Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't deny anything except that Obama insulted anyone in the speech that we're talking about. I've been trying to stay on topic.

I think I'm beginning to understand your perspective. And it is very, very partisan. You perceive me as partisan because that is how your perceive people. When you are ranting about Obama, there are two kinds of people. Those who agree with everything you say, and those who agree with nothing you say. Those who agree with nothing you say are partisan shills for a failed president.

It's a very closed minded, simplistic viewpoint. In a sense I pity you for not being able to do any better. And in a sense I'm just annoyed with you because I think that you can do better, you're just too lazy.
You're laughable if you're going to continue to deny the backhanded insults.....The man invited a few republicans to his campaignpalooza of a speech, and then proceeded to snarkily hurl backhanded insults.....When you have a partisan left wing shill like Anderson Cooper, and several other shills come out and question Obama's attempts at backhanded insults, to the point of questioning whether it was a smart thing to do, then it becomes quite clear as to what happened in that speech.
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So clear that you might even be able to point out where it happened?

I can't be expected to prove a negative. You say that something happened. The burden of proof is on you. The whole thing is on video tape. So the evidence should be easy for you to find if it is there. This whole thing is silly. You keep on saying it's there, I keep on saying it isn't, and you keep on saying I'm stupid for not seeing it. Tell me the minute in the speech. Quote the words. Tell me what the insult was.

I don't give a rat's ass what Anderson Cooper said. I thought we agreed not to rely on talking heads?
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You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't deny anything except that Obama insulted anyone in the speech that we're talking about. I've been trying to stay on topic.

I think I'm beginning to understand your perspective. And it is very, very partisan. You perceive me as partisan because that is how your perceive people. When you are ranting about Obama, there are two kinds of people. Those who agree with everything you say, and those who agree with nothing you say. Those who agree with nothing you say are partisan shills for a failed president.

It's a very closed minded, simplistic viewpoint. In a sense I pity you for not being able to do any better. And in a sense I'm just annoyed with you because I think that you can do better, you're just too lazy.
You're laughable if you're going to continue to deny the backhanded insults.....The man invited a few republicans to his campaignpalooza of a speech, and then proceeded to snarkily hurl backhanded insults.....When you have a partisan left wing shill like Anderson Cooper, and several other shills come out and question Obama's attempts at backhanded insults, to the point of questioning whether it was a smart thing to do, then it becomes quite clear as to what happened in that speech.

And what was so infuriating about it is that earlier in the day Obama (before his so-called 'speech'), was praising Representitive Ryan for his effort...
^The really ironic part is that Obama praised Republicans for their effort in his speech.
Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.

The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.

What does that have to do with the fact that *NO* black person in the Republitard Party in its current ideological format will ever get elected? What does it have to do with the fact that no majority of African Americans would ever support those two clowns? No one wants your handpicked house slaves, deal with it.

I wouldn't go around bragging about how stupid the majority of your brothers and sisters are. more and more blacks every election cycle are finding out that the demonrat party is not on their side as free Americans,.
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Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

This guy is one of the biggest dopes in Congress, and that's saying something.
They should have elected Adam West instead:


You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't deny anything except that Obama insulted anyone in the speech that we're talking about. I've been trying to stay on topic.

I think I'm beginning to understand your perspective. And it is very, very partisan. You perceive me as partisan because that is how your perceive people. When you are ranting about Obama, there are two kinds of people. Those who agree with everything you say, and those who agree with nothing you say. Those who agree with nothing you say are partisan shills for a failed president.

It's a very closed minded, simplistic viewpoint. In a sense I pity you for not being able to do any better. And in a sense I'm just annoyed with you because I think that you can do better, you're just too lazy.
You're laughable if you're going to continue to deny the backhanded insults.....The man invited a few republicans to his campaignpalooza of a speech, and then proceeded to snarkily hurl backhanded insults.....When you have a partisan left wing shill like Anderson Cooper, and several other shills come out and question Obama's attempts at backhanded insults, to the point of questioning whether it was a smart thing to do, then it becomes quite clear as to what happened in that speech.

And what was so infuriating about it is that earlier in the day Obama (before his so-called 'speech'), was praising Representitive Ryan for his effort...
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.
Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.

The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.

And of course, nothing has changed since 1964. Do you honestly believe the republican party is the same as it was in 64?

Hell, Ronnie Reagan was a dem once. TELL ME NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN? Is this what your using as some kind of slam? Really?
You're laughable if you're going to continue to deny the backhanded insults.....The man invited a few republicans to his campaignpalooza of a speech, and then proceeded to snarkily hurl backhanded insults.....When you have a partisan left wing shill like Anderson Cooper, and several other shills come out and question Obama's attempts at backhanded insults, to the point of questioning whether it was a smart thing to do, then it becomes quite clear as to what happened in that speech.

And what was so infuriating about it is that earlier in the day Obama (before his so-called 'speech'), was praising Representitive Ryan for his effort...
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

And again? Obama Budget (Take Two), is $2T shy of Ryan, and 2 years longer to attain...
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Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.

The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.

