Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.
Yeah, I see you can't rebut ANYTHING i've said to you.....And no, there is no point in trying to rebut idiotic posts like Dot Coms.....He didn't say anything intelligent so, there is nothing to rebut.....All that is necessary is pointing out that it was an idiotic post, posted by an idiot.

Not that a dumbass like you would ever understand.

BTW, still waiting for all that proof you claimed to have about Con Hogs service.......You made the guarantee, and then all of a sudden disappeared for a few months.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.
Yeah, I see you can't rebut ANYTHING i've said to you.....And no, there is no point in trying to rebut idiotic posts like Dot Coms.....He didn't say anything intelligent so, there is nothing to rebut.....All that is necessary is pointing out that it was an idiotic post, posted by an idiot.

Not that a dumbass like you would ever understand.

BTW, still waiting for all that proof you claimed to have about Con Hogs service.......You made the guarantee, and then all of a sudden disappeared for a few months.

Rut-Roh-Rorge! :eek:
Zona, did I mention Mccain or Palin...No!! But there again, I pity you in a kinda sympathetic way, you gotta come to terms with the fact you voted him there and it's falling down around us....thank you....BTW....Good to see your profanity, typical lib, when crushed, they resort to profanities and slander The walls of Jericho come crashing along, we are due for another 7trillion deficit in the next 18mts.:cuckoo:
^^^It's hard for me to believe that you're actually upset about Obama insulting someone.
IOW- you have no rebuttal. Duly noted.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.

he doesn't realize that he's shooting himself in the foot. He has no prob w/ a V.P. candidate answering as to what periodicals she reads, "all of 'em" LOL or not knowing what the Bush Doctrine was. Then there's West's choice for Chief of Staff, a 'ballots of bullets', am radio cheerleader :cuckoo:
And to think, he could be spending his time finding the spot in the President's speech where he insulted Ryan or used Socialist rhetoric.
You obviously didn't watch the speech.....If you had, you would have clearly seen him NOT lay out a budget, insult the republicans who were present, and clearly show yet again that he's a failed leader grasping at straws.

I'll say it again, this time slowly so you can grasp it:,

There, hope that helps!
And to think, he could be spending his time finding the spot in the President's speech where he insulted Ryan or used Socialist rhetoric.
You obviously didn't watch the speech.....If you had, you would have clearly seen him NOT lay out a budget, insult the republicans who were present, and clearly show yet again that he's a failed leader grasping at straws.

I'll say it again, this time slowly so you can grasp it:,

There, hope that helps!

Pretty much. :lol:
And to think, he could be spending his time finding the spot in the President's speech where he insulted Ryan or used Socialist rhetoric.
You obviously didn't watch the speech.....If you had, you would have clearly seen him NOT lay out a budget, insult the republicans who were present, and clearly show yet again that he's a failed leader grasping at straws.

I'll say it again, this time slowly so you can grasp it:,

There, hope that helps!

Pretty much. :lol:
Seriously, Glenn Beck is absolutely right......It's like "Arguing With Idiots":cuckoo:
No he did not lay out a plan......Stating that you're going to cut 3 trillion, and then failing to lay out exactly how, is not laying out a plan, as Ryan fully has. As the republicans fully did.

Really? I must've missed the part where he laid out how he intends to get nondefense discretionary spending down to 3.5 percent of GDP or how his tax cuts get revenue up to 19 percent of GDP. Thus far that's just some hand waving.

For that matter, it's not even clear that his major source of savings--throwing seniors under the bus--is a sure bet. The last time Republicans instituted major Medicare cuts without any attempt to make them workable (the Balanced Budget Act of 1997), they ended up balking at their own draconian cuts and started a fine tradition of manually overriding them six years later (the long-term solution to that mess--the coveted "doc fix"--even now hasn't been reached). Or perhaps this will be like the last Republican attempt at Medicare privatization--passed in that same law--which ended up costing 13% more per beneficiary than would traditional Medicare.

Dismantling Medicare as it exists today and replacing it with vouchers (a decade down the line) may sound nice--to some--on paper, but it's far from clear that this isn't just hand waving, as well. You'll find that hand waving is common, on all sides, when it comes to this area.
So, where's the insult? Where's the socialist rhetoric? Can you point out what minute? I'm such an idiot, I've somehow managed to watch the speech twice now and haven't seen a single insult.

This is really amazing. The president puts together a budget proposal. Makes a 45 minute speech about it, in which he explains its various components and how it differs from the Republican plan. He does not insult anyone. And he does not use socialist rhetoric.

Republicans start bitching about him using socialist rhetoric and insulting people. Someone starts a thread about it in this forum. I point out that he didn't use any socialist rhetoric or insult anyone. You say that he did, and further more that he didn't present a budget proposal.

This just doesn't make any sense. All I can say to onlookers is : don't listen to a word these people say until you've watched the president's speech and read his budget proposal.
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Seriously, Glenn Beck is absolutely right......It's like "Arguing With Idiots":cuckoo:

This explains your lack of using supporting evidence to back up your baseless assertions. You 'watch' your information on FoxTeeVee instead of 'reading' it. LOLOL.

BTW- How are you going to get your marching-orders now that the self professed, Rodeo Clown's show is over?
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Seriously, Glenn Beck is absolutely right......It's like "Arguing With Idiots":cuckoo:

This explains your lack of using supporting evidence to back up your baseless assertions. You 'watch' your information on FoxTeeVee instead of 'reading' it. LOLOL.

BTW- How are you going to get your marching-orders now that the self professed, Rodeo Clown's show is over?
I rarely watch Beck........Not my cup o' tee.....But he's right, in the respect that debating liberals is akin to arguing with idiots.

