All the President's Debt

Should the American people know how much debt is carried by the president? Should we know to whom the debt is owed?

When background checks are performed on anyone from a government contractor to a cabinet level Secretary, personal debt is always investigated.

Why? You wouldn't want someone owing foreign interests. Policy and actions of the indebted could be made for personal gain.
Like the Bidens have been doing.
Let's see the president's taxes. He is the one in power.

Vice President Biden already released his.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.
Vice President Biden already released his.

Sleepy Joe is NOT "Vice President." He is former corrupt senator, former corrupt vp, and apparently an agent of Russia, Ukraine and or China. Please post a link to Creepy Joe's bank accounts.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.

Nobody is making the argument that it's illegal.
I am making the argument that owing a billion dollars is irresponsible.

As for your point that "Most of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more" you want those people anywhere near the public coffers, making spending decisions, budget,s etc...?
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.

Nobody is making the argument that it's illegal.
I am making the argument that owing a billion dollars is irresponsible.

As for your point that "Most of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more" you want those people anywhere near the public coffers, making spending decisions, budget,s etc...?

I suggest you look into Moscow Mitch's financials and just how beholden his Aluminum Factory is to Russian Oliarchs. And it's legal. Not very wise, but legal. Take a look at almost ALL the Politicos and you will see the same trend. In fact, take a look at almost ALL small businesses alive today. And many are sitting in positions in the City Councils, County Commissions and State Legislation. If you have a business or businesses with assets over 5 billion. owing 430 to 1 billion isn't unheard of. In fact, it's unheard of when it doesn't happen.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.

Nobody is making the argument that it's illegal.
I am making the argument that owing a billion dollars is irresponsible.

As for your point that "Most of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more" you want those people anywhere near the public coffers, making spending decisions, budget,s etc...?

I suggest you look into Moscow Mitch's financials and just how beholden his Aluminum Factory is to Russian Oliarchs. And it's legal. Not very wise, but legal. Take a look at almost ALL the Politicos and you will see the same trend. In fact, take a look at almost ALL small businesses alive today. And many are sitting in positions in the City Councils, County Commissions and State Legislation. If you have a business or businesses with assets over 5 billion. owing 430 to 1 billion isn't unheard of. In fact, it's unheard of when it doesn't happen.

An example please of a company (not corporation) run by a public servant that owes One Billion dollars please.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.

Nobody is making the argument that it's illegal.
I am making the argument that owing a billion dollars is irresponsible.

As for your point that "Most of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more" you want those people anywhere near the public coffers, making spending decisions, budget,s etc...?

I suggest you look into Moscow Mitch's financials and just how beholden his Aluminum Factory is to Russian Oliarchs. And it's legal. Not very wise, but legal. Take a look at almost ALL the Politicos and you will see the same trend. In fact, take a look at almost ALL small businesses alive today. And many are sitting in positions in the City Councils, County Commissions and State Legislation. If you have a business or businesses with assets over 5 billion. owing 430 to 1 billion isn't unheard of. In fact, it's unheard of when it doesn't happen.

An example please of a company (not corporation) run by a public servant that owes One Billion dollars please.

There aren't any. Unless you want to include the Mayor and Governor of NY. There just aren't that many billionaires that wish to take the pay cut. But almost all Politicos that are Millionaires fit into that category. It's not the Billion that is in questions. It's the percentage of the debt to the total assets. Yes, a billion sound scary has hell. But so does 60,000 bucks when you only have 76,000 dollars worth of assets.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

This was the type of shit to discuss in his first election. Today, he has a record to discuss.

THat you want to avoid discussing his record, is all we need to know to re-elect him.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

If you have a 5 billion or even a 2.5 billion business and owe 1 billion or less, you are not destitute. While I ding Rump as President or even as a basic Human Being and an Oxygen Waster, MOST of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more. There are a hell of a lot more negatives that we can find with Rump than delving into his debts which sounds quite legal.

Nobody is making the argument that it's illegal.
I am making the argument that owing a billion dollars is irresponsible.

As for your point that "Most of us owe almost as much as our assets and in some cases more" you want those people anywhere near the public coffers, making spending decisions, budget,s etc...?

I suggest you look into Moscow Mitch's financials and just how beholden his Aluminum Factory is to Russian Oliarchs. And it's legal. Not very wise, but legal. Take a look at almost ALL the Politicos and you will see the same trend. In fact, take a look at almost ALL small businesses alive today. And many are sitting in positions in the City Councils, County Commissions and State Legislation. If you have a business or businesses with assets over 5 billion. owing 430 to 1 billion isn't unheard of. In fact, it's unheard of when it doesn't happen.

An example please of a company (not corporation) run by a public servant that owes One Billion dollars please.

There aren't any. Unless you want to include the Mayor and Governor of NY. There just aren't that many billionaires that wish to take the pay cut. But almost all Politicos that are Millionaires fit into that category. It's not the Billion that is in questions. It's the percentage of the debt to the total assets. Yes, a billion sound scary has hell. But so does 60,000 bucks when you only have 76,000 dollars worth of assets.

Again, do you want someone who is that over-extended with $60K debt load on $76K assets to be making spending decisions?
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

This was the type of shit to discuss in his first election. Today, he has a record to discuss.

THat you want to avoid discussing his record, is all we need to know to re-elect him.

