Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.

Then why is he being boo'd by repuplicans? Why is it, 70% of tea baggers dont want this idiot to mess with medicare?

This is so going to bite the republicans in the ass. You guys ran on Obama is taking 500 billion out of medicare now, lets just get rid of medicare.

Do your lies ever cease, Zona?

He does a townhall with all political bends present, and you claim that it was the republicans booing him..........Once again, massive fail.

And, nowhere is he trying to get rid of medicare......Another lie, and massive fail by you.

Damn Zona, you might wanna try having an original thought for once, and stop parroting the loony liberal talking heads who feed your ass with nothing but typical liberal paranoid lies and distortions.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.

Then why is he being boo'd by repuplicans? Why is it, 70% of tea baggers dont want this idiot to mess with medicare?

This is so going to bite the republicans in the ass. You guys ran on Obama is taking 500 billion out of medicare now, lets just get rid of medicare.

Do your lies ever cease, Zona?

He does a townhall with all political bends present, and you claim that it was the republicans booing him..........Once again, massive fail.

And, nowhere is he trying to get rid of medicare......Another lie, and massive fail by you.

Damn Zona, you might wanna try having an original thought for once, and stop parroting the loony liberal talking heads who feed your ass with nothing but typical liberal paranoid lies and distortions.

Shows Zoned has no clue of what Ryan has posed. Only that it is serious business that skewers decades-old Statism that must be dealtwith as we teeter on the cliff.

I think the point was accentuated when S&P issued a warning to Obama this week, and then didn't back down as the WH wanted them to do.
Then why is he being boo'd by repuplicans? Why is it, 70% of tea baggers dont want this idiot to mess with medicare?

This is so going to bite the republicans in the ass. You guys ran on Obama is taking 500 billion out of medicare now, lets just get rid of medicare.

Do your lies ever cease, Zona?

He does a townhall with all political bends present, and you claim that it was the republicans booing him..........Once again, massive fail.

And, nowhere is he trying to get rid of medicare......Another lie, and massive fail by you.

Damn Zona, you might wanna try having an original thought for once, and stop parroting the loony liberal talking heads who feed your ass with nothing but typical liberal paranoid lies and distortions.

Shows Zoned has no clue of what Ryan has posed. Only that it is serious business that skewers decades-old Statism that must be dealtwith as we teeter on the cliff.

I think the point was accentuated when S&P issued a warning to Obama this week, and then didn't back down as the WH wanted them to do.
No shit.........Instead of addressing the fact that we are on the brink of disaster, as further evidenced by S&P's knockdown, all Obama and his cronies can do is avoid the obvious and whine about the knockdown.

The man, and his lame duck administration have to go........They are so clueless, and so obviously in over their heads it's become embarrassing.
So what is it now Jester? Obama didn't present a plan? Or you don't like it? I'm not going to bother finding the specific points in his speech where he lays out his plan. You seem to be able to discuss it well enough to at least realize that it exists. But you still haven't shown me where he insulted anyone. The only insults I see here are flying in the other direction.

That's right. Obama's plan cuts $3 trillion in spending, $2 trillion less than Ryan's plan does. But Obama's plan adds $1 trillion in taxes, while Ryan's plan cuts taxes by another $1 trillion. Both proposals end up with $4 trillion in deficit reduction, although Obama's plan takes 12 years instead of Ryan's 10.

The difference is pretty stark. $2 trillion dollars in spending cuts vs. $2 trillion in taxes. Simple to understand. No reason to call Obama a socialist. No reason to say he doesn't have a plan. No reason to say the he insulted anyone. There's a lot of hot air around here.
No he did not lay out a plan......Stating that you're going to cut 3 trillion, and then failing to lay out exactly how, is not laying out a plan, as Ryan fully has. As the republicans fully did.

It's no different than when he came out and claimed that his now failed stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%, that it would create jobs, and that there were shovel ready jobs ready to go as soon as he signed......He had no idea what was in that failed stimulus when he started making promises. And he has adimtted as such. Just the same as Pelosi admitted when she stepped on her dick by proclaiming that we won't know what's in it until it is passed (the most embarrassing thing ever said by a SOTH in history)............They are friggin' clueless boobs, nothing more.

Obama's failed stimulus is now part of the baseline budget that means it's included every year so just to get us back down to the point before the stimulus we have to cut 900 billion in one year this is some crazy shit folks :cuckoo:
Do your lies ever cease, Zona?

He does a townhall with all political bends present, and you claim that it was the republicans booing him..........Once again, massive fail.

And, nowhere is he trying to get rid of medicare......Another lie, and massive fail by you.

Damn Zona, you might wanna try having an original thought for once, and stop parroting the loony liberal talking heads who feed your ass with nothing but typical liberal paranoid lies and distortions.

Shows Zoned has no clue of what Ryan has posed. Only that it is serious business that skewers decades-old Statism that must be dealtwith as we teeter on the cliff.

