Zone1 Should there be limits on what people make in the United States? Some people say yes.

Discussed 5000 times already.
Edit : after a quick search, I couldn't find the list of names that made up "those". So I didn't bother looking into what this unknown list are currently paying to the unknown problems
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MSN And what would the limit be? Billions? Or Millions, since most poor people dont even have 100 dollars? Does this apply to Movie Stars? How about Black Professional Athletes who bettered themselves to make them more valuable to their sports teams while the opposite can be said about the criminal who decided it was easier to steal than work hard? How about Nancy Pelosi and her Hubby, who have made millions of dollars, insider trading? Where is the line drawn on the wealth of the United States citizens, as we have a Constitutional right to achieve greatness?

Not everyone's pursuit of happiness, is the same as the other, but everyone has the equal right to achieve it, unless the government takes that right away, in the name of equity.
The Declaration of Independence
This bird flew away in the 80's when the antitrust laws were gutted and the vultures swooped in.

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