Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

OK, so you agree that West is full of shit? Just trying to be clear here. Because that's an entirely different thing to say. You're saying that Obama said nothing of substance. A serious charge, and one I'll address. But it's just not the same as saying that Obama is a socialist. I hope you'll agree that rhetoric like that is not helpful.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
West is a black version of McCain, a loose cannon. Neither of them have the temperament for an executive position. Both made poor choices for senior positions in their respective offices. McCain chose Bible Spice for V.P. and West chose an am radio host as his Chief of Staff which he fired, under pressure, shortly thereafter. He would've kept that "ballots or bullets" girl if he could've LOLOL
Allen West taps conservative talk radio host as chief of staff - The Hill's Ballot Box
Well, the above post holds about as much relevence and integrity as the stinken' turd our dog laid out on the lawn this morning.

A turd that was picked up and summarily tossed in the fucking trash where it belonged.

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.

You don't rebut a turd, you point it out so someone else doesn't step in it.
IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.

You fail to understand that your post is unworthy of rebuttal.
Someone once said "Never argue with an idiot. People may be unable to tell who's who.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Wow. That's a real stretch. This makes you pretty partisan. You agree that he didn't use any socialist rhetoric in the speech, or insult anyone. But you still agree with the person who said he did. Why? Because West said what you wanted to hear. What you already believed.

This is polarizing. Every partisan on the right cheers. Every partisan on the left growls. And everyone in the middle kind of scratches their heads. Suddenly the debate is whether or not Obama is a socialist, and no one's talking about the budget anymore.
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OK, so you agree that West is full of shit? Just trying to be clear here. Because that's an entirely different thing to say. You're saying that Obama said nothing of substance. A serious charge, and one I'll address. But it's just not the same as saying that Obama is a socialist. I hope you'll agree that rhetoric like that is not helpful.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.

And it's still denied.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Wow. That's a real stretch. This makes you pretty partisan. You agree that he didn't use any socialist rhetoric in the speech, or insult anyone. But you still agree with the person who said he did. Why? Because West said what you wanted to hear. What you already believed.

This is polarizing. Every partisan on the right cheers. Every partisan on the left growls. And everyone in the middle kind of scratches their heads. Suddenly the debate is whether or not Obama is a socialist, and no one's talking about the budget anymore.
Don't twist my fuckin' words, god dammit.

I said I didn't hear marxist rhetoric in that speech.....I've also said in this thread that he DID insult in that speech.
During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Jroc, if you do a simple google search, you can easily find a website that will show you fancy charts and make the point that Obama is bankrupting America. You were looking for evidence of that, and you found it. Good job!

But all that your charts show is that Obama didn't cut very much out of the 2011 budget. You're talking about the 2012 budget. We're talking about the budget plan for the next decade. And you're showing us charts about the 2011 budget.

Humm..what are you talking about? Those charts and numbers were from Obama's 2012 budget proposal before he changed it when Ryan came out with his budget
Don't twist my fuckin' words, god dammit.

I said I didn't hear marxist rhetoric in that speech.....I've also said in this thread that he DID insult in that speech.

I'm not twisting your words. I'm just not letting you back out of them either. You built your own box. Now you're stuck in it.

Show me the insult! What minute did he say it?
Jroc, if you do a simple google search, you can easily find a website that will show you fancy charts and make the point that Obama is bankrupting America. You were looking for evidence of that, and you found it. Good job!

But all that your charts show is that Obama didn't cut very much out of the 2011 budget. You're talking about the 2012 budget. We're talking about the budget plan for the next decade. And you're showing us charts about the 2011 budget.

Humm..what are you talking about? Those charts and numbers were from Obama's 2012 budget proposal before he changed it when Ryan came out with his budget

Go back and read your own damn chart. It's on page 14. Clearly marked, 2011 numbers. Remind me to never believe a thing that you say without checking first. You're gonna be one of those guys that I always have to be like "where did you get those numbers from?" with, aren't you?
Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do when he was running prior to him winning. He has accomplished so much. On a personal note,he cut taxes for 98% of this country back in 2009. That is freaking fantastic. The republicans did hold us hostage so he had to extend the bush tax cuts for the top 1% and that was not a good thing in my opinion.
He tried to close gitmo but when the republicans heard about this, they refused to allow us to have them stand trial on american soil. We couldnt handle them there? What kind of crap was that anyway.

