Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you can't distinguish between a Campaign Speech and a Budget Speech??? My God, Greenbeard, get a grip. ;)

I must admit, I've found this particular talking point to be the weakest attempt to try and discredit the speech. But you guys have to try something, I'll give you that.
And you think that tripe helped Obama?

A single speech rarely helps anyone, particularly a budget speech offered in the middle of a weekday in April.

But 18 months of emphasizing the sharpness of the philosophical distinctions between the visions being offered in the next election (made so much sharper by Ryan's gift)? Yes, I think that will end up helping Obama. Particularly since, as his speech made clear, he thinks so, too.
And what happened this past November?

What you witnessed was the blowback in response to Obama and the dem's abject failures.

Either he starts showing substance, and gives up his utopian fantasies, or he wll be kicked to the curb.

And do you really think people weren't paying attention to that substance lacking speech?

It's quite obvious they were, as his plummeting poll numbers after that joke bears witness.

"Obama thinks so, too"?.........LMAO!.....He also thought his asinine stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%......He thought everybody would just embrace his asinine healthcare bill.

Too fuckin' funny!
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How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you can't distinguish between a Campaign Speech and a Budget Speech??? My God, Greenbeard, get a grip. ;)

I must admit, I've found this particular talking point to be the weakest attempt to try and discredit the speech. But you guys have to try something, I'll give you that.

What try? It's exactly what it was. And he in that same 'speech' insulted the American People, and Representive Ryan in front of God and everybody....then proceeded to tell the people he was going to TAX them more...
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.
How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you can't distinguish between a Campaign Speech and a Budget Speech??? My God, Greenbeard, get a grip. ;)

I must admit, I've found this particular talking point to be the weakest attempt to try and discredit the speech. But you guys have to try something, I'll give you that.

Paul Ryab has a degree in econonics from Miami University of Ohio and has actually run a few businesses as well as serving in congress budgets for 12 years. What is BO's experience in economics and business?
How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you can't distinguish between a Campaign Speech and a Budget Speech??? My God, Greenbeard, get a grip. ;)

I must admit, I've found this particular talking point to be the weakest attempt to try and discredit the speech. But you guys have to try something, I'll give you that.

Paul Ryab has a degree in econonics from Miami University of Ohio and has actually run a few businesses as well as serving in congress budgets for 12 years. What is BO's experience in economics and business?

Can you say zero point zero experience? Sure, I knew ya could... ;)

Much less held a private sector JOB.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

Once again we see the double standard. You don't like being called "un-American". Obama told all of us to stop the extreme language and then he goes out and does it. Your President is a joke. He knows he's surrounded by smarter people on the other side and he's reduced to mocking them.
And you think that tripe helped Obama?

A single speech rarely helps anyone, particularly a budget speech offered in the middle of a weekday in April.

But 18 months of emphasizing the sharpness of the philosophical distinctions between the visions being offered in the next election (made so much sharper by Ryan's gift)? Yes, I think that will end up helping Obama. Particularly since, as his speech made clear, he thinks so, too.
And what happened this past November?

What you witnessed was the blowback in response to Obama and the dem's abject failures.

Either he starts showing substance, and gives up his utopian fantasies, or he wll be kicked to the curb.

And do you really think people weren't paying attention to that substance lacking speech?

It's quite obvious they were, as his plummeting poll numbers after that joke bears witness.

"Obama thinks so, too"?.........LMAO!.....He also thought his asinine stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%......He thought everybody would just embrace his asinine healthcare bill.

Too fuckin' funny!

False - it was all about "jobs".

Remember Boehner constantly asking "Where are the jobs?"

So - what jobs bills have Boehner and the House teabaggers proposed?
And again? Obama Budget (Take Two), is $2B shy of Ryan, and 2 years longer to attain...

False. Obama's proposal does take two years longer to attain. But they both reduce the deficit by $4 trillion. You should know this by now.

Partially correct...

Obama=$4T RYAN =$6T

No. Obama's is $3T spending cuts, $1T tax hikes. Ryan is 5$T spending cuts, $1T tax breaks. Both total $4T in deficit reduction. I'll show you my link if you show me yours.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

Once again we see the double standard. You don't like being called "un-American". Obama told all of us to stop the extreme language and then he goes out and does it. Your President is a joke. He knows he's surrounded by smarter people on the other side and he's reduced to mocking them.

Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.
[ame=]YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University[/ame]

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

By calling the plan un-american, that is akin to calling the author un-american.....It's a damn insult.
False. Obama's proposal does take two years longer to attain. But they both reduce the deficit by $4 trillion. You should know this by now.

Partially correct...

Obama=$4T RYAN =$6T

No. Obama's is $3T spending cuts, $1T tax hikes. Ryan is 5$T spending cuts, $1T tax breaks. Both total $4T in deficit reduction. I'll show you my link if you show me yours.

So 4T and 6T...and Obama takes 2 years longer...

YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
But the douchebag calls Ryan's plan "Un-american"......And then has the audacity to say, "but I truly believe they want to do the right thing"

Talk about a bunch of fuckin' horshit.

The man is an idiot!......It's time to get his ass out of the whitehouse.
YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
But the douchebag calls Ryan's plan "Un-american"......And then has the audacity to say, "but I truly believe they want to do the right thing"

Talk about a bunch of fuckin' horshit.

The man is an idiot!......It's time to get his ass out of the whitehouse.

And then Obama goes on to further insult the people by telling them HE is going to raise taxes. (Doesn't matter WHOM he does it to)...that fact that he does when this Republic is teetering on the brink is BAD policy...
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

By calling the plan un-american, that is akin to calling the author un-american.....It's a damn insult.

So you agree that Bush and Co were SOBs when they called entire swaths of the American populatin unAmerican on an almost daily basis...right?

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