If you want to talk about the near quarter of a million dead due to his botching covid...feel free. We'll add that to the billion he owes.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Yeah, you don't want to talk about your blob's massive debt load and compare his privately held organization to corporations.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Yeah, you don't want to talk about your blob's massive debt load and compare his privately held organization to corporations.

You're making a mountain out of a foothill.

according to Forbes, Trumps is worth, give or take, $4 billion.

Which means his assets are $3 billion more than his debt.

Real shame you failed math.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Yeah, you don't want to talk about your blob's massive debt load and compare his privately held organization to corporations.

You're making a mountain out of a foothill.

according to Forbes, Trumps is worth, give or take, $4 billion.

Which means his assets are $3 billion more than his debt.

Real shame you failed math.

Trump supporters are the only people on the planet who think owing a billion dollars is not a big deal; who think owing money is being better than being debt free, and feel that anyone who doesn't owe a sizable amount of their net worth is missing out on a great opportunity.

It boggles the mind.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Yeah, you don't want to talk about your blob's massive debt load and compare his privately held organization to corporations.

You're making a mountain out of a foothill.

according to Forbes, Trumps is worth, give or take, $4 billion.

Which means his assets are $3 billion more than his debt.

Real shame you failed math.

Trump supporters are the only people on the planet who think owing a billion dollars is not a big deal; who think owing money is being better than being debt free, and feel that anyone who doesn't owe a sizable amount of their net worth is missing out on a great opportunity.

It boggles the mind.

Little girl...

If I was only in debt for 1/4th of my assets, I'd be ecstatic.

all those 000s must have you wonky or something
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

Hon, I suggest you look around your own home before throwing stones at anyone else.
I looked around my condo...I don't have a billion dollars in debt coming due in the next few years.

Well it looks like the point flew right over your little head again.

Americans have sent FAR more dollars to China than Trump could in 1000 years.

Of course, if you're not American then I can't speak about you.

Trump has done so much business with China that he probably owes them millions. Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

Trump's massive Billion dollar debt is s sign he's not a very good business man.

Americans (generally) don't have their branded stuff made over Trump did.

They don't?

Table of Contents
just to name a few
Yeah...and none of those businesses are selling "I'm going to bring jobs back to America".

China owns Trump.

Tired of your deflections.

Give someone else a headache.

You're the one deflecting bringing up Abercrombie and Fitch and Nike.

Care to discuss Diseased Decrepit Donald's $1B in debt?

Nah...didn't think so.
Left him speechless.. Why do you get into threads that you don't want to discuss?

I type slow.

Why do you only start threads that you can masturbate to?

Wow.... and you used to be a mod.

Truth hurt?

you used to sensible.

that ended over 4 years ago.

It doesn't hurt. It's disappointing that you bring up masturbation. One would think that a former mod would have some consideration for the tone of the board they used to superintend.

It says much more about your lack of character than it does about your inability to stay on topic. You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff. Its time honored trolling.

But do you really have to bring up masturbation?

You can try to derail a thread as you've done here bringing up Obama and Nike and all of the other stuff.

No derail.

YOU brought up his products being made in China, not I.

I pointed out that he did that long before he was CiC, and he's not the only one doing it.
Actually Basic Human unit brought up our national debt that is owned in part by China as some sort of rationalization for the President personally owing $1B. You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.

You brought up a bunch of other companies and corporations for some reason.
and you don't understand why?

Get some sleep, sober up, and try again in about 8 hours.
Yeah, you don't want to talk about your blob's massive debt load and compare his privately held organization to corporations.

You're making a mountain out of a foothill.

according to Forbes, Trumps is worth, give or take, $4 billion.

Which means his assets are $3 billion more than his debt.

Real shame you failed math.

Trump supporters are the only people on the planet who think owing a billion dollars is not a big deal; who think owing money is being better than being debt free, and feel that anyone who doesn't owe a sizable amount of their net worth is missing out on a great opportunity.

It boggles the mind.

Little girl...

If I was only in debt for 1/4th of my assets, I'd be ecstatic.

all those 000s must have you wonky or something

Wow... You poor "man".
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

This was the type of shit to discuss in his first election. Today, he has a record to discuss.

THat you want to avoid discussing his record, is all we need to know to re-elect him.

If you want to talk about the near quarter of a million dead due to his botching covid...feel free. We'll add that to the billion he owes.

I though the prediction was 2 million dead, unless we took strong action. Now you are pushing a 200k number like it is a failure. And we know that number is a vast overestimation.

So, that is three failures in a single number for you. Pretty impressive.

Wait, I forgot the failure of you to be honest about any of those failures. SO, make that SIX failures with one number.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

This was the type of shit to discuss in his first election. Today, he has a record to discuss.

THat you want to avoid discussing his record, is all we need to know to re-elect him.

If you want to talk about the near quarter of a million dead due to his botching covid...feel free. We'll add that to the billion he owes.

I though the prediction was 2 million dead, unless we took strong action. Now you are pushing a 200k number like it is a failure. And we know that number is a vast overestimation.

So, that is three failures in a single number for you. Pretty impressive.

Wait, I forgot the failure of you to be honest about any of those failures. SO, make that SIX failures with one number.

You should try selling a quarter of a million dead as a "success"....go ahead.

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