Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

If any company has difficulty finding workers they are definitely a bad place to work. Imagine the endless number of hard working yoyng Americans who basically have to be told to stop working at the end of the work day.
Actually there are 7 million good tech jobs going begging because the GOP refuses to invest in American infrastructure and American training, brainwashed functional moron.
We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers

Sigh. . . . Wages have risen much more under Trump than they did under Obama. Look at the same numbers you're talking about and see where they were four and five years ago.

And the corporate tax cut merely cut our corporate income tax rate down to the level of Europe and Asia (between 18% and 21%).

Add to the fact while we created 266,000 jobs in November, which as usual, will be revised up:

Canadian economy shed 71K jobs in November — biggest loss since the financial crisis
Another great example of GOP misinformation and spin. From your link....
compared to a year earlier, the numbers show Canada added a healthy dose of 353,000 new positions almost all of which were full time. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick. Sean
Actually they are calling for American workers to be paid less

if not then they want Americans to lise their job due to cheap imports from china
You have no clue. Democrats want a living wage and investment in education and training for 7 million tech jobs now going begging. Of course that would mean taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and that is impossible as we all know, right, brainwashed functional moron?

So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?

Pretty much. Is this a shock to you? Not like you beloved GOP has done much more.

Break it to franco, he's clueless.
Actually they are calling for American workers to be paid less

if not then they want Americans to lise their job due to cheap imports from china
You have no clue. Democrats want a living wage and investment in education and training for 7 million tech jobs now going begging. Of course that would mean taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and that is impossible as we all know, right, brainwashed functional moron?

So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
We do need to pay more for products like the iPhone in order to maintain our manufacturing base

So stupid, why should I pay more to try and move the country backwards.

As for our is doing just fine.

View attachment 293507

80% of the jobs lost in manufacturing were lost to automation and process efficiency. Those jobs are never coming back, as they should not. I have read a study that put forth the idea that Six Sigma cost more jobs than we lost to China.
80% of the jobs lost in manufacturing were lost to automation and process efficiency


the millions of manufacturing jobs lost to china are being filled by chinese not robots

You are clueless once again, doing nothing but parroting the party talking points.

Don’t Blame China For Taking U.S. Jobs

"The study reports as well that trade accounted for 13% of the lost U.S. factory jobs, but 88% of the jobs were taken by robots and other factors at home."

"Investment in automation and software has doubled the output per U.S. manufacturing worker over the past two decades. Robots are replacing workers, regardless of trade at an accelerating pace."

Why do you think that there was no drop in output while there was a drop in employment?

Employee numbers started dropping in 2000

View attachment 293513

yet there was only a tiny dip in output that recovered with in 2 years.

View attachment 293516

Mac-7.... Gater, is entirely 100% correct on this point.

The vast vast majority of job-loss has came from automation. The only place where jobs in manufacturing has increased, is in China, where the price of labor is so low, that it is actually profit-losing to automate.

In Mexico even, most of the manufacturing plants being built are more automated than those in the US.

Manufacturing is not dying, and manufacturing jobs will never cease to exist..... but they will also never be a major force in the US economy.

Now that isn't to say that foreign companies helped in this process. Most certainly Unions made their respective companies un-competitive on the market, relative to the non-union foreign companies.

Even within our own country, we see the rise of non-union steel companies, overtaking the union ones. Nucor for example is non-union, and slowly edging out US Steel in steel production.

So Unions certainly helped to wipe out jobs, relative to non-union foreign companies, clearly harmed employment.

However, the bottom line is that automation wiped out more jobs, than anything China did.

And even if we blocked all trade with China, it would never bring those jobs back.

If they brought iPhone production to the US, it would be entirely automated. You wouldn't have tons of high paid manufacturing workers, doing it.
We have millions of low education workers who are not suitable for high tech manufacturing

But they still need jobs

And we need to keep more of the $350-500 billion going to china in America

If automation is the future I want it in America rather than in china

I want the robots designed and manufactured here as well as put to work here

Well we do. As stated, manufacturing has not disappeared. In fact, it was a record year 2018, in manufacturing. If we rounded up the entire manufacturing sector of the US into a separate country, it was have a GDP of $1.9 Trillion, or be 8th largest economy in the world.

Nevertheless, the solution to more manufacturing in the US, is more trade, not less trade.

A trade war will not making more products be manufactured in the US, but rather fewer.

General Motors, makes more money outside the US, than inside the US. Apple makes more money outside the US. In fact, even McDonald's makes more money outside the US. Yes I realize McDonald's isn't in manufacturing, but the point is.....