Now back to him continuing to go down the correct path for the next 6 years...thank god. (Do you not remember two years ago, how close we were to another depression? you?)

God bless the president and god bless the united states of america!

(For those on the other side, it will be a long long 6 years for ya...)

See, no profanity.

So fuck you. :lol:

Obama hero warship...
[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama - Did Someone Faint?[/ame]
Jroc, if you do a simple google search, you can easily find a website that will show you fancy charts and make the point that Obama is bankrupting America. You were looking for evidence of that, and you found it. Good job!

But all that your charts show is that Obama didn't cut very much out of the 2011 budget. You're talking about the 2012 budget. We're talking about the budget plan for the next decade. And you're showing us charts about the 2011 budget.

Humm..what are you talking about? Those charts and numbers were from Obama's 2012 budget proposal before he changed it when Ryan came out with his budget

Go back and read your own damn chart. It's on page 14. Clearly marked, 2011 numbers. Remind me to never believe a thing that you say without checking first. You're gonna be one of those guys that I always have to be like "where did you get those numbers from?" with, aren't you?

The cuts were for 2012 they just compared it to the privious years budget becouse Obama's budget was not out yet. Thats why it says..

Finally, the president has proposed "tough budget cuts" that total $775 million. No, that's not a joke.

Try to keep up ok?:eusa_eh:
I'm trying to keep up. But you're moving so fast! And there are so many obstacles to my understanding. Please bear with me. Surely you can understand my confusion, as I didn't know that the 2012 proposed cuts were being put on a chart with the 2011 budget. I can see why you would do that, if the 2012 budget weren't available yet.

But here's where I'm still confused. You seem to know a lot about Obama's 2012 budget. Almost like he already proposed it. So how come you used a chart with the 2011 budget? Doesn't make very much sense to me.

You're applying 2012 numbers to a 2011 budget and trying to relate that to a debate about a decade-long fiscal plan. You're tying yourself up in knots, and I think I'll catch up with you only to find you exhausted from all of your exercise.
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I'm trying to keep up. But you're moving so fast! And there are so many obstacles to my understanding. Please bear with me. Surely you can understand my confusion, as I didn't know that the 2012 proposed cuts were being put on a chart with the 2011 budget. I can see why you would do that, if the 2012 budget weren't available yet.

But here's where I'm still confused. You seem to know a lot about Obama's 2012 budget. Almost like he already proposed it. So how come you used a chart with the 2011 budget? Doesn't make very much sense to me.

You're applying 2012 numbers to a 2011 budget and trying to relate that to a debate about a decade-long fiscal plan. You're tying yourself up in knots, and I think I'll catch up with you only to find you exhausted from all of your exercise.

The Charts were just for comparison purposes..Some people are easily confused I guess:eusa_eh:, I also noticed no comment from you regarding the fact that with the "stimulus", Obama added over 900 billion!! to our baseline...That’s what we are working off of. Our budget before the stimulus was 900 billion!! Less then after the stupid so-called "stimulus" consider that when you defend our spender and Chief.:eusa_whistle:
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I didn't realize that I was supposed to comment on the stimulus. I thought we were talking about Allen West and the socialist rhetoric that Obama didn't use and insults that Obama didn't make.
Don't twist my fuckin' words, god dammit.

I said I didn't hear marxist rhetoric in that speech.....I've also said in this thread that he DID insult in that speech.

I'm not twisting your words. I'm just not letting you back out of them either. You built your own box. Now you're stuck in it.

Show me the insult! What minute did he say it?
Backing out of what words?

Yeah, I never said he used Marxist rhetoric in that speech, but I did say he insulted. Because he did.

So your failed lil' premise that you're not letting me "back out of them" is fuckin' comical.

If you can't recognize the backhanded insults he most definitely made, then it means that you are either deaf, or most likely, refuse to acknowledge them, because you know damn good and well they did not make your beloved Messiah look good whatsoever.

I didn't realize that I was supposed to comment on the stimulus. I thought we were talking about Allen West and the socialist rhetoric that Obama didn't use and insults that Obama didn't make.

:eusa_whistle: You seem like a young kid to me...You were talking about the budget right? The Stimulas is in there permantly every year. We start with that in there. Have you ever heard of Baseline Budgeting..Look it up.
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During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

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