

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
They're a bit religious for me but some of y'all might be interested.


We declare the platform of the Constitution Party to be predicated on the principles of: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights, according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. These founding documents are the foundation of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land.

The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is usurpation, and liberty is compromised.

We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of these founding documents.
The Declaration of Independence too religious for you? Where else do inalienable rights come from? Caesar?
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The Declaration of Independence too religious for you? Where else do inalienable rights come from? Caesar?
The Declaration of Independence is not religious- in fact, the word Creator was used to avoid a perceived sanctioning of a religion- and, you would do well to read what's at the bottom of my posts- as well as the MANY arguments I've made about "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights"- the type post you just made might get you some congratulations from the other ignorant posters but I'll let you keep embarrassing yourself in public in the meantime.
i'm gonna have flashbacks reading that link Gdjjr....


They're a bit religious for me but some of y'all might be interested.


We declare the platform of the Constitution Party to be predicated on the principles of: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights, according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. These founding documents are the foundation of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land.

The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is usurpation, and liberty is compromised.

We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of these founding documents.

28 years. Less traction and notoriety than the Libertarian or Green Party. Not much chance of them evolving into anything other than an extreme fringe choice. There won't be any viable third party in the country until the rest of the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, and most of the aging Baby Boomers die off. Then, you might be able to squeeze the money out of politics. My grandchildren's generation (if they can get around the honking mess of debt we've so generously given them) might have an opportunity to have a choice of more than two parties....but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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I'm a baby boomer- let's not paint with a broad brush.
I'm a baby boomer- let's not paint with a broad brush.

The problem is, there's really no getting around that brush. If I'm looking at the politicians over the years who've increased both deficit and debt, rolled back regulations, and voted for policies that have exacerbated economic disparities...yeah, it's the Baby Boomers. I'm referring to policy.
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yeah, it's the Baby Boomers.
They weren't baby boomers until that became a fad (Cruz, Amash, Rand Paul, Massie, et al, are babies comparatively speaking and AOC is a kid, literally speaking, as is that muslim gal from Minn) - they were, and still are, self righteous drunk hypocrites- and I (age 72) don't agree with ANY of their policies, so, no the broad brush doesn't work. Generalizations are what political hacks use- you know, like "the stinky tourists", "shovel ready jobs", free health care and free college- the devil is always in the details- always. A broad brush doesn't single out it makes unfounded accusations or gives undue credit- they are Individuals acting under group think to protect their tribe- (the entirety of the body elect and their appointees)- as a group they have to be disrespectful to Individuals (themselves included) which could explain why they're drunks- or not, they "may" suffer a predisposition, which, if so, means they're not only inept but ignorant - I ain't smart, but I damn sure ain't ignorant- I don't have to be told to come inside when it's raining or have someone read for me or make my mind up about anything- neither do they- but, the group demands it- group think- protect tribe at all costs.

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