Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

You've got to love the way the libs make terrorist "Distinguished Professors" :cuckoo:
During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

You've got to love the way the libs make terrorist "Distinguished Professors" :cuckoo:
Anybody who has an understanding of Chicago politics, damn sure knows that it's a small, tight knit world where everybody knows what's going on with everybody.....Obama damn sure did know what Ayers was all about......His denials of it are comical. And only an idiot would believe him.
During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

Hell! Ayres probably wrote at least one of the Douche Bag in Chief's books.
If you can't recognize the backhanded insults he most definitely made, then it means that you are either deaf, or most likely, refuse to acknowledge them, because you know damn good and well they did not make your beloved Messiah look good whatsoever.

Could you please show me where the insult is? You know, like at what minute in the speech he insulted someone? I've been asking you this for pages and pages and pages, and I'm getting kind of annoyed with you hemming and hawing back and forth. Just show me what he said that was objectionable already, because like I said I've watched the speech twice now and I don't see any insults.

And by the way, you obviously don't have any problem with insults just judging by how many times you've called me stpud. So why are you bitching about Obama insulting people?
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During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

Hell! Ayres probably wrote at least one of the Douche Bag in Chief's books.
When you compare the writing styles in his back to back to books, the difference is quite telling.

One looked like it was written by a high school sophomore. The other (the one Ayers endorsed), looks like it was written by a pro....In fact, as has been pointed out, the style looks much like Ayers.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did write it.
If you can't recognize the backhanded insults he most definitely made, then it means that you are either deaf, or most likely, refuse to acknowledge them, because you know damn good and well they did not make your beloved Messiah look good whatsoever.

Could you please show me where the insult is?

You obviously don't have any problem with insults. So why are you bitching about Obama insulting people?
I'm not going through 45+ minutes of listening to that idiot babble on, in between backhanded insults.

Listening to the moron babble once, was enough.....Besides, you would just deny it anyways, as you have been on this thread.

Christ, even Anderson Cooper acknowledged the insults....If you're going to just gloss them over, then that's your own dishonesty in play.

But like I said. I'm sure it's tough having to constantly defend an idiot who is an abject failure, for no other reason than to try and save face, due to your wasted vote.
You've got plenty of time to rant and rave, but no time to back it up, huh? It shouldn't take you 45 minutes. If you saw it all over his speech, you should know about where it is. Shouldn't take you more than a couple minutes to find me an example.

What was that you said earlier about not needing talking heads to make up your mind for you. And now you're falling back on Anderson Cooper?

I watched the speech and I didn't see any insults. You are unwilling or unable to point any out. This conversation is over.
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Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

Allen West must be saying this cuz Obama is black.:eusa_angel:
You've got plenty of time to rant and rave, but no time to back it up, huh? What was that you said earlier about not needing talking heads to make up your mind for you. And now you're falling back on Anderson Cooper?

I watched the speech and I didn't see any insults. You are unwilling or unable to point any out. This conversation is over.
Oh, so since I point out that one of your fellow liberal Obamabots pointed out that the speech contained insults, all of a sudden I rely on talking heads........Too fuckin' funny!

C-YA!.....ya' should have scurried away earlier....Your denials of the obvious backhanded insults only further deemed you an Obama bootlicker.

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

Allen West must be saying this cuz Obama is black.:eusa_angel:
How dare he call out the Messiah!...........THAT RACIST BASTARD!

Oh OK, I see. It's not that you rely on talking heads. It's that you thought that maybe I rely on talking heads. So you thought that if you gave me a talking head saying what you think, than I'd agree with you.

But no, I still don't see any insults in Obama's speech. Are we talking about the same speech? At the George Washington University?

Chock another insult up there on your board, though. Bootlicker. That's a nice one. Really shows me how much you value mature, measured discourse.
Oh OK, I see. It's not that you rely on talking heads. It's that you thought that maybe I rely on talking heads. So you thought that if you gave me a talking head saying what you think, than I'd agree with you.

But no, I still don't see any insults in Obama's speech. Are we talking about the same speech? At the George Washington University?

Chock another insult up there on your board, though. Bootlicker. That's a nice one. Really shows me how much you value mature, measured discourse.
You sure are good at ATTEMPTING to twist peoples words..........Words of advice, that shit don't play up here.

I mentioned a talking head. Never did I say that you might rely on them......Nor did my mention of Assman Cooper mean that I rely on them.....I simply mentioned that he acknowledged the backhanded insults, so obvioulsy he identified them also....In fact, I believe he asked a pundit if backhanded insulting was a prudent thing to do, given the mood of the country, and his decreasing popularity due to his failed leadership on a variety of issues.

Not all people who voted for Obama are willing to cover for his ass any longer.
Yeah, you pointed out how Cooper pointed out Obama's back handed insults, because you can't actually point out the back handed insults yourself.

That's what I call relying on a talking head. If not to tell yourself what to think, you're using him to tell me what to think. But I didn't watch Anderson Cooper interview a pundit about Obama's speech. I just watched Obama's speech. And I didn't see any insults.