Nearly all international companies make more money outside the US. Nearly all.

The US might be the single largest market, but if you consider outside the US as being a combined market, then the US is not the largest market.

The largest market, is the other 7 Billion + people on the planet.

If you force any company to choose between having a manufacturing plant in the US, that only serves the US market, or a manufacturing plant that is outside the US the serves the 7 Billion+ people in the world market.....

Which would you choose? Well I can tell you where anyone with any intelligence would choose... they would choose to build for the international market.

We need to stop making out like the US is this indispensable market. In the 50s, it most certainly was. 60s and 70s, not quite as much. But now after Capitalism has brought billions of people above poverty around the world, we are simply not the one and only market in the world, that everyone must be a part of.

If you force companies into a "our market or the worlds market", it will soon be the worlds market, and not ours.
You have no clue. Democrats want a living wage and investment in education and training for 7 million tech jobs now going begging. Of course that would mean taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and that is impossible as we all know, right, brainwashed functional moron?

So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
Link? Absolute garbage. Simple is for simpletons....
So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
Link? Absolute garbage. Simple is for simpletons....

You don't understand how to end the filibuster?
Do you understand anything about how the Senate works?
You have no clue. Democrats want a living wage and investment in education and training for 7 million tech jobs now going begging. Of course that would mean taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and that is impossible as we all know, right, brainwashed functional moron?

So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do, seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president. I'm ready for it. They seem to still think that there is a chance that the new garbage propaganda GOP might be interested in compromise or good government. Not a chance. You must be very proud, brainwashed functional morons....
So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
Link? Absolute garbage. Simple is for simpletons....

The nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override the 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple majority is needed to close debate on certain matters. The presiding officer denies the point of order based on Senate rules, but the ruling of the chair is then appealed and overturned by majority vote, establishing new precedent.

This procedure effectively allows the Senate to decide any issue by simple majority vote, regardless of existing procedural rules such as Rule XXII which requires the consent of 60 senators (out of 100) to end a filibuster for legislation, and 67 for amending a Senate rule. The term "nuclear option" is an analogy to nuclear weapons being the most extreme option in warfare.

Nuclear option - Wikipedia

You're welcome.....idiot.
So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama?
Is it because Dems are useless twats?

Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do, seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president. I'm ready for it. They seem to still think that there is a chance did the new garbage propaganda GOP might be interested in compromise or good government. Not a chance. You must be very proud, brainwashed functional morons....

That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do,

Obama wasn't in charge of the Senate.....

seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president.

Yeah, wouldn't want to ruin his reputation as a uniter…..
Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
Link? Absolute garbage. Simple is for simpletons....

The nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override the 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple majority is needed to close debate on certain matters. The presiding officer denies the point of order based on Senate rules, but the ruling of the chair is then appealed and overturned by majority vote, establishing new precedent.

This procedure effectively allows the Senate to decide any issue by simple majority vote, regardless of existing procedural rules such as Rule XXII which requires the consent of 60 senators (out of 100) to end a filibuster for legislation, and 67 for amending a Senate rule. The term "nuclear option" is an analogy to nuclear weapons being the most extreme option in warfare.

Nuclear option - Wikipedia

You're welcome.....idiot.
As you can see by the last post, of course I knew that but they're not going to do that. Maybe with a white president. Otherwise you Republican racists would go absolutely nuts instead of just nuts LOL. So keep voting against your own interests, dumbass.
So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
Link? Absolute garbage. Simple is for simpletons....

The nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override the 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple majority is needed to close debate on certain matters. The presiding officer denies the point of order based on Senate rules, but the ruling of the chair is then appealed and overturned by majority vote, establishing new precedent.

This procedure effectively allows the Senate to decide any issue by simple majority vote, regardless of existing procedural rules such as Rule XXII which requires the consent of 60 senators (out of 100) to end a filibuster for legislation, and 67 for amending a Senate rule. The term "nuclear option" is an analogy to nuclear weapons being the most extreme option in warfare.

Nuclear option - Wikipedia

You're welcome.....idiot.
As you can see by the last post, of course I knew that but they're not going to do that. Maybe with a white president. Otherwise you Republican racists would go absolutely nuts instead of just nuts LOL. So keep voting against your own interests, dumbass.

of course I knew that

That's why you asked for a link, because you knew. DURR

but they're not going to do that.

Like I've been saying, Dems are useless twats.

So keep voting against your own interests

Nah, I'll vote against the Dems instead.
Or maybe because during those 16 years, the GOP controlled at least one side of Congress for 12 of them. And god knows the GOP does not want any of those things.