I think the point was accentuated when S&P issued a warning to Obama this week, and then didn't back down as the WH wanted them to do.
No shit.........Instead of addressing the fact that we are on the brink of disaster, as further evidenced by S&P's knockdown, all Obama and his cronies can do is avoid the obvious and whine about the knockdown.

The man, and his lame duck administration have to go........They are so clueless, and so obviously in over their heads it's become embarrassing.

Not only whine about it...but call for MORE of the same. It's insanity.

And the NOT raising of the Debt ceiling will NOT put us in dire straights.

It will merely call for this government to LIVE within it's means and seriously address their spending habits.
West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.
West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.

Black version of McCain? Really Gracie? I stand with WJ and his asessment of your post.
Zona, just a quick question and no need to yell and swear at me in your answer, because that's what Libbie's do best. Don't you feel Obama was the wrong choice? My Libbie friends in Beverly Hills are having second thoughts and I love to rub salt in the wounds. Now please answer me and no profanities....3,2,1, GO.
Wrong choice? As opposed to McCain and Palin? REally? I mean really, your "libbie" friends in "hollywood" actually told you they thought McCain and Palin would be a better choice? I mean for god's sake, really?

Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do when he was running prior to him winning. He has accomplished so much. On a personal note,he cut taxes for 98% of this country back in 2009. That is freaking fantastic. The republicans did hold us hostage so he had to extend the bush tax cuts for the top 1% and that was not a good thing in my opinion.
He tried to close gitmo but when the republicans heard about this, they refused to allow us to have them stand trial on american soil. We couldnt handle them there? What kind of crap was that anyway.

Now back to him continuing to go down the correct path for the next 6 years...thank god. (Do you not remember two years ago, how close we were to another depression? you?)

God bless the president and god bless the united states of america!

(For those on the other side, it will be a long long 6 years for ya...)

See, no profanity.

So fuck you. :lol:
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West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.

Jester just provided the perfect example of a response that is "I got nuffin". He really did.
Looks like more and more Americans every day are getting tired of BO. On and on and on and on and on and on........

It's really a shame he's an American President. He's much more suited to Venezuela or Cuba.
Jroc, if you do a simple google search, you can easily find a website that will show you fancy charts and make the point that Obama is bankrupting America. You were looking for evidence of that, and you found it. Good job!

But all that your charts show is that Obama didn't cut very much out of the 2011 budget. You're talking about the 2012 budget. We're talking about the budget plan for the next decade. And you're showing us charts about the 2011 budget.
Shows Zoned has no clue of what Ryan has posed. Only that it is serious business that skewers decades-old Statism that must be dealtwith as we teeter on the cliff.

I think the point was accentuated when S&P issued a warning to Obama this week, and then didn't back down as the WH wanted them to do.
No shit.........Instead of addressing the fact that we are on the brink of disaster, as further evidenced by S&P's knockdown, all Obama and his cronies can do is avoid the obvious and whine about the knockdown.

The man, and his lame duck administration have to go........They are so clueless, and so obviously in over their heads it's become embarrassing.

Not only whine about it...but call for MORE of the same. It's insanity.

And the NOT raising of the Debt ceiling will NOT put us in dire straights.

It will merely call for this government to LIVE within it's means and seriously address their spending habits.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. It would destroy this country if they didnt raise the ceiling.

I told you all some idiot would say something like this and sure enough, you proved me correct.

For god's sake dude, stop making yourself look so damn dumb. Do a little research before you say not raising the ceiling will not put us in dire straights...

You look so fucking dumb saying this.

Why We Must Raise the Debt Ceiling | The Personal Finance Help Center

"The catch here would be a disaster of hyper inflation. If the United States could no longer be trusted to pay its debts, then there would be a mass run to try to dump dollars and dollar denominated loans on world markets. This would flood the world with dollars making the dollar less valuable. The result would be that anything we import from overseas would skyrocket in price (think $5 per gallon gasoline is bad? Try $50 per gallon gasoline if there is hyper inflation)."

Smarter republicans know this but will use idiots like you to help them push bills through with the threats of not raising it, knowing full damn well, they will. You know, like they did six fucking times under bush.

Mr. T, you are either ignorant (in the truest sense of the word) or a fucking hack.
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Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.

Black version of McCain? Really Gracie? I stand with WJ and his asessment of your post.

So you agree that West was wise to hire a female version of Mark Levin as his Chief of Staff? :cuckoo: Not surprising :lol: BTW- after he was called on it, he fired her. she made the same pronouncement Angle did, "if not ballots, bullets". Do you guys agree w/ them?
When conservative Florida radio host Joyce Kaufman went to a Tea Party rally on July 4, she got so fired-up that she was moved to make a fairly incendiary statement: “If ballots don’t work, bullets will.” Kaufman’s statement was caught on camera

thats who West hired as his Chief of Staff LOLOL
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West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.
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And to think, he could be spending his time finding the spot in the President's speech where he insulted Ryan or used Socialist rhetoric.

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