...


States, however, cannot denationalize a national. Under international law, nationality is broadly defined as the link between an individual and a territory. That link, referred to as the “genuine link” by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) since 1955, is determinable by bloodline (jus sanguinis), location of birth (jus soli), or long-term residency (jus domicile). Nationality is innate, unchangeable, and protected: article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.” Indeed, this right is so universal, several states even extend the option to apply for citizenship through jus sanguinis to non-citizen nationals residing anywhere in the world.

Palestinians’ Historical Right to Palestinian Nationality

The right of Palestinians to belong as nationals to Palestine from anywhere in the world has been recognized since the ratification of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne on August 6, 1924. While the treaty is the first legal document to promulgate Palestinian nationality globally, the 1869 Ottoman Nationality Law was the first to legally confer nationality on residents of Palestine jus sanguinis, jus soli, and jus domicile.

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