All your attacks on Trump will do you no good. He can't be stopped, not now, not ever...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I said in my other thread that I tried to stop Trump, I really tried, by using intelligent arguments for why he would not be a good President, why we Republicans needed to choose some other candidate, ANY other candiate, because Trump was SO BAD. All my arguments got me nowhere, Trump was nominated by the Republican Party, and now Trump is the President, and everyone who said it could NEVER happen still can't believe that it DID.

And NOW, I'm telling you this, you CANNOT stop him, you CANNOT slow him down, or even get him to change direction slightly, he is an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF NATURE, he will do what he sets out to do and all you're doing now with your kicking and screaming is making yourselves look like fools.

So, do what I did. I said, IF YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM, JOIN HIM, and that's what I did.


Trump is doing everything Republicans have been promising to do for decades, but never did because they didn't have the balls to oppose the Democrats and the mainstream media, so they cowered, and wet their pants, and DID NOTHING while the liberal agenda always advanced because the Democrats are fierce and take no prisoners.

But now, OUR SIDE is fierce and takes no prisoners, and the Democrats are the ones shitting their pants because they've never faced a Republican who used their own tactics against them.

And you'd support him no matter what he did...Even turning this country into Iran, Somalia and Saudi Arabia mixed together would be ok to you.
And you'd support him no matter what he did...Even turning this country into Iran, Somalia and Saudi Arabia mixed together would be ok to you.
Actually, those are examples of countries we will NOT be turning into because NOW people from those backwards countries WILL NO LONGER BE COMING HERE!!!
I said in my other thread that I tried to stop Trump, I really tried, by using intelligent arguments for why he would not be a good President, why we Republicans needed to choose some other candidate, ANY other candiate, because Trump was SO BAD. All my arguments got me nowhere, Trump was nominated by the Republican Party, and now Trump is the President, and everyone who said it could NEVER happen still can't believe that it DID.

And NOW, I'm telling you this, you CANNOT stop him, you CANNOT slow him down, or even get him to change direction slightly, he is an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF NATURE, he will do what he sets out to do and all you're doing now with your kicking and screaming is making yourselves look like fools.

So, do what I did. I said, IF YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM, JOIN HIM, and that's what I did.


Trump is doing everything Republicans have been promising to do for decades, but never did because they didn't have the balls to oppose the Democrats and the mainstream media, so they cowered, and wet their pants, and DID NOTHING while the liberal agenda always advanced because the Democrats are fierce and take no prisoners.

But now, OUR SIDE is fierce and takes no prisoners, and the Democrats are the ones shitting their pants because they've never faced a Republican who used their own tactics against them.


He can and SHOULD be checked by the Constitution.
That's the oath he took, and so should have all the other cronies in govt
who have screwed over taxpayers in the past for political or corporate gain.


"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

"III. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

"IV. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

"V. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of governmental duties.

"VI. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Governmental employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

"VII. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of governmental duties.

"VIII. Never use any information gained confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means of making a private profit.

"IX. Expose corruption wherever discovered.

"X. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust."

-- Public Law 96-303, Passed UNANIMOUSLY by Congress July 3, 1980
And you'd support him no matter what he did...Even turning this country into Iran, Somalia and Saudi Arabia mixed together would be ok to you.

No, we're not you, rdean and Lakhota. We disagree with our sides politicians routinely. If you don't believe me, ask John mccain.
Trump is not a threat to the Constitution, he is upholding it when he enforces immigration laws that were duly passed by Congress, and signed into law by past Presidents.
Trump could be checked by Congress but since this is Republican-controlled it will not happen. The USA is fast becoming a dictatorship.
Hitler's supporters said the same. Trump isn't infallible. He's not a deity or prophet, so stop treating him as such. If Trump crosses the line far enough he can be stopped and impeached.

The presidents before him weren't immune from being stopped and neither is Trump.
Hitler's supporters said the same. Trump isn't infallible. He's not a deity or prophet, so stop treating him as such. If Trump crosses the line far enough he can be stopped and impeached.

The presidents before him weren't immune from being stopped and neither is Trump.
I agree with you in theory but you fail to see that Trump has emasculated the Republican Congress.
And you'd support him no matter what he did...Even turning this country into Iran, Somalia and Saudi Arabia mixed together would be ok to you.

At least the Saudi government shares the wealth with their citizens and they live lavishly.

We will be worse than Saudi if Trump keeps up with his craziness. We are on the fast track to becoming a third world country.
Oh, this is great, Trumpsters think Trump is God.
Only God, can not be stopped.
Hitler's supporters said the same. Trump isn't infallible. He's not a deity or prophet, so stop treating him as such. If Trump crosses the line far enough he can be stopped and impeached.

The presidents before him weren't immune from being stopped and neither is Trump.
I agree with you in theory but you fail to see that Trump has emasculated the Republican Congress.

Then we the people need to hold the congress accountable. They work for us and not the other way around. I think a lot of politicians and citizens forget that.

But you're right about the nutless republicans. They will kiss Don the con 's ass no matter what.
You hate Trump for the same reason you hated Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II. Because he's a Republican, and for no other reason.

Just shut up, because all your stupidity just makes you look stupid.

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