Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

Once again we see the double standard. You don't like being called "un-American". Obama told all of us to stop the extreme language and then he goes out and does it. Your President is a joke. He knows he's surrounded by smarter people on the other side and he's reduced to mocking them.

Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.

Since when is cutting spending "un-American"?
YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
But the douchebag calls Ryan's plan "Un-american"......And then has the audacity to say, "but I truly believe they want to do the right thing"

Talk about a bunch of fuckin' horshit.

The man is an idiot!......It's time to get his ass out of the whitehouse.

Disagreeing with someone's plan isn't insulting them. Claiming that their plan doesn't represent American values isn't insulting them. Just because you can't do that without insulting someone, doesn't mean that Obama doesn't understand the difference.
YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
But the douchebag calls Ryan's plan "Un-american"......And then has the audacity to say, "but I truly believe they want to do the right thing"

Talk about a bunch of fuckin' horshit.

The man is an idiot!......It's time to get his ass out of the whitehouse.

2012 will come soon enough...he received a taste of what's in store for him last November.
The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.

And of course, nothing has changed since 1964. Do you honestly believe the republican party is the same as it was in 64?

Hell, Ronnie Reagan was a dem once. TELL ME NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN? Is this what your using as some kind of slam? Really?

The Demonrat party is still racist. A former KKK member was sitting in the US Senate until his dying breath a year ago, Robert Byrd.

I agree. Its the dems who had a pic of the first black president here in the united states with a bone through his nose. Its the dems who are saying he was born in kenya..

Oh yeah, its us. Not the republicans.

Stop being a child.
YouTube - President Barack Obama Addresses Deficit Reduction at The George Washington University

Minute 39

"And even those Republicans I disagree with most strongly, I believe are sincere about wanting to do right by their country. We may disagree on our visions. But I truly believe they want to do the right thing."
But the douchebag calls Ryan's plan "Un-american"......And then has the audacity to say, "but I truly believe they want to do the right thing"

Talk about a bunch of fuckin' horshit.

The man is an idiot!......It's time to get his ass out of the whitehouse.

2012 will come soon enough...he received a taste of what's in store for him last November.

So you are finally manning up and saying he will lose in 2012.

HERE IT IS PEOPLE THE T SAYS HE WILL LOSE IN 2012. Someone please tag this and revisit it in 2012. I know I will.

The T. I cant wait to talk about this. Seriously, I cant fucking wait.

(Oh and running on getting rid of medicare was a brilliant move on your sides part. Brilliant!) :clap2:
These people are actually pushing to get rid of medicare and lowering taxes on the rich. Brilliant move you guys, brilliant move.
These people are actually pushing to get rid of medicare and lowering taxes on the rich. Brilliant move you guys, brilliant move.
Yeah, except no one is proposing getting rid of medicare, or lowering taxes on the rich.

Stop with your lies, Zona........You make yourself look like an idiot without the lies.....The lies only make you look like a complete fuckin' moron.
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Yeah, except no one is proposing getting rid of medicare, or lowering taxes on the rich.

Ryan's proposal calls for ending the public health insurance program (and associated defined benefit) administered by CMS and currently identified with the term "Medicare." It also seeks to lower the top marginal income tax bracket to 25 percent.
No shit.........He then went and called Ryan's plan "un-american" during that tripe filled speech.

Obama's an idiot. A childish lil' elitist douchebag who is in way over his head.

This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

By calling the plan un-american, that is akin to calling the author un-american.....It's a damn insult.

Grow a pair pussy.
Yeah, except no one is proposing getting rid of medicare, or lowering taxes on the rich.

Ryan's proposal calls for ending the public health insurance program (and associated defined benefit) administered by CMS and currently identified with the term "Medicare." It also seeks to lower the top marginal income tax bracket to 25 percent.
Overhauling is not getting rid of it......It's time for a major overhaul of Medicare.

And, Obama's asinine healthcare bill should be shitcanned forthwit......It's a fucking joke. Besides being unconstitutional.

And yes, Ryan is proposing a cut to 25%......Definitely a good thing, but he knows he'll be lucky to get 30%, after all the liberal whining about how they're somehow owed anothers hard worked gain.

Now, let the liberal whining commence.
This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

Once again we see the double standard. You don't like being called "un-American". Obama told all of us to stop the extreme language and then he goes out and does it. Your President is a joke. He knows he's surrounded by smarter people on the other side and he's reduced to mocking them.

Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.

Lets me help you out with this since you are too much of an Obama slappy to see the problem with what he did...Obama didn't really have a plan to address our deficit, Ryan comes out with his plan, then instead of sitting down with Ryan and the Republicans he invites Ryan to a speech in front of a bunch of College kids, gives a political speech and
criticizes Ryan's plan as "un-American" and hurting poor people. The whole thing was insulting and juvenile, not worthy of a president and if you think it's easy or politically advantageous to address our entitlements you're defiantly clueless. It's all politics with Obama, demonize people you don’t agree with not work with them to help solve the problems we face. He's a pathetic little man, in an office that is too much for him, we need an adult in there not a guy like this.
This is the closest you've come to actually pointing out this big insult that Obama made. He did call Ryan's plan unamerican. That's called disagreeing with someone. Do you understand the difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them?

