Alright board,theres totally no free this country..

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
I dont want to be made a fool of.
i have some serious damning evidence that validates obamas communist party affiliation.
fat thread posted in conspiracy theories section.
my question is....
who the fuck runs youtube???
the taliban can post american killings there.
i got my audio,converted,uploaded,etc.
however,after i had done so,with a neat bio on the audio tracks...
not only was the evidence removed....
but,my youtube account was cancelled,and my email account with google wiped
off the map...
what happened to free speech???
we are living in scary times.
bush never did this to his critics
i still have the evidence,though
Ive been touting it to several media outlets,and got some very strange cease and desist emails.
Are you rucking brain dead? There ought to be more free speech, especially toward corporations. But "zero"????? I think you've been suckling on your tin foil sombrero, which is in fact, mostly lead.
He isn't that far out there. I have a YouTube channel also. I have collected (not made) many videos about Obama. From policy to his background. A few months ago after a long absence from using my YouTube I went back on only to discover MANY of my videos have been scrubbed or altered. Many of the authors that i had followed have had their accounts banned.

It is happening. I dunno how or why but it is.
Bush cherry picked intelligence and used a questionable link between Hussein and Al Qeada in order to invade Iraq, which the neocons started pushing for in the 90s. When people tried to oppose his policy, he bullied them as traitors. American's were intimidated from questioning government.

Son, here is what I'm saying: your party used the War on Terrorism to shut down free speech.

And it's not over. After the next homeland attack, your party will completely shut down our right to protest government. They have already laid the foundation for it. Anyone who questions foreign policy will be silenced.

How do you think the Bush administration got the NYT to roll over on the Iraq War? - or to suppress the domestic wiretapping program on the eve of the 2004 election. If the Republicans can shut down the NTY, the game is over. There is no opposition to GOP Government. (post: you ain't seen nothing yet. Watch what they do after the next attack, just watch)

[ame=]Talk - Naomi Wolf - The End of America - YouTube[/ame]
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He isn't that far out there. I have a YouTube channel also. I have collected (not made) many videos about Obama. From policy to his background. A few months ago after a long absence from using my YouTube I went back on only to discover MANY of my videos have been scrubbed or altered. Many of the authors that i had followed have had their accounts banned.

It is happening. I dunno how or why but it is.

Maybe you shouldn't have been ok with all the power you were glad to see Bush get? Homeland security and so on... Now the war on terror has been declared on America, but America.

So what rights have you personally lost Gramps? None still?

BTW, is Youtube privetly owned or not?
There is no reason to expect "Free speech" when you post things to a companies property on the Internet. As is the policy here, someone makes a decision on what is and isn't appropriate based on their personal or professional wishes and acts according to those guidelines. One's unreasonable expectations of "Free speech" has nothing to do with it.
Also many of Obamas old speeches from when he was a senator and before are no longer available.

Not to say this bs is new to Obama cause I wasn't on YouTube prior to about a year ago so I dunno if it happened under Bush as well.
[ame=]Mark Hamill Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
Also many of Obamas old speeches from when he was a senator and before are no longer available.

Not to say this bs is new to Obama cause I wasn't on YouTube prior to about a year ago so I dunno if it happened under Bush as well.

Google's and YouTubes opinion's on the subject are pretty well known. ~shrug~
He isn't that far out there. I have a YouTube channel also. I have collected (not made) many videos about Obama. From policy to his background. A few months ago after a long absence from using my YouTube I went back on only to discover MANY of my videos have been scrubbed or altered. Many of the authors that i had followed have had their accounts banned.

It is happening. I dunno how or why but it is.

Maybe you shouldn't have been ok with all the power you were glad to see Bush get? Homeland security and so on... Now the war on terror has been declared on America, but America.

So what rights have you personally lost Gramps? None still?

BTW, is Youtube privetly owned or not?

Avorysuds you keep assigning motives to me that are so far off its not funny. I did not become heavily interested or involved in politics until the economy crashed. Prior to that I was in my own bubble, oblivious. I am just beginning to catch up yet you constantly bombard me with shit I wasn't even aware of before joining here. Just give it a rest would you....

And i have no idea who owns YouTube. Hence my dunno why or how comment. That being said its still bs.
Son, do you know about the Bush TIPS program?
Operation TIPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was modeled after a famous german dictator in the 30s, who used the domestic population to shut down free speech against the political opposition. He got one part of the population to spy on his political enemies.

Son, after the next homeland attack, the Republicans are going to shut down a citizen's right to question foreign policy. You're going to see people burning Dixie Chick CDs like they burned books in the 30s.

You ain't seen nothing yet. They just need one more attack - and the Left will be isolated as traitors who cannot voice opposition in the media.
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Son, do you know about the Bush TIPS program?
Operation TIPS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was modeled after a famous german dictator in the 30s, who used the domestic population to shut down free speech against the political opposition. He got one part of the population to spy on his political enemies.

Son, after the next homeland attack, the Republicans are going to shut down a citizen's right to question foreign policy. You're going to see people burning Dixie Chick CDs like they burned books in the 30s.

You ain't seen nothing yet. They just need one more attack - and the Left will be isolated as traitors who cannot voice opposition in the media.

Speaking of tinfoil hats.....

[ame=]How to make a tin foil hat that will save you from an alien invasion - YouTube[/ame]

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