All you need to know about the ABC interview with Newt's EX


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
They should not have run it, especially not 2 Days before a Primary. It was so blatantly an attempt to effect the Election.

But all you really need to know is this. Brain Ross, started of the segement by saying. "We all know what an Ex Wife says about her Ex Husband has to be taken with a Grain of Salt"

That is exactly why you should not have run it. It was old news, it's a he said she said situation with absolutely nobody but Newt's EX to back up the Claims, and Running it 2 Days before a Primary Gave Newt absolutely no chance to effectively Respond to it.

Which of course was ABC'c Intention.
Very Effective Evidence of that Fact that ABC is nothing but part of the Democrats Propaganda Machine, They would not know Honesty, or Real Journalism if it bit them on the ass.
I think the intense partisanship of the media actually helps its targets. People know below the belt behavior and respond to it by figuring that is the best they got, so there is nothing else to them. Might as well vote for the guy they don't like.

All my adult life the media has been more and more strident in its dislike of Republican politicians, policies and ideas. And Republicans keep right on trucking along, as as the stridency has increased, so too have the republican victories.
I wasn't really sure about Newt....until that question was asked of him and he slammed Ross as he should have! I loved it! I think i've decided who i want as our next President!
This will help Newt win the nomination and then he will be crushed by President Obama in the general election. This is part of CNN and the rest of the MSM's plan to make it easy for Obama.
I wasn't really sure about Newt....until that question was asked of him and he slammed Ross as he should have! I loved it! I think i've decided who i want as our next President!

You are to fucking dumb to even know who newt "slammed". It was Clalista.
This will help Newt win the nomination and then he will be crushed by President Obama in the general election. This is part of CNN and the rest of the MSM's plan to make it easy for Obama.

So you're admitting that CNN and the rest of the left wing media are all in Obama's pocket...It's about time someone did. You're more stupid than i was for mistakenly stating the wrong person asked the question. Thanks!
I wasn't really sure about Newt....until that question was asked of him and he slammed Ross as he should have! I loved it! I think i've decided who i want as our next President!

You are to fucking dumb to even know who newt "slammed". It was Clalista.

No you are the one being Dense. He clearly slammed CNN, and Ross for Leading off the Debate with that Question.
This will help Newt win the nomination and then he will be crushed by President Obama in the general election. This is part of CNN and the rest of the MSM's plan to make it easy for Obama.

There plan is not going to work, but thanks for Admitting that CNN and ABC are Both not Press but rather Propaganda Arms of the Democrat Party.

The Liberal Media is dead, Nobody watches it, exactly because they are so blatantly Biased. The American People in General Woke up to the Clear Bias in 2008, and they are not buying it anymore.

Further Bias by the Liberal Media will only serve to further degrade their already terrible Ratings and Reputation. Every time a Blatant Display of Bias, and Attempts to Influence a Primary like this happens. More America's Wake up to the Bias and tune out. Your Grip on the Flow of Information if over.
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This will help Newt win the nomination and then he will be crushed by President Obama in the general election. This is part of CNN and the rest of the MSM's plan to make it easy for Obama.

So you're admitting that CNN and the rest of the left wing media are all in Obama's pocket...It's about time someone did. You're more stupid than i was for mistakenly stating the wrong person asked the question. Thanks!

No, he's making fun of the ever shifting cries of conspiracy by the Right....
First it's a LMSM conspiracy to destroy it's a LMSM conspiracy to promote Newt.

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Not only are the media experts completely out to lunch about the level of disdain for Barry & Co. by many Republicans, conservatives, liberals, Democrats, moderates, independents, etc., but they are totally blind to the soaring degree of mistrust, loathing, resentment, etc. that many of those same people have for the media pukes themselves. When Gingrich goes after them, as he does so well, the media morons are deaf and dumb to its resonance among so many. Their very relevance is being spurned and yet they're oblivious to it. It's really a beautiful thing.

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