All Threads That Are Based Off of Certain Sites...

Yes, I know.

Cite for me EXACTLY, which zone two rule is broken by using these sources.

flacaltenn had posted at one point that threads started in Zone 2 Politics must meet a requirement of having a proper source.

Opinion threads without sourcing are fine. If the opinion is developed enough to have a discussion. General criteria is no "baiting or polarizing" in the Opening and/or title and "personal contribution" is required in the OP. Not just cut and paste. Always need to follow "fair use" copyright and link ANYTHING that even MIGHT have a copyright.

He is saying that some sources shouldn't count as sources because they are biased. Is that a rule? That would make it nearly impossible to post anything with a link.

Lemme read thru a bit before commenting. Sources are for members to judge for the most part. Not our job. BUT -- we won't allow any particular sources to DOMINATE the forum. Like folks partial to InfoWars or neo-nazi sites. ESPECIALLY when more mainstream links are available..

Infowars is a Nazi site?

Then what's the tampon squad huff post or Washington compost..


I never even read infowars exepcet what mind wars posts on here .I don't even bother clicking on the link .the substance is there
Your having a hissy fit over nonsense .


Hissy fit? Asking for the rules to be enforced is a hissy fit?

What rule exactly?

Zone 2 Politics have requirements for threads there...
Yes, I know.

Cite for me EXACTLY, which zone two rule is broken by using these sources.

flacaltenn had posted at one point that threads started in Zone 2 Politics must meet a requirement of having a proper source.

. . . and you want to decide for the board what a "proper source" is? Is that it? :21:
It's hard to tell what sources are "reliable" anymore. Seems as if they are all biased. There are very FEW that are not, and those are always buried under the millions of biased sources.

OK -- don't think we have any solutions here.. Other than folks learning not to get BURNT by their preferred TAINTED media. It's all tainted now for the most part if the publication is part of the "tribal wars".. There are only a small handful of journals that are "above that". I put Mother Jones, The Nation and Reason Mag into that category. They are essentially "alt-political" or independent and have no dog in the fight.

You CANNOT survive by indicting sources. You've GOT to evaluate the veracity on your own. Because it's not just a matter of ACCURACY anymore. It's a matter of CENSORSHIP and EMBARGOING of stories they don't like. Simply can't have ANY idea of the next scandal without reading widely. Because you won't even KNOW what's going down reading narrowly..

Mainstream Grey Lady papers now considered "unnamed sources" as primary journalism. And have no conscience about starting rumors or feeding their "bases".. It's guerilla warfare out there. Play accordingly.

Oh -- and Fuck the FactCheckers. That title is reserved for pompous elitist fools serving as spare minds for the weak...
Hissy fit? Asking for the rules to be enforced is a hissy fit?

What rule exactly?

Zone 2 Politics have requirements for threads there...
Yes, I know.

Cite for me EXACTLY, which zone two rule is broken by using these sources.

flacaltenn had posted at one point that threads started in Zone 2 Politics must meet a requirement of having a proper source.

Opinion threads without sourcing are fine. If the opinion is developed enough to have a discussion. General criteria is no "baiting or polarizing" in the Opening and/or title and "personal contribution" is required in the OP. Not just cut and paste. Always need to follow "fair use" copyright and link ANYTHING that even MIGHT have a copyright.

You posted at one time that links used to start a thread in Zone 2 politics needed to be legit.
What rule exactly?

Zone 2 Politics have requirements for threads there...
Yes, I know.

Cite for me EXACTLY, which zone two rule is broken by using these sources.

flacaltenn had posted at one point that threads started in Zone 2 Politics must meet a requirement of having a proper source.

Opinion threads without sourcing are fine. If the opinion is developed enough to have a discussion. General criteria is no "baiting or polarizing" in the Opening and/or title and "personal contribution" is required in the OP. Not just cut and paste. Always need to follow "fair use" copyright and link ANYTHING that even MIGHT have a copyright.

He is saying that some sources shouldn't count as sources because they are biased. Is that a rule? That would make it nearly impossible to post anything with a link.

No, not biased, true. The Gateway Pundit, True Pundit, and Info Wars are not true reporting.
Zone 2 Politics have requirements for threads there...

You already blew it out of the water by attacking a posters mom..

Saying someone's mom must be proud of them is not attacking their mom...

I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .
It's hard to tell what sources are "reliable" anymore. Seems as if they are all biased. There are very FEW that are not, and those are always buried under the millions of biased sources.

OK -- don't think we have any solutions here.. Other than folks learning not to get BURNT by their preferred TAINTED media. It's all tainted now for the most part if the publication is part of the "tribal wars".. There are only a small handful of journals that are "above that". I put Mother Jones, The Nation and Reason Mag into that category. They are essentially "alt-political" or independent and have no dog in the fight.

You CANNOT survive by indicting sources. You've GOT to evaluate the veracity on your own. Because it's not just a matter of ACCURACY anymore. It's a matter of CENSORSHIP and EMBARGOING of stories they don't like. Simply can't have ANY idea of the next scandal without reading widely. Because you won't even KNOW what's going down reading narrowly..

Mainstream Grey Lady papers now considered "unnamed sources" as primary journalism. And have no conscience about starting rumors or feeding their "bases".. It's guerilla warfare out there. Play accordingly.

Oh -- and Fuck the FactCheckers. That title is reserved for pompous elitist fools serving as spare minds for the weak...

