Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[1] Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.[2][3][4] Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Both Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[5] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[3][6]

The matter was initially raised by Sean Hannity and other hosts on conservative talk radio programs,[citation needed] and then by moderator George Stephanopoulos during a debate between Clinton and Obama in April 2008. In October 2008, the matter was mentioned in attack ads, robocalls, mass mailings, and campaign speeches by Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as an issue in the general election campaign. Obama has condemned Ayers' past,[7][8] and stated that he does not have a close association with him.[5]
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

Hell! Ayres probably wrote at least one of the Douche Bag in Chief's books.

Of course you have a link proving this you douche bag you?
Now, the above post is beyond laughable.

"Investigations by the NYT, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers"........Yeah, it's not like those organizations weren't in bed with the inept clown back then, and didn't cover for his sorry ass whenever the shit hit the fan.

For a Harvard educated man, Obama is obviously one dumb motherfucker if he had no clue as to what Ayers was all about when he launched his career in the dirtbags living room.

Anybody believing that Obama didn't know, is a gullible fuckin' idiot.

Hell! Ayres probably wrote at least one of the Douche Bag in Chief's books.

Of course you have a link proving this you douche bag you?
As a matter of fact I do. I'll hunt it up after Easter Dinner.
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Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.
Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.

The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.
Especially launching his career in the house of a known domestic terrorist that walked and says he remains unrepentant for what he did...and is on the scene as a College professor filling the heads of young people with his tripe.
That anti-american piece of shit actually had the audacity to claim that his attempts to kill americans was nothing more than "vandelism" during an interview with Larry Elder a couple o' weeks back

Yeah, Obama had no idea what Ayers was all about. My ass he didn't know!......He damn sure knew when he was sitting on boards, and giving speeches with the scumbag.

Obama's so full of shit, it's disgusting.

And yet he beat you in 2008 and WILL BEAT YOU AGAIN IN 2012. It has to suck being you and your party. It has to. Its so hard konwing everything you post is shit and no one sensible is buying it. I say this because you will lose again in 2012 so what you are spouting is bullshit.

Again, it has to suck being you and your party. Suck it up bitches, he will win again in 2012.

God bless america.

Didn't you read the label??? It said to take one every 4 hours, not 4 every hour. Good to see you so chipper anyhow. ;) Nice to have you back. Personally, I wouldn't bet either way in 2012. What do the Puppet Masters have in play??? Who exactly, up top , is not bought and paid for 10 times over? God Bless Free Will. ;) Liberty! :):):)
When Democrats win elections, it's because voters are stupid. When Republicans win elections, it is because of Democrats' failed policies. Are you deliberately trying to parody an extreme partisan?
Look at all the stupid idiots who voted for an empty suit. Voted for a man who had zero executive leadership experience in his life. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Rarely bothered to show up and vote while a JUNIOR senator. Who got caught lying about never hearing racist, anti-american rants by a racist, anti-american preacher, and on and on and on.

Face it, you people stupidly fell head over heals for an empty suit, who had nothing more than sappy assed campaign slogans, and a slick lil' teleprompter that does his talking for him.....And you fools continue to shill for the moron, even as he takes this great country straight down the fucking toilet.

YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

It's about time you fuckin' people wake the fuck up, and pull your heads out of your asses. Going through life so abjectly ignorant and stupid is no way to live.
BO doesn't know what to do with Libya. He's frozen with fear. He's never had to finish anything he started. Now he has a record to run on. He's finished and he doesn't know it, but he will soon and he will have the "deer in the headlights" look.
When Democrats win elections, it's because voters are stupid. When Republicans win elections, it is because of Democrats' failed policies. Are you deliberately trying to parody an extreme partisan?
Look at all the stupid idiots who voted for an empty suit. Voted for a man who had zero executive leadership experience in his life. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Rarely bothered to show up and vote while a JUNIOR senator. Who got caught lying about never hearing racist, anti-american rants by a racist, anti-american preacher, and on and on and on.

Face it, you people stupidly fell head over heals for an empty suit, who had nothing more than sappy assed campaign slogans, and a slick lil' teleprompter that does his talking for him.....And you fools continue to shill for the moron, even as he takes this great country straight down the fucking toilet.

YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

It's about time you fuckin' people wake the fuck up, and pull your heads out of your asses. Going through life so abjectly ignorant and stupid is no way to live.

The people that voted for all those Republitards this past election, especially in Wisconsin, realized they voted for a bunch of incompetent, ineffective morons who have stabbed them in the back, the only partisan hack in you.
YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

Yeah. Clearly I'm the partisan hack here. "Continued shilling" = still asking you to show me where Obama insulted anyone.