So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do, seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president. I'm ready for it. They seem to still think that there is a chance did the new garbage propaganda GOP might be interested in compromise or good government. Not a chance. You must be very proud, brainwashed functional morons....

That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do,

Obama wasn't in charge of the Senate.....

seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president.

Yeah, wouldn't want to ruin his reputation as a uniter…..
The only divider is the garbage GOP propaganda machine and its doops. Everyone in the world including all journalists and law enforcement know it, brainwashed functional moron.
So the Dems were useless twats for 4 of those years?
And all the years before Reagan, under Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman and FDR when Dems controlled
all 3 branches?
actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster, the Democrats had 35 days in session of control. Used to pass Obamacare by the skin of their teeth...

actually since the Democrats need 60 votes to pass anything over the GOP filibuster,

You're lying. The Dems only needed 51 votes to end the filibuster.
Then they'd be able to fix all that you're whining about.....with 51 votes.

But they didn't, did they? Bunch of useless twats.
That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do, seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president. I'm ready for it. They seem to still think that there is a chance did the new garbage propaganda GOP might be interested in compromise or good government. Not a chance. You must be very proud, brainwashed functional morons....

That would be the nuclear option that Obama I believe didn't want to do,

Obama wasn't in charge of the Senate.....

seeing as that would be be very divisive especially for a black president.

Yeah, wouldn't want to ruin his reputation as a uniter…..
The only divider is the garbage GOP propaganda machine and its doops. Everyone in the world including all journalists and law enforcement know it, brainwashed functional moron.

Says the whiney twat enabler.
Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Thanks to 8 years of the filthy socialist Kenyan pig.

Trump is fixing that mess.
Well he has not ruined the Obama recovery yet. Everything you know is total garbage. Obama averted a GOP World depression and had seven and a half years straight of growth that is indistinguishable from what it has been under Trump. Except for 2 trillion dollars in debt to give the greedy idiot GOP Rich a tax cut. You are a brainwashed functional moron LOL...
So why didn't they do that during 16 years of Clinton and Obama? Is it because Dems are useless twats?
For the billions time, troll, No it is because the scumbag GOP twat party obstructed everything that could be called progress...
Um...ignorant tool? The Dumbocrats has a super-majority under Obama. Even when that went away, they still had a serious majority in both chambers.

Watching you generate excuse after excuse after excuse for the failures of your ideology and your party is as comical as it is pitiful.
They had a supermajority for 35 days in the middle of a gigantic corrupt GOP economic meltdown, dingbat doup. And used it all to pass Obamacare because it wouldn't happen for 4 years...
Another great example of GOP misinformation and spin. From your link....
compared to a year earlier, the numbers show Canada added a healthy dose of 353,000 new positions almost all of which were full time. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick. Sean


Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis
Craig Wong The Canadian Press Published Friday, December 6, 2019 8:50 AM ESTLast Updated Friday, December 6, 2019 1:28 PM EST

OTTAWA -- The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis in November, pushing the unemployment rate higher and raising the possibility the Bank of Canada may cut interest rates next year.

Statistics Canada said Friday the economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose four-tenths of a percentage point to 5.9 per cent to its highest point since August 2018 when it hit six per cent.
Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis

Isn't Canada being run by far-left Liberals?
Another great example of GOP misinformation and spin. From your link....
compared to a year earlier, the numbers show Canada added a healthy dose of 353,000 new positions almost all of which were full time. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick. Sean


Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis
Craig Wong The Canadian Press Published Friday, December 6, 2019 8:50 AM ESTLast Updated Friday, December 6, 2019 1:28 PM EST

OTTAWA -- The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis in November, pushing the unemployment rate higher and raising the possibility the Bank of Canada may cut interest rates next year.

Statistics Canada said Friday the economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose four-tenths of a percentage point to 5.9 per cent to its highest point since August 2018 when it hit six per cent.
Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis

Isn't Canada being run by far-left Liberals?
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
Another great example of GOP misinformation and spin. From your link....
compared to a year earlier, the numbers show Canada added a healthy dose of 353,000 new positions almost all of which were full time. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick. Sean


Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis
Craig Wong The Canadian Press Published Friday, December 6, 2019 8:50 AM ESTLast Updated Friday, December 6, 2019 1:28 PM EST

OTTAWA -- The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis in November, pushing the unemployment rate higher and raising the possibility the Bank of Canada may cut interest rates next year.

Statistics Canada said Friday the economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose four-tenths of a percentage point to 5.9 per cent to its highest point since August 2018 when it hit six per cent.
Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis

Isn't Canada being run by far-left Liberals?
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

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