So if you did watch Obama's speech, and you did see an insult, it would go a lot further towards convincing me if you would just point out where he did it, than to tell me about Anderson Cooper talking to someone else about it.
There is no rebuttal to your abject idiocy.

Your ignorance stands on its own......No rebuttal necessary.

You're an idiot.......I'm not going to rebut that.....It is what it is.

Again with the "i got nuffin" response? Damn. Its like when you get put in a corner, all you do is this.
Yeah, I see you can't rebut ANYTHING i've said to you.....And no, there is no point in trying to rebut idiotic posts like Dot Coms.....He didn't say anything intelligent so, there is nothing to rebut.....All that is necessary is pointing out that it was an idiotic post, posted by an idiot.

Not that a dumbass like you would ever understand.


Not to talk of banned members on the public forums


Uh oh called me out didnt you. Oh my god. Now what.


Not to talk of banned members on the public forums

During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

Hell! Ayres probably wrote at least one of the Douche Bag in Chief's books.

Noooooo, West is not full of shit....I too have heard Obama's socialist rhetoric in the past. I simply don't hear it in this speech.

Yes, I believe that in Obama's core, he's a socialist.....That is evident in the fact of those who he has stuffed in his administration. By the words in his books. By those he's aligned himself with throughout his entire adult life.

Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.

And yet he beat you in 2008 and WILL BEAT YOU AGAIN IN 2012. It has to suck being you and your party. It has to. Its so hard konwing everything you post is shit and no one sensible is buying it. I say this because you will lose again in 2012 so what you are spouting is bullshit.

Again, it has to suck being you and your party. Suck it up bitches, he will win again in 2012.

God bless america.
Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.

And yet he beat you in 2008 and WILL BEAT YOU AGAIN IN 2012. It has to suck being you and your party. It has to. Its so hard konwing everything you post is shit and no one sensible is buying it. I say this because you will lose again in 2012 so what you are spouting is bullshit.

Again, it has to suck being you and your party. Suck it up bitches, he will win again in 2012.

God bless america.
Yeah, he won because of people like you, and the following:
[ame=]YouTube - How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS...[/ame]
Bunch of damn dumbasses.

And of course, we saw the blowback of Obama's failures this past November.

And, i'm quite sure you would be ignorant enough to vote for a proven abject failure...Despite the further damage he would cause to this great dountry......It's not like you give a shit.
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That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.

And yet he beat you in 2008 and WILL BEAT YOU AGAIN IN 2012. It has to suck being you and your party. It has to. Its so hard konwing everything you post is shit and no one sensible is buying it. I say this because you will lose again in 2012 so what you are spouting is bullshit.

Again, it has to suck being you and your party. Suck it up bitches, he will win again in 2012.

God bless america.
Yeah, he won because of people like you, and the following:
[ame=]YouTube - How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS...[/ame]
Bunch of damn dumbasses.

And of course, we saw the blowback of Obama's failures this past November.

And, i'm quite sure you would be ignorant enough to vote for a proven abject failure...Despite the further damage he would cause to this great dountry......It's not like you give a shit.

Wow. You pointed out some great vids. Yup, all of obama's voters are just like that.

Now back to you losing AGAIN in 2012. It really must eat at your core how this guy keeps beating you and there is NOTHING you can do but get a couple vids from you tube to explain how you lost. (I guess it makes you sleep well at night? I dont know. Yup, all of obama's voters are just like the ones you pointed out. Now, nighty nighty, sleep well...:)

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And yet he beat you in 2008 and WILL BEAT YOU AGAIN IN 2012. It has to suck being you and your party. It has to. Its so hard konwing everything you post is shit and no one sensible is buying it. I say this because you will lose again in 2012 so what you are spouting is bullshit.

Again, it has to suck being you and your party. Suck it up bitches, he will win again in 2012.

God bless america.
Yeah, he won because of people like you, and the following:
[ame=]YouTube - How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS...[/ame]
Bunch of damn dumbasses.

And of course, we saw the blowback of Obama's failures this past November.

And, i'm quite sure you would be ignorant enough to vote for a proven abject failure...Despite the further damage he would cause to this great dountry......It's not like you give a shit.

Wow. You pointed out some great vids. Yup, all of obama's voters are just like that.

Now back to you losing AGAIN in 2012. It really must eat at your core how this guy keeps beating you and there is NOTHING you can do but get a couple vids from you tube to explain how you lost. (I guess it makes you sleep well at night? I dont know. Yup, all of obama's voters are just like the ones you pointed out. Now, nighty nighty, sleep well...:)

What, no mention of the slaughter last November, that was a direct result of the idiot Messiah's failures?


Yeah, with every post you prove that you are no different than the idiotic Obamabots in those vid's.

I'm actually highly entertained, watching your beloved liberal/progressive agenda being flushed straight down the fucking toilet by your beloved Messiah......The polls don't lie!

When Democrats win elections, it's because voters are stupid. When Republicans win elections, it is because of Democrats' failed policies. Are you deliberately trying to parody an extreme partisan?
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