Show me that you understand the difference. In your next post, I assume that you'll disagree with me. Try to do it without insulting me.

By calling the plan un-american, that is akin to calling the author un-american.....It's a damn insult.

Grow a pair pussy.
Practice your own personal responsibility, freeloader.
Overhauling is not getting rid of it......

Public health insurance for the elderly will no longer exist under Ryan's plan. If that's what you mean by "overhauling," then yes in this instance it does mean getting rid of it. "It" being the public health insurance known as Medicare.

And yes, Ryan is proposing a cut to 25%......

I know that. Since you denied that he's lowering tax rates for those at the top, I assumed you did not.
And of course, nothing has changed since 1964. Do you honestly believe the republican party is the same as it was in 64?

Hell, Ronnie Reagan was a dem once. TELL ME NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN? Is this what your using as some kind of slam? Really?

The Demonrat party is still racist. A former KKK member was sitting in the US Senate until his dying breath a year ago, Robert Byrd.

I agree. Its the dems who had a pic of the first black president here in the united states with a bone through his nose. Its the dems who are saying he was born in kenya..

Oh yeah, its us. Not the republicans.

Stop being a child.

:eusa_whistle: Obama is not the "First black president" he's the first multi-racial president
This man could be the first black president and he is a real American patriot unlike the multi-racial guy

[ame=]YouTube - Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour[/ame]

By calling the plan un-american, that is akin to calling the author un-american.....It's a damn insult.

Grow a pair pussy.
Practice your own personal responsibility, freeloader.

Because I am getting military retirement, I am a free loader?

Because I paid into this since I was 16, I am a freeloader? ss and medicare..Beause I use tricare, I am a freeloader?

Some would disagree with you grow a pair.
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The Demonrat party is still racist. A former KKK member was sitting in the US Senate until his dying breath a year ago, Robert Byrd.

I agree. Its the dems who had a pic of the first black president here in the united states with a bone through his nose. Its the dems who are saying he was born in kenya..

Oh yeah, its us. Not the republicans.

Stop being a child.

:eusa_whistle: Obama is not the "First black president" he's the first multi-racial president
This man could be the first black president and he is a real American patriot unlike the multi-racial guy

[ame=]YouTube - Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour[/ame]

This disgraced army officer is your choice? Damn, I thought steele was bad but this guy HAD to retire or face a courts martial. The united states army doesnt want him but you do?

Wow. I thank god we dont have anyone as close to this guy or the donald on our side.

Your side are a bunch of cartoons.
Yeah, except no one is proposing getting rid of medicare, or lowering taxes on the rich.

Stop with your lies, Zona........You make yourself look like an idiot without the lies.....The lies only make you look like a complete fuckin' moron.

And yes, Ryan is proposing a cut to 25%

Mmmm. Yummy irony. Are you really this dense? I don't think so. I'm about ready to declare you a troll.
I agree. Its the dems who had a pic of the first black president here in the united states with a bone through his nose. Its the dems who are saying he was born in kenya..

Oh yeah, its us. Not the republicans.

Stop being a child.

:eusa_whistle: Obama is not the "First black president" he's the first multi-racial president
This man could be the first black president and he is a real American patriot unlike the multi-racial guy

[ame=]YouTube - Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour[/ame]

This disgraced army officer is your choice? Damn, I thought steele was bad but this guy HAD to retire or face a courts martial. The united states army doesnt want him but you do?

Wow. I thank god we dont have anyone as close to this guy or the donald on our side.

Your side are a bunch of cartoons.

Of course your side doesn't want patriots, I understand. You can have your anti-American apologist we'll keep our pro-American patriots :cool:
Once again we see the double standard. You don't like being called "un-American". Obama told all of us to stop the extreme language and then he goes out and does it. Your President is a joke. He knows he's surrounded by smarter people on the other side and he's reduced to mocking them.

Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.

Lets me help you out with this since you are too much of an Obama slappy to see the problem with what he did...Obama didn't really have a plan to address our deficit, Ryan comes out with his plan, then instead of sitting down with Ryan and the Republicans he invites Ryan to a speech in front of a bunch of College kids, gives a political speech and
criticizes Ryan's plan as "un-American" and hurting poor people. The whole thing was insulting and juvenile, not worthy of a president and if you think it's easy or politically advantageous to address our entitlements you're defiantly clueless. It's all politics with Obama, demonize people you don’t agree with not work with them to help solve the problems we face. He's a pathetic little man, in an office that is too much for him, we need an adult in there not a guy like this.

Well, finally. We get to the meat of the issue. I've been trying to get someone to explain to me what exactly it was that Obama said that was so insulting for 25 pages!

I'm just not impressed. There's nothing wrong with a politician criticizing a plan he doesn't agree with, and offering a counter proposal. I thought that was actually kind of their jobs.

The GOP is "insulted" because Obama didn't agree with their proposal. But instead of talking about the merits of one proposal over the other, and having a policy debate, they're running around bitching like crazy because Obama didn't say exactly what they wanted him to.

The charge is so hypocritical too. He "insulted" them. Like they don't say things ten times worse every day. And as long as we're talking about how much he insulted them, we're not comparing the two budget proposals and talking about facts.

I don't get upset every time I see a politician playing politics. That's just what they do. But let's just be clear about who is insulting who, and who is acting childishly.
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