Allen West Uses Opponent's Mug Shot in Ad

Allen West ROCKZ.. Liberals always despise war heroes.. Check out the veteran vote:

SOLID REPUBLICAN.. for a reason.. Leftists spat on returning soldiers.. cut their pay to the point that most were on food stamps to make it.. Allen West is not only a black conservative, but a war time hero.. they are ate up with hatred over him..

Actually, veterans are mostly white men and they support Romney. White men are the core of Romney's base so you would expect that.


Military Donations To Obama’s Campaign Dwarf Romney’s Numbers


Look at the reason why. This is not the lily white military of the past. The military is diverse, just like the Democratic Party. Not like the Republican Party which is at least 90% white. True story.

Yeah, Obama is just raking in the military money...LOL!!

Ron Paul got more money from the military than Obama and Romney COMBINED!!
Allen West ROCKZ.. Liberals always despise war heroes.. Check out the veteran vote:

SOLID REPUBLICAN.. for a reason.. Leftists spat on returning soldiers.. cut their pay to the point that most were on food stamps to make it.. Allen West is not only a black conservative, but a war time hero.. they are ate up with hatred over him..

Actually, veterans are mostly white men and they support Romney. White men are the core of Romney's base so you would expect that.


Military Donations To Obama’s Campaign Dwarf Romney’s Numbers


Look at the reason why. This is not the lily white military of the past. The military is diverse, just like the Democratic Party. Not like the Republican Party which is at least 90% white. True story.

Yeah, Obama is just raking in the military money...LOL!!

Ron Paul got more money from the military than Obama and Romney COMBINED!!

But it's Romney who Republicans made their nominee. Go figure.
CG loves to talk as if she is the boss of us all. :lol:

Does Allen really want to go down this road, after the only reason he's a retired colonel is because he was pushed out for violating several articles of the UCMJ.

And yet he has the respect and admiration of his fellow warriors. They understand this shit. Pity that you don't.

When were you appointed the spokesman for all our troops and veterans? I'm a veteran and I have NO respect for this idiot.
I was employing you were.

What West did was not honorable and was not in keeping with the traditions of the US Military so I'm certain that you can find more than just a few. It is also disingenuous to paint them as fools for not supporting the kind of behavior that Allen West displayed while in uniform.

West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

What West did was an insult to American values

He deserved to be kicked out of the military, just like the voters will kick his sorry act out of Congress

Yep, he's just another uppity negro. Can't have those types going anywhere.

So it was his being a negro that caused him to shoot at someone tied to a chair?
What West did was an insult to American values

He deserved to be kicked out of the military, just like the voters will kick his sorry act out of Congress

Oh you're so full of shit.....yeah he should have invite the guy for tea and just massaged the information from him, while the terrorists buddies we're killing West's that's easy for you to sit and you're an idiot

We are a nation of laws. An officer in our Military is bound by our laws and military laws regardless of his personal feelings

If West cant take the responsibilities of command he has no place in the Army

YOU are so dumb! He did take responsibility! Paid $5,000 and retired at full benefits!
But YOU I'm sure prefer a politician that gets drunk, like Murphy, drowns a girl, (Ted Kennedy), rapes women (Clinton, Broderick), molests boys like recent Minn. Dem rep..

West was protecting his men and you take the side of a person that is involved in a drunken brawl!

ABSOLUTELY NO moral equivalency...that is if you even understand that concept!!!
Allen West ROCKZ.. Liberals always despise war heroes.. Check out the veteran vote:

SOLID REPUBLICAN.. for a reason.. Leftists spat on returning soldiers.. cut their pay to the point that most were on food stamps to make it.. Allen West is not only a black conservative, but a war time hero.. they are ate up with hatred over him..

Actually, veterans are mostly white men and they support Romney. White men are the core of Romney's base so you would expect that.


Military Donations To Obama’s Campaign Dwarf Romney’s Numbers


Look at the reason why. This is not the lily white military of the past. The military is diverse, just like the Democratic Party. Not like the Republican Party which is at least 90% white. True story.