Mother Jones? Seriously liberally biased source.
All threads that are based on The Gateway Pundit, True Pundit, and Info Wars, should automatically be moved to the conspiracy theory section. Seriously, how often are they true? The sections of the forum for political news and current events are being littered with these threads that are totally unreliable. The forum might as well allow people to start posting The Onion in the Politics forum.

Why do you only bring up biased conservative sites? What about biased liberal sites, like Mother Jones and CNN?

Mother Jones is definitely Left Wing progressive. HOWEVER, they are NOT fond (or in the tank) for Democrat Party.. So often, they will commit good old journalism on a story and pummel the Dem party in the process. No holds barred. An ideal reading rack will have National Review AND Mother Jones or The Nation AND Reason Mag. That's all you need. WITHOUT the juvenile horseshit retail political spin..
You already blew it out of the water by attacking a posters mom..

Saying someone's mom must be proud of them is not attacking their mom...

I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .

I never forget a poster. Who says weird stuff like that .
Saying someone's mom must be proud of them is not attacking their mom...

I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

This makes sense now..

I get it

Dude who you are is who you are , a word of advice don't pretend who you are not on here.

Old guys like me will catch you.

You need to see your and get tested for Alzheimer Disease. I've never said anything different than being a student.
Yes, I know.

Cite for me EXACTLY, which zone two rule is broken by using these sources.

flacaltenn had posted at one point that threads started in Zone 2 Politics must meet a requirement of having a proper source.

Opinion threads without sourcing are fine. If the opinion is developed enough to have a discussion. General criteria is no "baiting or polarizing" in the Opening and/or title and "personal contribution" is required in the OP. Not just cut and paste. Always need to follow "fair use" copyright and link ANYTHING that even MIGHT have a copyright.

He is saying that some sources shouldn't count as sources because they are biased. Is that a rule? That would make it nearly impossible to post anything with a link.

Lemme read thru a bit before commenting. Sources are for members to judge for the most part. Not our job. BUT -- we won't allow any particular sources to DOMINATE the forum. Like folks partial to InfoWars or neo-nazi sites. ESPECIALLY when more mainstream links are available..

Infowars is a Nazi site?

Then what's the tampon squad huff post or Washington compost..


Think I said "or".. Dont' think they serve the same audience. One is tin foil hats. The other is stormtrooper caps.
It's hard to tell what sources are "reliable" anymore. Seems as if they are all biased. There are very FEW that are not, and those are always buried under the millions of biased sources.

Chris you have Google

I can use other search engines. Anyone can. Doesn't matter. All the news outlets seem to have a bias. There are few that report only the facts without any spin.

Try DuckDuckGo.


Unfiltered results, unlike Google.

Bing has improved IMMENSELY in the past 3 years. And I don't miss Google one bit..
Saying someone's mom must be proud of them is not attacking their mom...

I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .

I never forget a poster. Who says weird stuff like that .

This is to funny so you now backing up my claim you got your back hurt in a car accident?
Mother Jones - Media Bias/Fact Check



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
It's hard to tell what sources are "reliable" anymore. Seems as if they are all biased. There are very FEW that are not, and those are always buried under the millions of biased sources.

Chris you have Google

I can use other search engines. Anyone can. Doesn't matter. All the news outlets seem to have a bias. There are few that report only the facts without any spin.

Try DuckDuckGo.


Unfiltered results, unlike Google.

Bing has improved IMMENSELY in the past 3 years. And I don't miss Google one bit..

I gave up on Bing 6 years me it would seem like trying MySpace again.
I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .

I never forget a poster. Who says weird stuff like that .

This is to funny so you now backing up my claim you got your back hurt in a car accident?

Who cares? His personal life doesn't really have anything to do with anything here. I don't see how this is relevant at all.
I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .

I never forget a poster. Who says weird stuff like that .

This is to funny so you now backing up my claim you got your back hurt in a car accident?

You said I was on disability from getting hurt at work...
It's hard to tell what sources are "reliable" anymore. Seems as if they are all biased. There are very FEW that are not, and those are always buried under the millions of biased sources.

Chris you have Google

I can use other search engines. Anyone can. Doesn't matter. All the news outlets seem to have a bias. There are few that report only the facts without any spin.

Try DuckDuckGo.


Unfiltered results, unlike Google.

Bing has improved IMMENSELY in the past 3 years. And I don't miss Google one bit..

I don't like Bing. I don't know why. It must be because I'm so used to google.
I told you I pay attention.

No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

This makes sense now..

I get it

Dude who you are is who you are , a word of advice don't pretend who you are not on here.

Old guys like me will catch you.

You need to see your and get tested for Alzheimer Disease. I've never said anything different than being a student.

Got to ask you LewDog -- Are you HAPPY with Twitter, Facebook, Google CHOOSING your news and links for you?? I consider that to be the height of arrogance and VERY dangerous. If this country is to survive the partisan wars between R & Ds, we have to keep ALL CHANNELS open and "neutral".

Amazes me that some of same folks hell bent on "net neutrality" are just FINE with "Big Social Media" nannyfying your reading material..
No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten me confused with Odium. He's the one that got hurt at work and let's wife be the bread winner.


I go to grad school full-time and work at the college part-time.

So first you tell us you got hurt at work claiming disability, now you are telling us you are in college?

No. I never said that. I said I hurt my back in a car accident. I've never been on disability. Once again, you are confusing me with Odium .

I never forget a poster. Who says weird stuff like that .

This is to funny so you now backing up my claim you got your back hurt in a car accident?

Who cares? His personal life doesn't really have anything to do with anything here. I don't see how this is relevant at all.

He kept posting us he was complaining he couldn't work no more and his significant other was busting there ass working to pay the rent..

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