Y'know what really pisses me off? When I'm involved in a political debate, and the guy on the other side just insults me over and over and over again. I mean really, that kinda behavior really gets to me. I know you know what I mean, right?

If you're gonna rant and rave about Obama, you're gonna have to find something worth bitching about. I will not stand by and watch you bitch for all the wrong reasons. Left and right are just being played off against each other by those who control both sides.
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Negroes like West and Cain are just jealous house Negroes because they know sorry sell out Negroes like themselves will *NEVER* be elected president being in the party they're in. They spend all of their time hating.

The Democrat party is racist to the core. The Democrat party is the party that filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. I was there.

What does that have to do with the fact that *NO* black person in the Republitard Party in its current ideological format will ever get elected? What does it have to do with the fact that no majority of African Americans would ever support those two clowns? No one wants your handpicked house slaves, deal with it.
When Democrats win elections, it's because voters are stupid. When Republicans win elections, it is because of Democrats' failed policies. Are you deliberately trying to parody an extreme partisan?
Look at all the stupid idiots who voted for an empty suit. Voted for a man who had zero executive leadership experience in his life. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Rarely bothered to show up and vote while a JUNIOR senator. Who got caught lying about never hearing racist, anti-american rants by a racist, anti-american preacher, and on and on and on.

Face it, you people stupidly fell head over heals for an empty suit, who had nothing more than sappy assed campaign slogans, and a slick lil' teleprompter that does his talking for him.....And you fools continue to shill for the moron, even as he takes this great country straight down the fucking toilet.

YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

It's about time you fuckin' people wake the fuck up, and pull your heads out of your asses. Going through life so abjectly ignorant and stupid is no way to live.

The people that voted for all those Republitards this past election, especially in Wisconsin, realized they voted for a bunch of incompetent, ineffective morons who have stabbed them in the back, the only partisan hack in you.
Oh look, one of our resident racist pieces of shit, who would never have the balls to talk his shit straight to the faces of those he hates, chimes in with his usual BS.

You're a fuckin' clown, you cowardly lil' racist piece o' garbage.
Look at all the stupid idiots who voted for an empty suit. Voted for a man who had zero executive leadership experience in his life. Had never run a damn thing in his life. Rarely bothered to show up and vote while a JUNIOR senator. Who got caught lying about never hearing racist, anti-american rants by a racist, anti-american preacher, and on and on and on.

Face it, you people stupidly fell head over heals for an empty suit, who had nothing more than sappy assed campaign slogans, and a slick lil' teleprompter that does his talking for him.....And you fools continue to shill for the moron, even as he takes this great country straight down the fucking toilet.

YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

It's about time you fuckin' people wake the fuck up, and pull your heads out of your asses. Going through life so abjectly ignorant and stupid is no way to live.

The people that voted for all those Republitards this past election, especially in Wisconsin, realized they voted for a bunch of incompetent, ineffective morons who have stabbed them in the back, the only partisan hack in you.
Oh look, one of our resident racist pieces of shit, who would never have the balls to talk his shit straight to the faces of those he hates, chimes in with his usual BS.

You're a fuckin' clown, you cowardly lil' racist piece o' garbage.

Listen faggot, don't respond with a personal attack, you freely opened your trapped to talk about how bad Obama was now you whine and play the race card when I criticize Republitards? Coward.
and after that post i will say this. West is stroking your dicks. He is pandering to a limited base that would never vote for Obama anyways. He has nothing to loose, and you guys are eating this up. Just like you do every other time some Politician waxes your assholes with things you already believe.

West is following Palin, Bachman, Trump, etc and there is a reason why nobody outside the core GOP, social conservatives, Theocratic, neo-con, sect will take him seriously.

He will go on shows like Hannity, who will lick his asshole and toss him softballs. He might go on Beck and enjoy the crazy land rides.

There is nothing new here beyond that he is Black, and can be used as the " i have a black friend" man in government. No i am not calling you a racist, i am saying he is a scapegoat.

He reinforces your fears and beliefs, and therefore you will ignore reality.
This is the essence of the current crop of people that call themselves RWers and Repbulicans and Conservatives.
I loved him when he starred in "Batman"!

Oh that's right that was Adam West,,,,,,,,nevermind.

YOU PEOPLE ARE THE PARTISAN HACKS!........As fully evidenced by your continued shilling for an asshole who is single handedly destroying the futures of at least the next two future generations.........Not that you fools give a damn. For liberals, it's all about the here and now. They just don't seem to have the ability to think beyond tomorrow.

Yeah. Clearly I'm the partisan hack here. "Continued shilling" = still asking you to show me where Obama insulted anyone.

Y'know what really pisses me off? When I'm involved in a political debate, and the guy on the other side just insults me over and over and over again. I mean really, that kinda behavior really gets to me. I know you know what I mean, right?

