Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

Overhauling is not getting rid of it......

Public health insurance for the elderly will no longer exist under Ryan's plan. If that's what you mean by "overhauling," then yes in this instance it does mean getting rid of it. "It" being the public health insurance known as Medicare.

And yes, Ryan is proposing a cut to 25%......

I know that. Since you denied that he's lowering tax rates for those at the top, I assumed you did not.

Exactly, "overhaul" is not what Ryan is proposing. Unless handing the elderly a voucher and throwing them to the wolves is considered "overhauling" LOLOL
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Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.

Lets me help you out with this since you are too much of an Obama slappy to see the problem with what he did...Obama didn't really have a plan to address our deficit, Ryan comes out with his plan, then instead of sitting down with Ryan and the Republicans he invites Ryan to a speech in front of a bunch of College kids, gives a political speech and
criticizes Ryan's plan as "un-American" and hurting poor people. The whole thing was insulting and juvenile, not worthy of a president and if you think it's easy or politically advantageous to address our entitlements you're defiantly clueless. It's all politics with Obama, demonize people you don’t agree with not work with them to help solve the problems we face. He's a pathetic little man, in an office that is too much for him, we need an adult in there not a guy like this.

Well, finally. We get to the meat of the issue. I've been trying to get someone to explain to me what exactly it was that Obama said that was so insulting for 25 pages!

I'm just not impressed. There's nothing wrong with a politician criticizing a plan he doesn't agree with, and offering a counter proposal. I thought that was actually kind of their jobs.
The GOP is "insulted" because Obama didn't agree with their proposal. But instead of talking about the merits of one proposal over the other, and having a policy debate, they're running around bitching like crazy because Obama didn't say exactly what they wanted him to.

The charge is so hypocritical too. He "insulted" them. Like they don't say things ten times worse every day. And as long as we're talking about how much he insulted them, we're not comparing the two budget proposals and talking about facts.

I don't get upset every time I see a politician playing politics. That's just what they do. But let's just be clear about who is insulting who, and who is acting childishly.

Sorry... But you don't do by inviting Ryan to a front row seat and giving a speech in front of a bunch of college kids.. That's not how it's done. Obama has no class, and doesn't really care about the debt. That was evident by his original 2012 budget and his failure to even address the debt before Ryan came out with his plan. If you can’t see that then I can’t help you
I agree. Its the dems who had a pic of the first black president here in the united states with a bone through his nose. Its the dems who are saying he was born in kenya..

Oh yeah, its us. Not the republicans.

Stop being a child.

:eusa_whistle: Obama is not the "First black president" he's the first multi-racial president
This man could be the first black president and he is a real American patriot unlike the multi-racial guy

[ame=]YouTube - Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour[/ame]

This disgraced army officer is your choice? Damn, I thought steele was bad but this guy HAD to retire or face a courts martial. The united states army doesnt want him but you do?

Wow. I thank god we dont have anyone as close to this guy or the donald on our side.

Your side are a bunch of cartoons.
Why dont you stop your lying, you piece of shit?

Show us where he had to retire or face court martial, with facts, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Because, that is not the case, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Oh, and i'm still waiting for you to back up your claims about Con Hogs service, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.

And don't think it didn't go un-noticed that you ran away like a coward after making such claims, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.
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Why dont you stop your lying, you piece of shit?

Show us where he had to retire or face court martial, with facts, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Because, that is not the case, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Oh, and i'm still waiting for you to back up your claims about Con Hogs service, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.

And don't think it didn't go un-noticed that you ran away like a coward after making such claims, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.


[ame=]YouTube - Allen West: Honor In Iraq[/ame]
Sorry... But you don't do by inviting Ryan to a front row seat and giving a speech in front of a bunch of college kids.. That's not how it's done. Obama has no class, and doesn't really care about the debt. That was evident by his original 2012 budget and his failure to even address the debt before Ryan came out with his plan. If you can’t see that then I can’t help you

Calling someone's plan unamerican when he's sitting in the room is no worse than doing it when he's watching you on TV. That complaint is just pure hot air. Just looking for something to complain about.

Why do you even care if he insulted anyone or not? You can't seem to finish a single post without insulting him. Obviously you're not the biggest fan of mature discourse.
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Do you understand the difference between calling a proposal unamerican and calling a person unamerican?

What you're complaining about is that Obama criticized Ryan's policy proposal. Calling for less hyperbolic rhetoric does not mean that you then have to sit back and let your opponents attack you without criticizing their proposals.

