Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

The Ryan plan far from 'saves' medicare. Besides the fact that Medicare doesn't need saving.. This plan is just another step in the long Republican war on Medicare.. Which dates back to Reagan:


It should truly come as no surprise that the GOP has always set its sights on Medicare. After all, it is a single-payer health care system has little involvement from the private insurance industry that is both incredibly efficient and remarkably popular among the general public. It completely violates the conservative mantra that the market should be the arbiter of all things.

Polling shows that the public, including even most Republicans, are overwhelmingly opposed to cuts to the Medicare program.


The Congressional Budget Office concluded in its study of Ryan’s plan that if it was enacted, seniors would have to pay the majority of their income on health care. In its 46 year-long war on Medicare, the GOP is not only fighting the public health insurance program, but the very idea that we are our brother’s keeper — that we should care what happens to our elderly in the last years of their life, and that no one should spend the last days of their lives fighting with insurance companies just to survive.
ThinkProgress » REPORT: The 46 Year-Long Republican War On Medicare

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

is that a mulisha sing behind the terrorist ? Guns N Moses ? another CR member ? I wonder if he's connected to the sward and arm of god ?
not a right winger at all .
I wounder what color sheets this group wears ?
Ok Digger, how many trillion has he put us in deficit since he took office? Or, do you want to blame Bush.......:)

Can't win the debate on current terms, so you'll reframe it, huh Star? What's your point? That everything is Obama's fault? It doesn't take a very nuanced understanding of the world to hold your view.

Obama created the deficit. He did it on purpose because he loves big government and hates rich people. Bush left everything in decent condition. The current deficit has more to do with Obama than it does with the recession and the huge unfunded tax cuts and spending increases that Bush made during the last expansion. Because when Cheney is Vice President, "deficits do not matter."
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So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.
So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.

Oh great.. We have another brilliant Conservative poster who adds so much to the conversation. :eusa_pray:

Stephanie.. Willow.. Why didn't you warn us your other sister was coming?
So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.
Obama is rich. He made $1.7 Million last year.
:doubt: Obama's original 2012 budget purposed only 1 trillion in cuts over 10yrs get it through your head. He changed his budget after Ryan’s budget came out and even in his new speech he did not address entitlements. Wake up man you're falling into a Obama demagogue haze

You can't see the difference between a proposal for next year's budget, and a proposal for long term deficit reduction that spans twelve years?

But regardless. Suppose that Obama flip flopped. Suppose he came out with a plan, and then a couple weeks later came out with another contradictory plan. That's not what happened, but let's just say that it is. So what? How is that insulting anyone? How is that being a socialist? You're not making any sense. You're just flailing around.
Presi-fraud Obama sends the bombers into Libya, ups the troops in Afghanistan and now we may go into Egypt and Syria. There's a new country song about it: TAKE THIS PEACE PRIZE & SHOVE IT. Obama said "Our future is brighter if more people can live under the bright light of freedom." Ya know, ever since the CEO of G.E. became his advisor, everything the President says sounds like a lightbulb commercial. Meanwhile, Egypt says it's all set to announce a new working constitution. To which Obama replied, "Uh ... what's a Constitution?"
So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.

He hates rich people? But that would include himself wouldn't it? It is oft said that the Statist is the most self-loathing individual on the planet...
Presi-fraud Obama sends the bombers into Libya, ups the troops in Afghanistan and now we may go into Egypt and Syria. There's a new country song about it: TAKE THIS PEACE PRIZE & SHOVE IT. Obama said "Our future is brighter if more people can live under the bright light of freedom." Ya know, ever since the CEO of G.E. became his advisor, everything the President says sounds like a lightbulb commercial. Meanwhile, Egypt says it's all set to announce a new working constitution. To which Obama replied, "Uh ... what's a Constitution?"

