Am I an asshole

Anyone in this thread serve in that 115 degree hell hole? More than one deployment? Then drink a big glass of :anj_stfu: I was there before the war and a week was an eternity. Soldiers went on endless deployments to that place that resulted in divorces and suicides, not to mention countless TBI so you people who say "just a little bit longer" need to do a reality check
"I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans."

That nutjob organization wasn't in Iraq.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

France didn't refuse to support the United States in going after those who attacked America, France correctly and appropriately refused to participate in GWB's illegal and now failed invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan in March of 2003.

The only assholes are those who attempt to propagate the lie that the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan had anything to do with 9/11, or the lie that the invasion was at all 'justified.'
Afghanistan is where the Taliban gave aid to Al-quada, so I have no problem with the fight there in aid of the Northern Alliance. We should not have stayed after Tora Bora.
"There are many examples of commitment: our good ally, France, has deployed nearly one-fourth of its navy to support Operation Enduring Freedom.." - President George W. Bush 2002
President Thanks World Coalition for Anti-Terrorism Efforts

"The total French forces deployed on the theatre of operations, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and the Indian Ocean, amounts to 30,000 men. 23,200 have served in Afghanistan itself.[20] Furthermore, 150 gendarmes are training the Afghan police."

French forces in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"France: The French newspaper of record, Le Monde, ran a front-page headline reading "Nous sommes tous Américains", or "We are all Americans". Following the attacks, French president Jacques Chirac released a statement: "It is with great emotion that France has learned of these monstrous attacks—there is no other word—that have recently hit the United States of America. And in these appalling circumstances, the whole French people—I want to say here—is beside the American people. France expresses its friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Of course, I assure President George Bush of my total support. France, you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that we must fight against terrorism by all means."

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then there is the intelligence sharing and actions by French special forces and Legionnaires that people don't hear about.

I don't know if you're an asshole or not but your memory is short or selective. Maybe both.
Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Tell the class what you think happened post-9/11. It's a slow day and I could use a laugh.
I said what I recall in the OP.

You recall incorrectly.
I think Iraq was post 9/11/01....I could be wrong, but it was definitely after the "You're either with us or against us" speech. And, yes, Iraq was sympathetic to terrorists.Every single one of you lying assholes, and the majority of democratic senators. were in favor of hanging Saddam and leveling his castles
It's interesting, but not surprising, how most on the partisan right try to conflate 9/11 with the illegal, failed invasion of Iraq a year and a half later, in a failed effort to 'justify' that illegal invasion.

For example, the idiocy that was 'freedom fries' concerned the March 2003 invasion, not 9/11.
"There are many examples of commitment: our good ally, France, has deployed nearly one-fourth of its navy to support Operation Enduring Freedom.." - President George W. Bush 2002
President Thanks World Coalition for Anti-Terrorism Efforts

"The total French forces deployed on the theatre of operations, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and the Indian Ocean, amounts to 30,000 men. 23,200 have served in Afghanistan itself.[20] Furthermore, 150 gendarmes are training the Afghan police."

French forces in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"France: The French newspaper of record, Le Monde, ran a front-page headline reading "Nous sommes tous Américains", or "We are all Americans". Following the attacks, French president Jacques Chirac released a statement: "It is with great emotion that France has learned of these monstrous attacks—there is no other word—that have recently hit the United States of America. And in these appalling circumstances, the whole French people—I want to say here—is beside the American people. France expresses its friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Of course, I assure President George Bush of my total support. France, you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that we must fight against terrorism by all means."

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then there is the intelligence sharing and actions by French special forces and Legionnaires that people don't hear about.

I don't know if you're an asshole or not but your memory is short or selective. Maybe both.
Selective may not be the word but, at the time, my son was staged in Afghanistan and his unit was the first to cross the I was glued to the tv 24/7 but trying to catch news about him and not so much political stuff
"There are many examples of commitment: our good ally, France, has deployed nearly one-fourth of its navy to support Operation Enduring Freedom.." - President George W. Bush 2002
President Thanks World Coalition for Anti-Terrorism Efforts

"The total French forces deployed on the theatre of operations, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and the Indian Ocean, amounts to 30,000 men. 23,200 have served in Afghanistan itself.[20] Furthermore, 150 gendarmes are training the Afghan police."

French forces in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"France: The French newspaper of record, Le Monde, ran a front-page headline reading "Nous sommes tous Américains", or "We are all Americans". Following the attacks, French president Jacques Chirac released a statement: "It is with great emotion that France has learned of these monstrous attacks—there is no other word—that have recently hit the United States of America. And in these appalling circumstances, the whole French people—I want to say here—is beside the American people. France expresses its friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Of course, I assure President George Bush of my total support. France, you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that we must fight against terrorism by all means."

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then there is the intelligence sharing and actions by French special forces and Legionnaires that people don't hear about.

I don't know if you're an asshole or not but your memory is short or selective. Maybe both.
Selective may not be the word but, at the time, my son was staged in Afghanistan and his unit was the first to cross the I was glued to the tv 24/7 but trying to catch news about him and not so much political stuff
"There are many examples of commitment: our good ally, France, has deployed nearly one-fourth of its navy to support Operation Enduring Freedom.." - President George W. Bush 2002
President Thanks World Coalition for Anti-Terrorism Efforts

"The total French forces deployed on the theatre of operations, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and the Indian Ocean, amounts to 30,000 men. 23,200 have served in Afghanistan itself.[20] Furthermore, 150 gendarmes are training the Afghan police."

French forces in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"France: The French newspaper of record, Le Monde, ran a front-page headline reading "Nous sommes tous Américains", or "We are all Americans". Following the attacks, French president Jacques Chirac released a statement: "It is with great emotion that France has learned of these monstrous attacks—there is no other word—that have recently hit the United States of America. And in these appalling circumstances, the whole French people—I want to say here—is beside the American people. France expresses its friendship and solidarity in this tragedy. Of course, I assure President George Bush of my total support. France, you know, has always condemned and unreservedly condemns terrorism, and considers that we must fight against terrorism by all means."

Reactions to the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then there is the intelligence sharing and actions by French special forces and Legionnaires that people don't hear about.

I don't know if you're an asshole or not but your memory is short or selective. Maybe both.
Selective may not be the word but, at the time, my son was staged in Afghanistan and his unit was the first to cross the I was glued to the tv 24/7 but trying to catch news about him and not so much political stuff
Pretty fitting word, in more ways than one :thup:
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?

The United States would not exist were it not for the French.

The French were conservatives back then.

Actually, they were classical liberals. The Founding Fathers shared much of their philosophy.

Not to be confused with our current "liberals", of course.
I can't help recalling how France turned and ran the other direction when the call went out for support in going after the Nutjob organization that was behind the slaughter of 3,000+ Americans.

Freedom Fries
Freedom Toast

Am I being an asshole in thinking they should be on their own in their hunt for vengeance over a couple hundred Frogs?

The United States would not exist were it not for the French.
And we returned the favor in the 20th century, so we're even. None of that plays into France's unforgivable default on their NATO obligations.

Luckily the point is moot. Buckwheat didn't defend the Ukraine, another NATO member, and he's not going to help France either.
I think we should give them any intelligence they would like as long as they use it to do some short term strikes and elimination.

I would not encourage them to make the same colossal mistake we've made.
who would say that he is an asshole OP?

wow that's wrong

where is your self love?

never never say that again....

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