Lets me help you out with this since you are too much of an Obama slappy to see the problem with what he did...Obama didn't really have a plan to address our deficit, Ryan comes out with his plan, then instead of sitting down with Ryan and the Republicans he invites Ryan to a speech in front of a bunch of College kids, gives a political speech and
criticizes Ryan's plan as "un-American" and hurting poor people. The whole thing was insulting and juvenile, not worthy of a president and if you think it's easy or politically advantageous to address our entitlements you're defiantly clueless. It's all politics with Obama, demonize people you don’t agree with not work with them to help solve the problems we face. He's a pathetic little man, in an office that is too much for him, we need an adult in there not a guy like this.

Well, finally. We get to the meat of the issue. I've been trying to get someone to explain to me what exactly it was that Obama said that was so insulting for 25 pages!

I'm just not impressed. There's nothing wrong with a politician criticizing a plan he doesn't agree with, and offering a counter proposal. I thought that was actually kind of their jobs.

The GOP is "insulted" because Obama didn't agree with their proposal. But instead of talking about the merits of one proposal over the other, and having a policy debate, they're running around bitching like crazy because Obama didn't say exactly what they wanted him to.

The charge is so hypocritical too. He "insulted" them. Like they don't say things ten times worse every day. And as long as we're talking about how much he insulted them, we're not comparing the two budget proposals and talking about facts.

I don't get upset every time I see a politician playing politics. That's just what they do. But let's just be clear about who is insulting who, and who is acting childishly.
If you required it to be layed out to you, then it's quite obvious that you are nothing but a young lil' Obamabot shill......Christ, lil' man, even your fellow shills acknowledged in public that his speech was a bunch of nothing, peppered with backhanded insults....Too include admitting that it was a bad move politically on his part, seeing as the mood of this country is tired of his backhanded BS, when he has absolutely nothing to show as an effective leader.....There damn sure aren't any jobs. No shovel ready jobs. And no hope of anything changing.

Face it, Obama is on the ropes. He's been an abject failure. No amount of your lame attempts to say otherwise changes those FACTS!
:eusa_whistle: Obama is not the "First black president" he's the first multi-racial president
This man could be the first black president and he is a real American patriot unlike the multi-racial guy

YouTube - Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour

This disgraced army officer is your choice? Damn, I thought steele was bad but this guy HAD to retire or face a courts martial. The united states army doesnt want him but you do?

Wow. I thank god we dont have anyone as close to this guy or the donald on our side.

Your side are a bunch of cartoons.

Of course your side doesn't want patriots, I understand. You can have your anti-American apologist we'll keep our pro-American patriots :cool:

He is a patriot? He was forced to retire. Do you understand what happened with this horrible excuse for an officer?

HE WAS FORCED TO RETIRE OR FACE A COURTS MARTIAL. This is a fact and you call him a patriot?


(or are you kidding? If so, good one.)
Why dont you stop your lying, you piece of shit?

Show us where he had to retire or face court martial, with facts, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Because, that is not the case, you lyin' ass piece of shit.

Oh, and i'm still waiting for you to back up your claims about Con Hogs service, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.

And don't think it didn't go un-noticed that you ran away like a coward after making such claims, you lyin' ass piece o' shit.


Epic fail, Obamabot!

What, you can't back up Zona's ridiculous claims either?

If you required it to be layed out to you, then it's quite obvious that you are nothing but a young lil' Obamabot shill......Christ, lil' man, even your fellow shills acknowledged in public that his speech was a bunch of nothing, peppered with backhanded insults....Too include admitting that it was a bad move politically on his part, seeing as the mood of this country is tired of his backhanded BS, when he has absolutely nothing to show as an effective leader.....There damn sure aren't any jobs. No shovel ready jobs. And no hope of anything changing.

Face it, Obama is on the ropes. He's been an abject failure. No amount of your lame attempts to say otherwise changes those FACTS!

You seem to repeat the same arguments over and over. When I rebut one, you move on to the next. How many times have you told me about Anderson Cooper, and how many times have I told you that I don't give a fuck? This is the third.

Definitely troll behavior with you. Another fine set of insults, too, added into your post about how much you hate Obama for insulting people. You just can't help yourself, can you?