Did you forget what the topic is?
Ok Digger, how many trillion has he put us in deficit since he took office? Or, do you want to blame Bush.......:)

I blame bush , he's the one that brought us here .

are you so dense you don't remember the good by gift W gave us ?

your not the brightest bulb in the drawer.
So what is it now Jester? Obama didn't present a plan? Or you don't like it? I'm not going to bother finding the specific points in his speech where he lays out his plan. You seem to be able to discuss it well enough to at least realize that it exists. But you still haven't shown me where he insulted anyone. The only insults I see here are flying in the other direction.

That's right. Obama's plan cuts $3 trillion in spending, $2 trillion less than Ryan's plan does. But Obama's plan adds $1 trillion in taxes, while Ryan's plan cuts taxes by another $1 trillion. Both proposals end up with $4 trillion in deficit reduction, although Obama's plan takes 12 years instead of Ryan's 10.

The difference is pretty stark. $2 trillion dollars in spending cuts vs. $2 trillion in taxes. Simple to understand. No reason to call Obama a socialist. No reason to say he doesn't have a plan. No reason to say the he insulted anyone. There's a lot of hot air around here.
No he did not lay out a plan......Stating that you're going to cut 3 trillion, and then failing to lay out exactly how, is not laying out a plan, as Ryan fully has. As the republicans fully did.

It's no different than when he came out and claimed that his now failed stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%, that it would create jobs, and that there were shovel ready jobs ready to go as soon as he signed......He had no idea what was in that failed stimulus when he started making promises. And he has adimtted as such. Just the same as Pelosi admitted when she stepped on her dick by proclaiming that we won't know what's in it until it is passed (the most embarrassing thing ever said by a SOTH in history)............They are friggin' clueless boobs, nothing more.
But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?

Hey Ernie................

Some on here think that Shaman photoshopped his bike from pink to black. What do you think?:eusa_think:
Pink would suit him, though what makes you think it's his bike? Anyone can post a picture of anything and use it as an avatar. I see Mr. Shaman on a Chinese made scooter, maybe 50 cc's or maybe in a Yugo
where did Obama say he hates rich people ?
why because most are elitist ?

or is it he just wants to tax people that make 200,000 a year more tax's and really its just a repeal of Ws tax breaks .

I'm amazed at all the "rich people " that are in here .
I wonder how much their tax's would be if they up and left ?
So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.

Oh great.. We have another brilliant Conservative poster who adds so much to the conversation. :eusa_pray:

Stephanie.. Willow.. Why didn't you warn us your other sister was coming?
Why didn't Rdean, Chris, or truth doesn'tmatter warn us that you, their lil' brother, was coming up here?
But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?

And who's business is it? Government, or the shareholders?:eusa_shhh:

Why is it that Bill Gates can make 4 times the profit margin as Exxon, but he's not considered evil?
CRStar : Yeah, pointing out that you're babbling about how much you hate Obama, and seem to have forgotten what we're talking about, is ignoring the facts. Only a liberal would make a point like that!

Jester : *sigh*. Fine, hold on a second. I'll go find it.

Edit : OK, here it is.

About minute 24 he really gets into what his plan is, and finishes up describing it around minute 34.

It's not realistic for you to expect him to lay out all of the details in a 45 minute speech. The proposal is pretty well flushed out elsewhere, for instance on But even in the speech he mentioned a bunch of specifics.

Now, show me where he insulted anyone, or used Socialist rhetoric.
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President Obama's (original)2012 budget will be roughly $3,800,000 million ($3.8 trillion).

The anticipated 2012 budget deficit will be $1,500,000 million ($1.5 trillion). This means we are borrowing that amount from our children to fund all of the Democrats' Utopian spending programs.

Finally, the president has proposed "tough budget cuts" that total $775 million. No, that's not a joke.

Let's illustrate the magnitude of Obama's cuts.

Obama's cuts aren't even visible in this chart. Let's zoom in.


Blowing it up about ten times allows us to see a tiny little sliver: those are the cuts.


Blowing the chart up a further ten times still barely exposes Obama's proposed cuts

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