I wonder how many of the above soldiers know that Obama called them "Civilian killers"

Obama no matter how you context it GAVE the enemy a lot of propaganda value when said Senator Obama said
"troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NOW you are just plain fu...kiing stupid IF YOU don't think the terrorists USED words like the above to encourage killing troops!
YOU think the above troops realize THEIR CIC encouraged their DEATHS!!!
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What West did was an insult to American values

He deserved to be kicked out of the military, just like the voters will kick his sorry act out of Congress

Yep, he's just another uppity negro. Can't have those types going anywhere.

So it was his being a negro that caused him to shoot at someone tied to a chair?

Salt, if West had shot AT him the terrorist would be DEAD, and they wouldn't have gotten any info out of his corpse.
So it was his being a negro that caused him to shoot at someone tied to a chair?

Salt, if West had shot AT him the terrorist would be DEAD, and they wouldn't have gotten any info out of his corpse.

But don't Negroes shoot with the gun sideways, like in those "Boyz in da Hood" type movies?

I think it's plain that you missed or ignored the sarcasm in Soggy's post in your rush to identify some perceived racism.

Not surprising, really. You do have priors...
Salt is being a jerk when it comes to racial issues, but what the hey.

West could have killed the prisoner if he had wanted. He didn't. He wanted information, and I am sure he realized his career was over the second he fired the round to terrorize the prisoner into giving information.
Salt is being a jerk when it comes to racial issues, but what the hey.

West could have killed the prisoner if he had wanted. He didn't. He wanted information, and I am sure he realized his career was over the second he fired the round to terrorize the prisoner into giving information.

Wests career was just starting

Wing nuts eat that torture shit up....they turn you into a hero
Salt, if West had shot AT him the terrorist would be DEAD, and they wouldn't have gotten any info out of his corpse.

But don't Negroes shoot with the gun sideways, like in those "Boyz in da Hood" type movies?

I think it's plain that you missed or ignored the sarcasm in Soggy's post in your rush to identify some perceived racism.

Not surprising, really. You do have priors...

I don't care if whites are racist or not, it makes no difference.

I'm racist and would stop to save a dog hit by a car, before I helped a white person hit by a car. Get it?
Salt is being a jerk when it comes to racial issues, but what the hey.

West could have killed the prisoner if he had wanted. He didn't. He wanted information, and I am sure he realized his career was over the second he fired the round to terrorize the prisoner into giving information.

West's career was over the minute he became a 22 year O-5, with no chance of promotion.
Doesn't mean he was forced out. Keep your property, it might serve you well.

I happen to know Allen personally. He had the option to stay in the Army, but decided that if it would reprimand an officer for protecting the men in his command, he wanted out.

Bullshit. The reprimand would have killed his career. He never would have made O-6. There's a reason he was a 22 year O-5.

Yes: he valued the lives of his troops over his career!
I happen to know Allen personally. He had the option to stay in the Army, but decided that if it would reprimand an officer for protecting the men in his command, he wanted out.

Bullshit. The reprimand would have killed his career. He never would have made O-6. There's a reason he was a 22 year O-5.

Yes: he valued the lives of his troops over his career!

He obviously lacked leadership qualities
I happen to know Allen personally. He had the option to stay in the Army, but decided that if it would reprimand an officer for protecting the men in his command, he wanted out.

Bullshit. The reprimand would have killed his career. He never would have made O-6. There's a reason he was a 22 year O-5.

Yes: he valued the lives of his troops over his career!

So that's why he was only an O-5 after 22 years? So officers who obtained the rank of O-6 or above, within 22 years, did not value the lives of their troops over their career?
West was kicked out of the Army for being unhinged. Then, he became an unhinged NaziCon Congressman.

Kicked out "overstates" it of course, since you are a dishonest hack lib propagandist wannabe piece of shit, Shitting Bull.

Col West RETIRED after 22 years of SERVICE to his country.

Yes, over the incident described, he admitted his behavior, explained WHY he did as he did, did NOT get court martialed, DID get an Article 15, was fined, did pay his fine and then DID choose to retire.

He was and he remains HONORABLE. I realize the very concept of honor mystifies a sack of shit such as you, Shitting Bull.

he chose to retire like kruschev chose to retire :lol:

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