Nicely done, capitalizing the FACTS! Just to make it perfectly clear to everyone that you consider your opinions to be facts.
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This disgraced army officer is your choice? Damn, I thought steele was bad but this guy HAD to retire or face a courts martial. The united states army doesnt want him but you do?

Wow. I thank god we dont have anyone as close to this guy or the donald on our side.

Your side are a bunch of cartoons.

Of course your side doesn't want patriots, I understand. You can have your anti-American apologist we'll keep our pro-American patriots :cool:

He is a patriot? He was forced to retire. Do you understand what happened with this horrible excuse for an officer?

HE WAS FORCED TO RETIRE OR FACE A COURTS MARTIAL. This is a fact and you call him a patriot?


(or are you kidding? If so, good one.)
Soooooo, put up those facts!

Come on man, you are stating it as fact, PROVE IT!

'Cause i'm chomping at the bit to shove it up your lying ass!

Here's the facts, liar....And if you ACTUALLY served, which I now doubt more than ever, you would know that once it was knocked down to article 15, court martial was taken of the table...He was fined $5000, and that was end of it.....He chose to retire. Never was he forced, you poseur piece o' shit!

God I hate fuckin' poseurs!
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If you required it to be layed out to you, then it's quite obvious that you are nothing but a young lil' Obamabot shill......Christ, lil' man, even your fellow shills acknowledged in public that his speech was a bunch of nothing, peppered with backhanded insults....Too include admitting that it was a bad move politically on his part, seeing as the mood of this country is tired of his backhanded BS, when he has absolutely nothing to show as an effective leader.....There damn sure aren't any jobs. No shovel ready jobs. And no hope of anything changing.

Face it, Obama is on the ropes. He's been an abject failure. No amount of your lame attempts to say otherwise changes those FACTS!

You seem to repeat the same arguments over and over. When I rebut one, you move on to the next. How many times have you told me about Anderson Cooper, and how many times have I told you that I don't give a fuck? This is the third.

Definitely troll behavior with you. Another fine set of insults, too, added into your post about how much you hate Obama for insulting people. You just can't help yourself, can you?

Nicely done, capitalizing the FACTS! Just to make it perfectly clear to everyone that you consider your opinions to be facts.
You abjectly refuse to acknowledge Obama's childish insults, and you call me a troll?

You haven't rebutted a god damn thing, youngin'!

But you keep parroting what those community college professers keep shoving down your young ignorant throat, and i'll keep laughing at your ass!

U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics - CNN
Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno, the 4th Infantry's top general in Tikrit, could have rejected the recommendation and ordered a court martial. If he were to be found guilty at a court martial of the two articles against him, West could have faced 11 years in prison, a military prosecutor told CNN.
But while West's supporters call him a hero, military prosecutors said his actions amounted to torture and violated articles 128 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
If you required it to be layed out to you, then it's quite obvious that you are nothing but a young lil' Obamabot shill......Christ, lil' man, even your fellow shills acknowledged in public that his speech was a bunch of nothing, peppered with backhanded insults....Too include admitting that it was a bad move politically on his part, seeing as the mood of this country is tired of his backhanded BS, when he has absolutely nothing to show as an effective leader.....There damn sure aren't any jobs. No shovel ready jobs. And no hope of anything changing.

Face it, Obama is on the ropes. He's been an abject failure. No amount of your lame attempts to say otherwise changes those FACTS!

You seem to repeat the same arguments over and over. When I rebut one, you move on to the next. How many times have you told me about Anderson Cooper, and how many times have I told you that I don't give a fuck? This is the third.

Definitely troll behavior with you. Another fine set of insults, too, added into your post about how much you hate Obama for insulting people. You just can't help yourself, can you?

Nicely done, capitalizing the FACTS! Just to make it perfectly clear to everyone that you consider your opinions to be facts.
You abjectly refuse to acknowledge Obama's childish insults, and you call me a troll?

You haven't rebutted a god damn thing, youngin'!

But you keep parroting what those community college professers keep shoving down your young ignorant throat, and i'll keep laughing at your ass!


I would acknowledge the insult if there were one there. But I just see a policy debate, and a bunch of people whining the president invited them to a speech where he disagreed with them. The only insults I've seen are the ones you make.

I keep on hoping that you'll make a few more ridiculously wrong statements about my history and lifestyle. So far you've only made the same set of wrong assumptions over and over again. Interesting how ready you are to form beliefs that bolster your viewpoint, without any evidence. They call that being closed minded.

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