I don't need talking heads to form my views. I simply watch what's going on around me. And all i'm seeing from Obama is abject failures, mixed in with abject lies and deception.

But then, it was quite clear during the campaign that he was nothing more than an empty suit. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Had virtually zero political experience, and was in no way capable of leading this great country......And, you cannot deny it, I was absolutely right!
If you don't need talking heads to form your view, how did you form your view that Obama used socialist rhetoric or insulted Ryan in his speech? Isn't this whole thread about you agreeing with a talking head who said that Obama did that?
Seriously, Glenn Beck is absolutely right......It's like "Arguing With Idiots":cuckoo:

This explains your lack of using supporting evidence to back up your baseless assertions. You 'watch' your information on FoxTeeVee instead of 'reading' it. LOLOL.

BTW- How are you going to get your marching-orders now that the self professed, Rodeo Clown's show is over?
I rarely watch Beck........Not my cup o' tee.....But he's right, in the respect that debating liberals is akin to arguing with idiots.

I don't need talking heads to form my views. I simply watch what's going on around me. And all i'm seeing from Obama is abject failures, mixed in with abject lies and deception.

But then, it was quite clear during the campaign that he was nothing more than an empty suit. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Had virtually zero political experience, and was in no way capable of leading this great country......And, you cannot deny it, I was absolutely right!

Indeed. Many of us saw it and tried to ward. BDS rhetoric had so set in courtesy of the left, and McCain being chosen by the Media?

We see result. Shame is there are those hard-headed among us that still sip the kool-aid...
So, where's the insult? Where's the socialist rhetoric? Can you point out what minute? I'm such an idiot, I've somehow managed to watch the speech twice now and haven't seen a single insult.

This is really amazing. The president puts together a budget proposal. Makes a 45 minute speech about it, in which he explains its various components and how it differs from the Republican plan. He does not insult anyone. And he does not use socialist rhetoric.

Republicans start bitching about him using socialist rhetoric and insulting people. Someone starts a thread about it in this forum. I point out that he didn't use any socialist rhetoric or insult anyone. You say that he did, and further more that he didn't present a budget proposal.

This just doesn't make any sense. All I can say to onlookers is : don't listen to a word these people say until you've watched the president's speech and read his budget proposal.
I've never said in this thread that he used Marxist rhetoric.

What I have said though, is he DID NOT lay out a budget proposal. He simply stated what he intended to do, without going into exactly how he was going to do it.....It was rhetoric, totally lacking substance. And if you're too blind and deaf to see and hear the backhanded insults, that's your fucking problem.

Look, I fully understand the fact that you people are desperate to cover for an abject failure. I understand that it must not be easy to admit that you were, and are continuing to be duped by Obama and his cronies....But there comes a time when you must finally wake up and understand that you totally fucked up when you cast your vote. Clear thinking people fully understood that the man was not a leader in any way. Fully understood that his only given, was his ability to eloquently speak.
So, where's the insult? Where's the socialist rhetoric? Can you point out what minute? I'm such an idiot, I've somehow managed to watch the speech twice now and haven't seen a single insult.

This is really amazing. The president puts together a budget proposal. Makes a 45 minute speech about it, in which he explains its various components and how it differs from the Republican plan. He does not insult anyone. And he does not use socialist rhetoric.

Republicans start bitching about him using socialist rhetoric and insulting people. Someone starts a thread about it in this forum. I point out that he didn't use any socialist rhetoric or insult anyone. You say that he did, and further more that he didn't present a budget proposal.

This just doesn't make any sense. All I can say to onlookers is : don't listen to a word these people say until you've watched the president's speech and read his budget proposal.
I've never said in this thread that he used Marxist rhetoric.

What I have said though, is he DID NOT lay out a budget proposal. He simply stated what he intended to do, without going into exactly how he was going to do it.....It was rhetoric, totally lacking substance. And if you're too blind and deaf to see and hear the backhanded insults, that's your fucking problem.

Look, I fully understand the fact that you people are desperate to cover for an abject failure. I understand that it must not be easy to admit that you were, and are continuing to be duped by Obama and his cronies....But there comes a time when you must finally wake up and understand that you totally fucked up when you cast your vote. Clear thinking people fully understood that the man was not a leader in any way. Fully understood that his only given, was his ability to eloquently speak.

The only time they will is when they find that they are in the same damned boat we are...and then start asking the rest of us what happened to their Liberty?
OK, so you agree that West is full of shit? Just trying to be clear here. Because that's an entirely different thing to say. You're saying that Obama said nothing of substance. A serious charge, and one I'll address. But it's just not the same as saying that Obama is a socialist. I hope you'll agree that rhetoric like that is not helpful.
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So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.

He hates rich people? But that would include himself wouldn't it? It is oft said that the Statist is the most self-loathing individual on the planet...

He doesn't hate rich people, just rich Conservatives.
So he hates rich people. now we are in the biggest deficit ever, how long will it take to recover because he hates rich people. Sad to say, but it's the poor and middle class people that will suffer in the long run.

He hates rich people? But that would include himself wouldn't it? It is oft said that the Statist is the most self-loathing individual on the planet...

He doesn't hate rich people, just rich Conservatives.

Perhaps...but he didn't make that distinction...(and yes you and I knew whom he meant). ;)

He STILL is a self-loathing individual no matter whom he targets.
OK, so you agree that West is full of shit? Just trying to be clear here. Because that's an entirely different thing to say. You're saying that Obama said nothing of substance. A serious charge, and one I'll address. But it's just not the same as saying that Obama is a socialist. I hope you'll agree that rhetoric like that is not helpful.
Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

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