If you're gonna rant and rave about Obama, you're gonna have to find something worth bitching about. I will not stand by and watch you bitch for all the wrong reasons. Left and right are just being played off against each other by those who control both sides.

This country doesn't have reason to bitch about Obama's abject failings?

Are you fucking kidding me?

You are a damn hack, if you're going to live with your head buried in the sand, and refuse to recognize the fact that Obama has spent this country into a fuckin' ditch....For the first time in history, S&P downgraded this country into negative territory. Not that you would have a clue as to what the ramifications will be...What it says is, the US can't pay their bills. They are not worth the investment. Good luck getting them to pay back those loans. If you're foolish enough to loan them money, then be sure you rape the piss out of 'em on interest.....You can sit there and deny Obama's ineptness until the cows come home. Doesn't change the fact that even many of those who were duped into voting for the clown, are waking up to the fact that he's a lousy president. The poll numbers are proving it.....His lil' campaign speeches totally lacking substance, just as his recent speech did, are wearing thin on people. We want results, not a bunch of empty rhetoric from a god damn empty suit.....People on both sides of the aisle are tired of listening to his childish lil' backhanded insults. The man needs to step up to the plate, and admit he's failing......The man is the most polarizing president in US history. As we have been witnessing, and witnessed just the other day with yet another childish lil' insult hurled at Ryan.

You keep shilling for the man, I'll keep hammering the sorry fuck. Whether you or anybody else likes it or not.
The people that voted for all those Republitards this past election, especially in Wisconsin, realized they voted for a bunch of incompetent, ineffective morons who have stabbed them in the back, the only partisan hack in you.
Oh look, one of our resident racist pieces of shit, who would never have the balls to talk his shit straight to the faces of those he hates, chimes in with his usual BS.

You're a fuckin' clown, you cowardly lil' racist piece o' garbage.

Listen faggot, don't respond with a personal attack, you freely opened your trapped to talk about how bad Obama was now you whine and play the race card when I criticize Republitards? Coward.
You're a flaming racist piece o' shit.....There is no bigger coward than a racist....I'll respond however I damn well please. And there isn't a damn thing you're gonna about it, coward!
You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't deny anything except that Obama insulted anyone in the speech that we're talking about. I've been trying to stay on topic.

I think I'm beginning to understand your perspective. And it is very, very partisan. You perceive me as partisan because that is how your perceive people. When you are ranting about Obama, there are two kinds of people. Those who agree with everything you say, and those who agree with nothing you say. Those who agree with nothing you say are partisan shills for a failed president.

It's a very closed minded, simplistic viewpoint. In a sense I pity you for not being able to do any better. And in a sense I'm just annoyed with you because I think that you can do better, you're just too lazy.
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If you can't recognize the backhanded insults he most definitely made, then it means that you are either deaf, or most likely, refuse to acknowledge them, because you know damn good and well they did not make your beloved Messiah look good whatsoever.

Could you please show me where the insult is? You know, like at what minute in the speech he insulted someone? I've been asking you this for pages and pages and pages, and I'm getting kind of annoyed with you hemming and hawing back and forth. Just show me what he said that was objectionable already, because like I said I've watched the speech twice now and I don't see any insults.

And by the way, you obviously don't have any problem with insults just judging by how many times you've called me stpud. So why are you bitching about Obama insulting people?
He/they can't. Because these "insults" are just made up.

You've got plenty of time to rant and rave, but no time to back it up, huh? It shouldn't take you 45 minutes. If you saw it all over his speech, you should know about where it is. Shouldn't take you more than a couple minutes to find me an example.

What was that you said earlier about not needing talking heads to make up your mind for you. And now you're falling back on Anderson Cooper?

I watched the speech and I didn't see any insults. You are unwilling or unable to point any out. This conversation is over.

Oh OK, I see. It's not that you rely on talking heads. It's that you thought that maybe I rely on talking heads. So you thought that if you gave me a talking head saying what you think, than I'd agree with you.

But no, I still don't see any insults in Obama's speech. Are we talking about the same speech? At the George Washington University?

Chock another insult up there on your board, though. Bootlicker. That's a nice one. Really shows me how much you value mature, measured discourse.

Yeah, you pointed out how Cooper pointed out Obama's back handed insults, because you can't actually point out the back handed insults yourself.

That's what I call relying on a talking head. If not to tell yourself what to think, you're using him to tell me what to think. But I didn't watch Anderson Cooper interview a pundit about Obama's speech. I just watched Obama's speech. And I didn't see any insults.

So if you did watch Obama's speech, and you did see an insult, it would go a lot further towards convincing me if you would just point out where he did it, than to tell me about Anderson Cooper talking to someone else about it.

A left. A right. And another left.

That palooka's done.


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