And of course, nothing has changed since 1964. Do you honestly believe the republican party is the same as it was in 64?

Hell, Ronnie Reagan was a dem once. TELL ME NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN? Is this what your using as some kind of slam? Really?

The Demonrat party is still racist. A former KKK member was sitting in the US Senate until his dying breath a year ago, Robert Byrd.
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No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

What I find most astonishing about that speech is that a week and a half later it still has Republicans in bitter tears. Laying out the philosophical gulf between the visions of America being offered is one thing, but simultaneously triggering an extended Republican temper tantrum that began with a visibly shaken Paul Ryan pouting in front of the nearest TV cameras he could find? I didn't know Obama had it in him. I'm impressed.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

What I find most astonishing about that speech is that a week and a half later it still has Republicans in bitter tears. Laying out the philosophical gulf between the visions of America being offered is one thing, but simultaneously triggering an extended Republican temper tantrum that began with a visibly shaken Paul Ryan pouting in front of the nearest TV cameras he could find? I didn't know Obama had it in him. I'm impressed.

Cowards impress you? That doesn't speak too highly of you.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

What I find most astonishing about that speech is that a week and a half later it still has Republicans in bitter tears. Laying out the philosophical gulf between the visions of America being offered is one thing, but simultaneously triggering an extended Republican temper tantrum that began with a visibly shaken Paul Ryan pouting in front of the nearest TV cameras he could find? I didn't know Obama had it in him. I'm impressed.

Cowards impress you? That doesn't speak too highly of you.

This ^ ! I'm impressed how thoroughly rattled he's made the rightwing ideologues. :lol:

I suppose that speech was the realization on your part that he's going to be willing to call a spade a spade here and doesn't intend to tiptoe around Ryan's absurd ideological overreach. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting the 2012 election season to revolve around the Republican fantasy of dismantling Medicare and when it became clear that, surprisingly, it would, I wasn't convinced Obama had the fortitude to call out these radicals.

I was pleasantly surprised to find he does and even more pleasantly surprised to see the blood draining from the collective far right's face as it came to the same realization. Seems even you folks are nervous about Ryan letting the cat out of the bag this early.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

What I find most astonishing about that speech is that a week and a half later it still has Republicans in bitter tears. Laying out the philosophical gulf between the visions of America being offered is one thing, but simultaneously triggering an extended Republican temper tantrum that began with a visibly shaken Paul Ryan pouting in front of the nearest TV cameras he could find? I didn't know Obama had it in him. I'm impressed.
And you think that tripe helped Obama?

Guess you didn't see how his poll numbers plunged after that speech.

People are tired, People are angry.....They don't want to see a president out running his mouth like a spoiled lil' child who had his cookie taken away.....They want substance.......Substance is not something Obama has shown, particularly regarding the economy.

Obama had better wake the fuck up.....either he starts showing true progress real soon, or he will be tossed to the curb.
What I find most astonishing about that speech is that a week and a half later it still has Republicans in bitter tears. Laying out the philosophical gulf between the visions of America being offered is one thing, but simultaneously triggering an extended Republican temper tantrum that began with a visibly shaken Paul Ryan pouting in front of the nearest TV cameras he could find? I didn't know Obama had it in him. I'm impressed.

Cowards impress you? That doesn't speak too highly of you.

This ^ ! I'm impressed how thoroughly rattled he's made the rightwing ideologues. :lol:

I suppose that speech was the realization on your part that he's going to be willing to call a spade a spade here and doesn't intend to tiptoe around Ryan's absurd ideological overreach. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting the 2012 election season to revolve around the Republican fantasy of dismantling Medicare and when it became clear that, surprisingly, it would, I wasn't convinced Obama had the fortitude to call out these radicals.

I was pleasantly surprised to find he does and even more pleasantly surprised to see the blood draining from the collective far right's face as it came to the same realization. Seems even you folks are nervous about Ryan letting the cat out of the bag this early.

Oh my God, I don't know where to begin. How about here. Let's have a look at the experience of each man in economic and financial matter. Give me BO's credentials and experience in that area.
And you think that tripe helped Obama?

A single speech rarely helps anyone, particularly a budget speech offered in the middle of a weekday in April.

But 18 months of emphasizing the sharpness of the philosophical distinctions between the visions being offered in the next election (made so much sharper by Ryan's gift)? Yes, I think that will end up helping Obama. Particularly since, as his speech made clear, he thinks so, too.
And again? Obama Budget (Take Two), is $2B shy of Ryan, and 2 years longer to attain...

False. Obama's proposal does take two years longer to attain. But they both reduce the deficit by $4 trillion. You should know this by now.
And you think that tripe helped Obama?

A single speech rarely helps anyone, particularly a budget speech offered in the middle of a weekday in April.

But 18 months of emphasizing the sharpness of the philosophical distinctions between the visions being offered in the next election (made so much sharper by Ryan's gift)? Yes, I think that will end up helping Obama. Particularly since, as his speech made clear, he thinks so, too.

How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you can't distinguish between a Campaign Speech and a Budget Speech??? My God, Greenbeard, get a grip. ;)

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