Allen West Uses Opponent's Mug Shot in Ad

Let's see West was trying to get information from a terrorist so oh my goodness he fired a gun near the bad guy's head!
For that he was forced to retire...Hmmm....

Murphy on the other hand..arrested for being involved in a drunken brawl. One that caused MONEY to be spent to arrest, try,etc. Murphy.

NOW which "crime" was the one that involved protecting lives and which put lives at risk??? hMMMM>>>>. !! Let's think about...
ON a scale of justice WHICH one was for personal gain and which for national security?

YOU are the reason why veterans vote for conservatives in RECORD numbers.. your hatred of our service members of what they do to provide the umbrella of freedom which allows you to ooze your ignortant ass bullshit, shows very clearly.

Allen West is a hero! "I'd want him in that foxhole next to me."

Cowboys like West give the rest of us in the military a bad name....he's lucky he wasn't court martialled....just forced to retire. He's political career so far is just more of the same out-of-control behavior...he's another Duke Cunningham in the making.

That's incorrect. If there was ANY basis for Court Martial he'd have been given one. Truth is, he was correct in principle and wrong in technical execution. He wasn't forced to retire, but he was (correctly) told that 0-5 was as high as he was going to go. That said, LTCOL isn't too shabby is it?

I'm not a huge fan of his, but it's complete asshattery to denigrate a successful warrior. You'll note that in the 5 years we've been on the same boards disagreeing with each other, I've NEVER denigrated your service as a pilot and then staff officer. Why are you denigrating his service?
Well, he isn't running against I guess that's why he didn't use your mugshot.

I have your "mugshot," asswipe - in Hawaiian shirt and kilt.

Need a link?

If you aren't talking or taking dick, you go on and on as IF you've got any pics of what you allege to be me. Talk is so the cheap man-sex you enjoy.

What a cuntabulous cunteroffensive you launched!
Yup, West was allowed to retire in lieu of court-martial because of his general service.

But, yes, he was mad as a hatter. Still is.
Yup, West was allowed to retire in lieu of court-martial because of his general service.

But, yes, he was mad as a hatter. Still is.


He was given an Article 15 INSTEAD of a Court Martial.

Do try to get your facts straight someday before you pontificate and make your generally erroneous pointlesses.

And no. He was not and is not a mad hatter.
Cowboys like West give the rest of us in the military a bad name....he's lucky he wasn't court martialled....just forced to retire. He's political career so far is just more of the same out-of-control behavior...he's another Duke Cunningham in the making.

For firing a gun near a known killer terrorist's head... that's a cowboy???
Geez.. no wonder we have wussies now in the military like you evidently were!

WEST was awarded:
West's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge.[3]


What kind of fu..k award did you get... cleanest sink???

So you think the following keeps the terrorists from killing troops?
I bet you were a real chickensh..t happy this card came out didn't YOU?

This is from a laminated card each soldier must carry:

"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force

Seriously do you people understand soldiers to be affective just like cops MUST be in areas that might require lethal force!

We have been told frequently by Obama pious and obviously PHONY statement:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
Blowhard's 2010 Tax Return
$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

West got those awards before he was given the boot. 22 years and he never made Colonel, guess he wasn't O-6 material.

Statistically, nearly EVERYONE who has ever served in the military is not "O-6 material." So, what the point of that comment?
Yup, West was allowed to retire in lieu of court-martial because of his general service.

But, yes, he was mad as a hatter. Still is.

I'll ask you because no one else has the answer, can you link a legit news site that will support your version?
Liability demonstrates his lack of knowledge about a subject yet again.

West was given the offer of nonjudicial administrative punishment with the clear knowledge that if he asked for court-martial instead, the brass would have given him his time before a military judge and a court of senior officers.

You continue to discuss matters which you do not understand, L.

An Army hearing officer has recommended administrative punishment — but not a criminal court-martial — for Lt. Col. Allen B. West, who is charged with assault for firing a gun to scare a confession from an Iraqi detainee.
“It’s extremely good news,” said Neal Puckett, Col. West’s attorney, who defended him at a pretrial hearing last month in one of Saddam Hussein’s Tikrit palaces. “This is what we think the Army should have done from the very beginning.”
Mr. Puckett quoted his client as saying, “Great news indeed.”

Read more: 'Great news' for West in assault case - Washington Times

I can't imagine his discharge would be anything except Honorable.
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Doesn't mean he was forced out. Keep your property, it might serve you well.

I happen to know Allen personally. He had the option to stay in the Army, but decided that if it would reprimand an officer for protecting the men in his command, he wanted out.

Uh Huh....

I lived in his district until moving here in March of 2011. Allen wrote a column in a local biker rag I was involved in until November of 2010. He is, or was a member of ABATE of Florida Southeast Chapter. I could never convince him to give up his Honda and buy a real motorcycle, but I have shared the highway and the dinner table with him on more than a few occasions.
Here's a photo of him from 2009 taken by the chapter photographer that has been bouncing around the web for a while.


  • $west.jpg
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Doesn't have to be. He took his Article 15 and was permitted to submit his retirement request.

Yup, West was allowed to retire in lieu of court-martial because of his general service.

But, yes, he was mad as a hatter. Still is.

That's inaccurate. He was not allowed to retire in lieu of court-martial. There is no provision in the UCMJ for this.
Liability demonstrates his lack of knowledge about a subject yet again.

West was given the offer of nonjudicial administrative punishment with the clear knowledge that if he asked for court-martial instead, the brass would have given him his time before a military judge and a court of senior officers.

You continue to discuss matters which you do not understand, L.

An Army hearing officer has recommended administrative punishment — but not a criminal court-martial — for Lt. Col. Allen B. West, who is charged with assault for firing a gun to scare a confession from an Iraqi detainee.
“It’s extremely good news,” said Neal Puckett, Col. West’s attorney, who defended him at a pretrial hearing last month in one of Saddam Hussein’s Tikrit palaces. “This is what we think the Army should have done from the very beginning.”
Mr. Puckett quoted his client as saying, “Great news indeed.”

Read more: 'Great news' for West in assault case - Washington Times 'Great news' for West in assault case - Washington Times
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Fakey bloviates with his remarkable lack of knowledge or honesty yet again.

Col West was NOT court martialed. PERIOD.

HE did get an Article 15. He WAS fined $5,000.00 He DID then RESIGN from the Army.

Fakey has offered zero evidence that he was confronted with the prospect of being court martialed.

There was no reason to ASK for a court martial. In fact, as always, a stupid suggestion such as that coming from Fakey constitutes additional proof that Fakey doesn;'t give a shit about being honest. It's a ridiculous suggestion. Yes, that would mean it was offered by the dishonest assclown asshole hack, liberal Democrat Fakey.

Hell, even the lib Bible, The New York Slimes recognized as much:
The military decided against court-martialing Colonel West. He was fined $5,000, and he submitted his resignation, which becomes effective this summer, when he will retire with full benefits.
-- WebCite query result THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ: INTERROGATIONS; How Colonel Risked His Career By Menacing Detainee and Lost
Published: May 27, 2004

Odd how Fakey can fuck even that up.
Liability continues to blather and offers nothing at all except blathering.

The Article 32 investigating officer generally talks privately with the Convening Authority's representative prior to recommendation. The rep in this case would have been the Division JAG, who would have talked to West's counsel.

The basic question would have been, "Will you accept nonjudicial punishment" and West's defense attorney would have said, "Hell, yes."

Liability, go talk to a military attorney before running your mouth on these matters.

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